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Bush Plan Will Kill Social Security

By Dave Fredley, Sun-Sentinel 

December 20, 2004 

George Bush and his fellow Republicans say they have a plan to save Social Security. Don't buy it.

The Republicans have been trying to kill Social Security since day one. The plan of Social Security to help Americans in retirement was brought to you by the liberals. Or as we're called today weak, commie, godless, lying heathens. 

Unless you listen to Fox TV. Then the insults really start to fly.

If you're like me and have contributed to Social Security for more than 30 years and someday hope to retire, you're out of luck. 

Bush's plan to pull money out of Social Security to give to younger people at a time when Baby Boomers are retiring is either more irresponsible Republican economics, or an obvious plan to deliberately kill Social Security, thereby robbing myself and millions of other Americans of a benefit we have more than paid for.

Trusting George Bush to protect your Social Security is like hiring the wolf to guard the chicken coop. 

Bush and his friends don't have children fighting in Iraq and they sure as heck aren't relying on Social Security to aid in their retirement. 

I've lived up to my part of the agreement on Social Security and I expect the government to live up to its. 
Even though I know Bush and the privatizers don't want to. 

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