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Seniors gather to hear Evans in Rock Island

By Cherie Black

Bettendorf News,

Nearly a dozen seniors gathered Saturday to support Congressman Lane Evans’ opposition of House Republicans’ prescription-drug plan, which would shake up the current Medicare system.

Evans, D-Ill., told the seniors, who gathered at the Project NOW Senior Center in Rock Island, that the Republican plan in the House would leave seniors with large gaps in prescription coverage or without coverage. It also would fail to control the rise of prescription-drug costs while allowing private insurance companies to determine the benefits and premiums offered to seniors, he said.

Under the House GOP bill, insurers can vary their benefit levels and prices around the country and limit access to specific drugs and pharmacies. Also under the bill, seniors would pay the first $250 of their drug costs, then 20 percent of annual costs up to $2,000 — figures that received gasps from some at the center.

One of them, Dorothy Winstein, 78, of Rock Island, said that should she become a widow, she will not be able to afford the many prescription medications she has to take every day. A bill proposed by House Republicans for a prescription-drug plan privatizing Medicare, she said, would make things worse.

“My mother died last year at the age of 97,” she said. “She lived on Social Security and would never have been able to afford her medication. There needs to be a better plan to help seniors.”

Evans said he supports a Democratic prescription-drug plan included as part of the Medicare program with no gaps in coverage. It also would help reduce prescription-drug prices by giving the secretary of Health and Human Services the opportunity to negotiate fair prices, he said.

Evans encouraged the seniors to lobby for a fairer plan.

“The government should work for you,” he said. “The GOP plan is the wrong prescription for seniors. It was written to make insurers wealthy rather than make seniors healthy. We have to fulfill our promises to seniors. That’s why I’ll continue to fight for an affordable, guaranteed plan under Medicare.”

Cherie Black can be contacted at (563) 383-2329 or cblack@qctimes.com.

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