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Malta: Elderly urged to report drivers who overcharge


By Jesmond Bonello

Valletta Times, July 8, 2003


Malta - The government has advised the elderly to report any bus drivers who charge higher rates than those established by law.


A report may be lodged with the police or the Malta Transport Authority.


Bus owners will today start new industrial action over their claim for higher subsidies and other issues. They have been directed by their association to suspend the discounted rates which retirees enjoy on bus travel.


It will mean that instead of paying a flat 10-cent rate, elderly people will have to buy tickets at the normal rate of between 15 and 20 cents, depending on the zone of travel.


Bus owners' association president Victor Spiteri yesterday confirmed the directive was still in place and that there had been no positive developments in their dispute with the authorities.


However, the government has pledged legal action against drivers who overcharge the elderly. Yesterday it said immediate action would be taken against reported drivers.


Transport authority officials will also be carrying out spot checks on the buses to ensure that the law is not broken.


Transport Minister Censu has described the bus owners' action as illegal, saying the fares were established by law.


The president of the national association of pensioners, Joseph Scicluna, yesterday had harsh words for the industrial action.


"Does it make sense to target the most vulnerable sector in society," he asked.


He said many pensioners had called to complain. "For certain categories of pensioner, charging them 15 or 20 cents instead of 10 cents will mean a lot. A lot of old people catch two buses to reach a destination and then catch another two to return. This will mean an increase of 20 to 40 cents each time they decide to go out. For example, I know pensioners who like visiting the Malta Trade Fair, in Naxxar.


"This is an extra burden on the weakest category in society. We really would like to make a strong appeal to the bus owners' association to reflect on the issue.


"I want to stress that our council would like to deplore the fact that the measure has been directed against pensioners and elderly people."


The parliamentary secretary responsible for the elderly, Francis Agius, appealed to the association to withdraw its directive with immediate effect. "The action will prove to be very painful to the weakest category of our society, who deserve far better treatment from everyone."


Dr Agius explained that the elderly pass was an important social measure to help the elderly remain active and integrate in society. "The action taken is not only unjustifiable but lacks any social considerations," he said.


In a press conference on Monday, Mr Spiteri had said that if the pending issues are not resolved, bus owners would take harsher action.


The dispute is over the subsidies for the purchase of new buses, the annual subsidies received by the bus owners for their operations and the introduction of bus ticketing machines, which the bus owners fear will introduce the risk of fraud.


In the press conference, Mr Spiteri denied that the association had asked for a Lm2.5 million subsidy for this year, as claimed by the Transport Authority. He said the association was asking for subsidies of around Lm1.2 million.


But the transport minister yesterday published a letter sent to him by Mr Spiteri last February in which the association made a claim for a Lm2.51 million increase in subsidies in relation to a loss of Lm4,932 which every bus, it claimed, was making at the time.


The transport ministry also said the transport authority last week wrote to the bus owners' association inviting it to take an active part in an exercise aimed at creating an "adequate" public transport service.

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