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Indonesian Elderly Proliferate

Popline, November-December 2000

Indonesia has launched a National Plan of Action for the elderly aimed at improving the welfare of the country’s elder population.

Life expectancy in Indonesia has risen by more than 10 years since 1975. The total number of Indonesians over age 60 is projected to triple to 60 million by 2050, while their proportion as a segment of the population will increase to equal that of youths between the ages of five and 24.

The new program seeks to establish and strengthen institutions that care for older people by incorporating various courses, training and schooling to increase the human resource quality of the elderly.

Attention will also be given to the quality of life of the elderly by finding ways and means for them to increase their social function.

Improving the treatment of abandoned and troubled older people through mapping a social security net and better health services was also highlighted along with information dissemination to enhance family and society support for elderly people.

The plan of action was formulated jointly by the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration, the United Nations Fund for Population Activities and other experts.

The Ministry’s Secretary Wibowo said the country must plan now how to deal with the elderly in the future.