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Research Indicates that China will be Faced with a Huge Tide of Aging Population

Beijing - American Baldwin Financial Company and the Center of Strategy and International Study (CSIS) jointly released a report that China will be faced with the huge tide of aging population. These conservative institutions claim that the increase in the aging population will hurt economic development and will bring "unbearable pressure" to the public budget and to the extended family system that is common in China. As GAA notes, the Government of China is taking a number of steps to prepare for the transition and generally regards its older population as a positive resource to the country.



 記者  李鵬



北京 - 美國保德信金融集團與美國戰略與國際研究中心(CSIS)今天在此間聯合公布一份研究報告指出﹐中國正在迎來前所未有的老齡人口巨潮﹐老齡人口的激增甚至可能危及經濟發展﹐給公共預算和大家庭帶來無法承受的壓力。






保德信金融亞洲有限公司總裁傅格信(Douglas Fergusson)認為﹕"全球老齡化對于養老金改革的道路如何走﹐以及個人如何為自己退休後的生活建立穩定的財務保障﹐具有深遠的意義。而這種影響對中國則更為巨大。希望這份報告能夠為政府部門﹑私營機構和個人投資者在研究和解決中國老齡人口問題時提供有價值的信息。"


 CSIS總裁兼首席執行官哈姆雷(John Hamre)也指出﹕"老齡化大潮也許會帶來巨大的挑戰﹐但這並不會削減中國財富積累的勢頭──前提條件是中國今天能夠選擇正確的政策。"




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