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Your retirement plan could personalize the fund scandal

By Chuck Jaffe, the Boston Globe

September 25, 2003

Most investors have been watching the current mutual fund scandal, but they haven't felt touched by it. That's almost certainly about to change for people whose retirement plans own funds from firms ensnared by regulators.

The fund industry is in the middle of what may be its most challenging dilemma in 80 years.

About three weeks ago, Eliot Spitzer, New York state's attorney general, leveled charges against a hedge fund, alleging that several fund companies gave the firm a variety of trading privileges that range from just plain wrong to flat-out illegal. Since Spitzer's allegations, the busiest people in the fund industry have been process servers, who have been dropping subpoenas on virtually any fund executive with the temerity to answer a knock at the door.

Morningstar Inc., the influential Chicago-based fund-rating firm, recommended a week ago that investors avoid investments in the mutual funds of the NationsFunds, Banc One, Janus, and Strong families. The firm noted these fund groups had been named in Spitzer's complaint and said they shouldn't be considered investment options until they prove they are putting shareholders first.

That creates a dilemma for a lot of individual investors. They're fairly certain their domestic growth or balanced and bond funds were unaffected by the trading allegations -- which were limited mostly to the international funds in the firms -- and they don't necessarily want to change.

The fund firms haven't been formally charged with breaking the law, and they certainly haven't been convicted of anything. And it should be noted that a subpoena is merely a request for information, not an automatic indication that a company's under investigation.

By the same token, the number of subpoenas being tossed at the fund industry further confuses the issue. Several investors noted in e-mails that they were prepared to follow Morningstar's recommendation, until they read that the firms to which they were planning to make a change -- most notably the Vanguard Group -- had been on the receiving end of subpoenas.

That what-to-do-next confusion is about to get a little worse.

While an individual investor can make a case for staying in any of the fund groups implicated by Spitzer -- and I noted last week that the key question for investors is "Would I buy this fund again today?" -- corporate entities will have a much harder time of it.

The person overseeing the 401(k) plan can't necessarily afford to wait for legal judgments before making a move.

In the past week, I have talked to any number of 401(k) plan administrators and benefits coordinators. If their benefits package currently offers funds from the affected groups, they all see themselves making a change in the near future.

The thinking runs this way: "If there is a hint of scandal at these fund firms and I do not kick them out of the plan, then when the next problem occurs, employees will be suing me for not protecting them."

That's not a risk most companies are willing to take.

The result is that if you have the four implicated firms in your retirement plan, you can almost bet that a change is coming.

It makes no difference whether you want the change or not (and it won't have any tax impact, since changing funds within a tax-advantaged account has no tax implications), you can pretty much count on your employer making a move.

The result is an unusual opportunity to improve your investment options.

Given the scandal, telling the brass that you want a better plan with more investment choices from a wider array of fund providers may get some results.

After all, employers will want to couch their changes in terms such as "We're upgrading your retirement plan!" . . .

Katy is one of the many investors who has written in the last two weeks trying to decide how to handle the funds involved in the scandal.

She was ready to unload her Janus funds in favor of Vanguard when she read about that firm being included in the subpoenas. (She also read about Invesco, Fleet, Putnam, and others, although none of those firms were included in Spitzer's complaint.)

It's important that investors don't jump to conclusions or try to outguess the investigators here.

Ultimately, that leaves investors like Katy trying to figure out just where their favored companies are going to fall. There won't be a right answer until we're viewing this situation in our rear-view mirror. But jumping in and out of funds for reasons that have nothing to do with the market or investment strategy is considered an almost sure-fire formula for disaster, so investors need to be careful not to make the fund industry's bad situation something much worse for their own portfolio.





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