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Swaziland Africa's Grandmothers Debate HIV/Aids


May 6, 2010



African grandmothers have born the brunt of the HIV/Aids epidemia


African grandmothers have gathered in Swaziland to discuss the impact of HIV/Aids on their lives.

Many have become the primary carers of their grandchildren after losing their own adult children to the disease. 

Organisers say they hope to create a "solidarity movement" of African grandmothers to attract targeted aid. 

More than 70% of the world's HIV/Aids sufferers are from sub-Saharan Africa and large parts of the population have been wiped out by the disease. 

The inaugural African Grandmother Gathering has been organised jointly by Swaziland for Positive Living (Swapol), the Canadian-based Stephen Lewis Foundation and the Swazi government. 

Swapol spokesperson Philile Mlotshwa told the BBC the purpose of the conference is to allow grandmothers to share their experiences and concerns, and to increase awareness that grandmothers bearing the brunt of HIV and Aids need support. 

"They [grandmothers] are at the front line of the HIV and Aids epidemic in Africa," she said. 

"Yet no-one has ever recognised the efforts they have actually put through over the two decades when HIV and Aids were discovered in Africa." 

Around 500 grandmothers from 13 sub-Saharan African countries, including Swaziland, are attending the conference, as well as grandmothers from Canada. 

One of the attendees, Siphiwe Hlophe from Swaziland, is providing food, clothing, shelter and school fees for her three grandchildren as well as five other orphans - and she has HIV herself. 

"But at least I'm working," she told the BBC. 

"What about a grandmother who is not working, who is not employed, who cannot have food?" 

Swaziland has highest HIV/Aids prevalence rate in the world.  

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