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Need for workers to care for elderly expected to rise

By Victor Godinez
The Dallas Morning News, June 15, 2003

In 2000, the number of Americans over age 60 was 45.5 million.

By 2025, the number is expected to reach 83 million, or nearly a quarter of the population.

The result is that gerontologists — people who specialize in working with the elderly — will be in great demand. "It is a huge area, but I really don't think we are prepared for it," said Dr. Kevan Namazi, director of the department of gerontology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas. "Nobody thinks about who is going to take care of these individuals."

Career options for gerontologists go beyond nursing-home positions, said Cheryl Culbertson, owner of Elder Options of Texas. Assisted-living communities, retirement communities, adult-day-care centers and senior-activity centers all will be affected by the growth in the number of older people, she said.

Gerontologists will be needed as executive directors, social-services experts, marketing professionals, community-relations coordinators, social workers, housekeeping staff and certified nurses' aides. "It just depends on what the actual type of company is and what they would need," she said.

For example, marketing experts at nursing homes and assisted-living facilities are in demand, Culbertson said.

"They need to have an experienced marketing person who understands what extended care means," she said. "You have to have more patience and empathy — it's not a hard sell. You have to understand what it means to grow old. You're trying to get somebody who maybe lived in a house for 40 years and move them into a 410-square-foot room."

Namazi said opportunities also exist for gerontologists in companies that sell products to the elderly, government agencies such as the National Institute on Aging, and advocacy groups such as AARP.

Despite the demographic realities, employers haven't fully embraced workers who specialize in gerontology.

The reason is that employers don't always understand what gerontologists do, said Derek Stepp, director of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education in Washington. Gerontology isn't an accredited discipline, and no certification exams are required.

In addition, a divide exists in the industry over whether the care of the elderly should lie with gerontology specialists or general health-care workers trained in gerontology.

Stepp is aware that employers aren't always educated on the special skills that gerontology specialists can bring to the table.

"I definitely think that is the case, and our organization and members realize that is the case," he said. "That is why you have the organization doing more outreach to the business world."

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