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Forget About Forgetting

By John Langone

The NY Times, January 21, 2003


Milton Berle once summed it up for many of us: "I have a photographic memory, but once in a while I forget to take off the lens cap."

This self-help book's author, who is director of the U.C.L.A. Memory Clinic and its Center on Aging, aims to remove obstructions to retaining information, no easy task for either the author or the memory-impaired.

At best, the book makes a solid effort. Dr. Small's approach comes down to three basic skills: "Look, snap, connect." As he defines them, looking is "to actively observe what you want to learn." Snapping is creating "mental snapshots of memories." Connecting is linking "your mental snapshots together."

He also offers a number of effective memory exercises and mnemonic techniques, though some seem a bit tedious.

With the "Roman room method," credited to ancient Roman orators, one is asked to visualize a familiar room, then place each item to be remembered in a specific location there. "You can then retrieve the information when taking a mental walk around the room," the author suggests.

But if there really is a surefire way to retrieve what has faded away by somehow tweaking the nerve cells, brain chemicals and electrical impulses that encode our memories, there must be a Nobel Prize awaiting the discoverer.

"The Memory Bible: An Innovative Strategy for Keeping Your Brain Young," by Dr. Gary Small. Hyperion, $25.95.


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