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Longer lifespans may not mean higher health costs 

September 11, 2003

More "golden years" do not cost the health care system more, federal researchers say - whether people are healthy at age 70 and live independently for many more years or are sickly and die sooner, their medical costs are about the same.

The findings have big implications for taxpayers, because they suggest that the outlook for the Medicare program as America's baby boomers grow old is not as dire as some policy-makers feared.

Given projections saying the baby boom generation will bankrupt the Medicare trust fund in about 25 years, politicians and economists have wondered whether the increasing longevity of healthier senior citizens would increase or reduce Medicare spending.

The answer is neither, say researchers at the National Center for Health Statistics.

They found medical expenses from age 70 until death averaged $140,700, with little difference between active, long-lived senior citizens and disabled ones - except for those already in a nursing home.

"The basic lesson of our study is that although healthy people live longer, they don't cost more in the long run," said Jim Lubitz, acting chief of the Aging Studies Branch in the statistics center's Office of Analysis, Epidemiology and Health Promotion. "Improving health should be the overall goal of our health care policy, but it's not going to save the Medicare system."

Sandra Decker, a researcher at the International Longevity Center-USA, said Medicare costs will rise because of the sheer number of beneficiaries, not their longer life span.

"It means, yes, we'll spend more on Medicare, but maybe not as much more as we thought," she said.

Uwe Reinhardt, a professor and health economist at Princeton University, said 70-year-olds today have far fewer disabilities than their counterparts a couple of decades ago, when economist Victor R. Fuchs first reported that longevity does not affect health-care spending much. Reinhardt said the new study provides updated numbers on those costs.

The study was reported in today's New England Journal of Medicine.

Decker noted that while better medicine and lifestyle have made senior citizens healthier over the past few decades, the study's findings may not be valid 20 years from now because of the epidemic of obesity, diabetes and heart disease among middle-aged Americans.

Average life expectancy in this country hit a record 77.2 years in 2001, and by 2030, the number of Americans 65 or older will reach 71 million, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  

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