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Endless Screenings Don’t Bring Everlasting Health

By Lisa M. Schwartz, The New York Times

April 16, 2012

Picture Credit: Carl Wiens

This month, nine major medical specialty groups published a list of 45 tests and procedures that often have no clear benefit for patients and can cause harm — CT scans for simple headaches, for example, and X-rays for routine lower back pain. You don’t often hear calls from doctors for fewer tests and procedures.

And that’s too bad. Many of them have been oversold, their benefits exaggerated and their harms ignored.

Consider cancer screening. For decades, it has been nearly impossible to watch television, read popular magazines or ride public transportation without seeing advertisements urging regular mammograms, colonoscopies or P.S.A. blood tests. These messages have had a profound effect: the public is now extremely enthusiastic about the notion that we should routinely screen people without symptoms for cancer. In one national survey, most Americans said that cancer screening is almost always a good idea and that finding cancer early saves lives most of the time.

Certainly, the rationale behind screening seems obvious. The earlier cancers are diagnosed, the more often lives will be saved, right? With enough screening, we might even stop cancer.

If only. Finding cancer early isn’t enough. To reduce cancer deaths, treatment must work, yet it doesn’t always. Second, it must work better when started earlier. But for some cancers, later treatment works as well. (That’s why there is no big push for testicular cancer screening — it is usually curable at any stage.)

And some of the worst cancers aren’t detected by screening. They appear suddenly, between regular screenings, and are difficult to treat because they are so aggressive.

So how can we be confident that getting a screening test regularly is a good idea? The only way to be sure is to look at the results of randomized trials comparing cancer deaths in screened and unscreened people. Even when screening “works” in such trials, the size of the benefit observed is surprisingly low: Generally, regular screening reduces fatalities from various cancers between 15 percent and 25 percent.

What does that mean? Think about a “20 percent off” sale at a store. Whether you save a lot or a little depends on the item’s regular price. You’ll get huge savings on a diamond ring, pennies on a pack of gum.

The benefit of screening is like a sale, only you don’t save money — you “save” on your chance of dying. Whether you save a lot or a little depends on the “regular price”: your chance of dying without screening.

For most of us, the chance of dying of cancer in a given 10-year period is small: less than 1 percent. So regular screening with a proven test may bring a 20 percent reduction in a 1 percent risk over a decade. Put another way, two deaths would be prevented for every 1,000 people screened during that period.

And what of the other 998 whose fate was not changed by screening? Some of them will have been harmed.

The most familiar harm is a false alarm: The screening test is abnormal, but in the end there is no cancer. False alarms matter because the follow-up tests needed to rule out cancer can be painful, dangerous and scary.

But overdiagnosis — the detection of cancers never destined to cause problems — is arguably the most important harm of screening. Some cancers grow so slowly that they would never cause symptoms or death. When screening finds these cancers, it turns people into patients unnecessarily.

Since there is no reliable way to know whether a screening-detected cancer represents overdiagnosis, most people seek treatment. People on the receiving end of overdiagnosis can only be harmed — sometimes seriously — by unnecessary surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. While it’s hard to precisely estimate the amount of overdiagnosis that occurs, most experts agree that it’s an inevitable consequence of screening.

The bottom line is that while screening may help some people avoid a cancer death, it will harm many others. We struggle personally, and as doctors, with these trade-offs. We all want to avoid dying of cancer, but no one wants to become a cancer patient unnecessarily.

Increasingly, patient and professional organizations are taking these trade-offs into account. The National Breast Cancer Coalition, for example, has said “there is insufficient evidence to recommend for or against universal mammography in any age group of women.” Similarly, the United States Preventive Services Task Force judged that harms outweighed benefits in P.S.A. screening for prostate cancer, and recommended against its routine use.

In the absence of pronouncements like these, it’s often difficult for patients to decide whether they want to be tested. For years, our colleagues at Dartmouth and elsewhere have been gathering evidence on many tests, but the facts need to be more accessible. Here’s how we think four of the most common, and most rigorously evaluated, stack up for patients.

As noted by the task force, the harms of P.S.A. screening probably outweigh the benefits, which actually are uncertain. None were observed in an American trial, and just a small benefit was found in a European trial. The test results in a disturbing amount of overdiagnosis.

For women at average risk, mammography is a close call. Trials suggest that there are about one to three fewer deaths for every 1,000 women screened over 10 years (the benefit increases with age). But there is substantial overdiagnosis — as many as 10 unnecessary diagnoses per death avoided. Rather than persuading women to be screened, we should help them be informed.

For colon cancer screening, the benefit of the fecal occult blood test outweighs the harms. (Surprisingly, colonoscopy hasn’t been evaluated yet in a randomized trial.) There are about three fewer colon cancer deaths per 1,000 people screened over 13 years, without a lot of false alarms requiring invasive procedures. There has been no evidence of cancer overdiagnosis with this test.

For people at high risk of lung cancer because of heavy smoking, the benefits of CT screening outweigh harms if it is done at highly skilled centers. In a recent trial, repeat scans for false alarms were common, but biopsies were infrequent. The reduction in cancer-specific deaths in the screened group exceeded that of other cancer screening tests — indeed, there were fewer deaths period, a first for any cancer screening. Data on overdiagnosis, however, have not yet been published.

That is our take. But the most important thing is that you have a take of your own. Talk with your doctor about your risks; ask about the potential benefits and harms in regular testing. Sometimes you’ll want to say yes to screening. But it is increasingly clear that often it is O.K. to say no.

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