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Importance of exercise for the elderly

By Azlan Othman

BruneiDirect.Com, May 07, 2003


One of the seniors working out at the JPMC gym

Brunei - Studies have shown that exercise improves the cardiovascular health of a person: it can lower blood pressure, reduce heart disease risk and help control stress. The risk of other illnesses such as stroke and diabetes are also reduced. Exercise can also help prevent or delay the onset of osteoporosis, which affects the elderly. As we grow older, our flexibility and balance inevitably decreases. Health experts agree that elasticity in our connective tissues - muscles, tendons and ligaments - slacken, and that sensory function responsible for balance also changes as we age. With appropriate stretching exercises, the decline can be halted and improved.

Exercise can also lift one's spirit and outlook on life. Our moods can be affected when we wake up with aches and pains in the morning. We will use this as an excuse not to exercise. With a regular regime of exercise, the aches and pains will be minimised or even disappear. Exercise will gradually increase our endurance, strength, balance and flexibility.

If seniors do not exercise, there is a high risk of losing muscle and gaining fat. When seniors lose muscle strength, they risk becoming more dependent on others to do work for them. Exercise can be a combination of walking, swimming and even weight training. JPMC has facilities at their Fitness Centre to cater to all these exercises.

It is advisable to consult a doctor for a check-up before performing any exercise. The doctor will be able to advise on your body's response to the different types and level of physical activity. A professional trainer may then be needed to plan the different stages of exercises to build up strength gradually.

Club Senior is an exercise programme designed by JPMC to cater especially for those aged 55 years and above. The club is only open to members from 8am to 12 noon daily. The monthly fee for the Club is $30.00 and there are no membership fee charges.

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