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Providing Care, When the Cure Is Out of Reach

By Jane E. Brody, the New York Times

November 18, 2003

The day of reckoning for Dr. Diane E. Meier, a geriatrician at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York , came a decade ago when she encountered a 73-year-old man with terminal lung cancer. His hands and feet were tied to the bed because he repeatedly pulled out the feeding tube inserted through his nose, despite his explicit wish that he receive no treatment.

"What's going on here?" Dr. Meier asked the resident on duty. "This man is dying. Why is he tied to the bed?"

He'll die if I take out the tube, the resident replied.

"A light bulb went off in my head," Dr. Meier recalled. "This is not a bad doctor or an evil doctor. He just doesn't know what to do."

And so in 1997 a new service was born at Mount Sinai , one that uses the advances of modern medicine and applies them not to cure or treatment but to the relief of physical and emotional suffering. The service tries to meet the needs, not just of the patient in and out of the hospital, but also of the patient's family, helping to navigate the medical complexities, to obtain the assistance for recovery or to ease the patient through the end of life and make decisions about treatments as an illness progresses.

The program Dr. Meier directs, the Lilian and Benjamin Hertzberg Palliative Care Institute, is not a hospice, though it shares the same philosophy of care. Unlike hospice, it is not limited to patients who are expected to die within six months and who are generally required to relinquish insurance coverage for treatment aimed at a cure or prolonging life.

"Palliative care applies to any patient at any age, regardless of whether they are expected to die or recover," Dr. Meier said. Millions of Americans, she added, are now living with multiple chronic illnesses for years before they die: "dementia, heart disease, chronic lung disease, cancer, frailty, and it is not possible to say they'll be dead in six months."

"If palliative care is dependent on the ability to predict the time of death," she continued, "it means most people won't get it. We need to uncouple palliative care from death and dying. Every patient needs this kind of care. The patient does not have to be in the throes of terminal illness and does not have to forgo life-prolonging treatment. Palliative care is optimal medical care for sick people, whether they will live for 10 days or 10 years."

Palliative care has arrived at a time when chronic diseases like congestive heart failure and long-term illness like many cancers and Alzheimer's disease are on a meteoric rise, taxing families and doctors.

Some 1,500 hospitals now have palliative care teams, up from fewer than 100 just five years ago. Among medical schools, 87 percent now require instruction in the treatment, up from 25 percent in 1997. But while doctors may be learning about the existence and value of palliative care, few have the time, expertise and communication skills needed to provide it, Dr. Meier said.

Patients and their families routinely express their gratitude for the attention given to the physical and emotional comforts of their loved ones, Dr. Meier said. Doctors, who rarely have more than a few minutes to attend to the very sick, are grateful when they see that their patients eat better, sleep better and are better able to complete a course of therapy, she added.

And patients receiving such care save hospitals money, Dr. Meier added. These patients are less likely to require very costly treatments and more likely to spend fewer days in the hospital.

Dr. Meier tells of a 50-year-old man who was slowly dying of multiple causes, including a very stubborn infection being treated intravenously with a potent antibiotic that cost hundreds of dollars a day. The powerful drug had knocked out healthy micro-organisms in his gut and left him with severe intractable diarrhea.

The palliative care team recommended that the antibiotic be stopped, reversing the diarrhea. The man was far more comfortable, as were his family members, who were with him through his remaining days.

"More is not necessarily better," Dr. Meier said. "More is sometimes worse, but it is often hard for physicians to see beyond what they believe they must do, which in this case was cure the infection."

One goal, she explained, "is the rational use of effective, scarce hospital resources applied to patients who can benefit from them, not to those who will be harmed."

"When patients and families understand the choices," she continued, "they are better able to consider what they want to do with the time remaining. Very often, the family decides they want to take the patient home." When her program started, 90 percent of its patients died in the hospital. Now 50 percent go home with practical support, coordination of care and symptom relief.

While a doctor bent on a cure may tell someone with an incurable disease that "there's nothing more we can do," Dr. Meier said that "the sicker a patient is and the closer to the end of life, the more you can do."

"Too many doctors have been trained to think that if they can't provide a cure, they have nothing to offer," she said.

She tells of a 24-year-old woman with acute leukemia whose goal from Day 1 was cure. But unfortunately her cancer did not respond to treatment.

"The woman was very weak, in extreme pain, very anxious, short of breath, anorexic and unable to sleep," Dr. Meier said. "But because she continually asked for more pain medication before she was scheduled to receive it, she was blamed as a drug seeker."

The palliative care team quickly established that the woman was seriously undermedicated for pain and had other needs that could be met to make her more comfortable.

The growing demand for palliative care services testifies to its value. In the first year of Dr. Meier's program, 50 doctors asked for consultations for 200 patients. Now the team gets referrals from 800 doctors.

Her program, staffed by three full-time nurses, one full-time social worker and one full-time attending physician, works with physical therapists, occupational therapists, chaplains and others. "Our team is much bigger than what we pay for," Dr. Meier said proudly.

"A single doctor can't do it."

Still, a major stumbling block to the growth of palliative care has been finances. For example, the Mount Sinai program sees 700 new patients a year. Each is visited an average of 8 to 10 times, but only 40 percent of those patients are covered by Medicare.

Dr. Meier explained: "We operate with a diversified portfolio of support from the hospital, philanthropic organizations, grateful families, foundations and government grants. The services we can bill for cover just one salary."

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