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  Hidden Plague of Alcohol Abuse by the Elderly

By: Jane E. Brody
New York Times, April 2, 2002


Alcohol abuse by seniors: experts call it a hidden epidemic. Hidden because its symptoms often mimic or are masked by common physical and mental infirmities of aging. Hidden because doctors rarely ask about when and how much their older patients drink or what effect alcohol may have on their lives.

Hidden because older people and their relatives are often in denial about the extent and effects of their drinking habits. Hidden because the amount of alcohol now causing trouble had no untoward social or physical effects in middle age. Hidden because many of the hallmarks of excessive drinking — like missing work or being noticeably intoxicated — may not be noticed among retirees who live alone.

Although problem drinking is less common over all among older people, as the population ages, increasing numbers of older adults are getting into trouble with alcohol, often with an amount of alcohol that most would not consider immoderate. In some cases, even moderate consumption can cause or aggravate ailments associated with aging or cause dangerous interactions with medicines older people take.

While few would deny a healthy older person a glass of wine or that cocktail before dinner, the nation's experts on alcohol are now urging greater restraint for drinkers over 65 and asking people in and out of the medical field to pay more attention to the drinking habits of older adults.

On April 11, National Alcohol Screening Day, thousands of people at 2,000 sites across the country will have a chance to have their drinking patterns assessed anonymously and the findings discussed with trained counselors.

To find the nearest screening site, call (800) 405-9200 or, on the Web, consult mentalhealthscreening.org. Screening is urged even if alcohol is not a problem for you but may be for someone you care about.

An older person may have never had a previous alcohol problem, but various circumstances common among older people can increase the risk of alcohol abuse. Retirement may result in a loss of structure, self-esteem and income and an increase in loneliness and boredom. Other losses — of spouses, friends, physical well-being or independence — as well as pain or sleep problems may also prompt older people to turn to alcohol.

Changing Effects of Alcohol

Because the body that is consuming alcohol at 65 or beyond is not the same as the one that drank at 45, the effects of a given amount of alcohol can be greatly exaggerated in an older person.

As people age, they lose lean body mass (muscle and bone) and acquire a greater percentage of body fat. This results in a decrease in body water, and since alcohol is soluble in water, not fat, a given amount of alcohol reaches higher concentrations in the blood of an older person.

In addition, as people age, there is a decline in a stomach enzyme — alcohol dehydrogenase — that starts to break down alcohol before it reaches the bloodstream. This further increases the blood alcohol level and places an extra burden on the liver, where most alcohol metabolism takes place. Furthermore, with advancing age, blood flow through the liver declines as does kidney function, so alcohol is eliminated more slowly from the blood.

Older women are especially at risk because they are usually smaller, have less lean body mass and lower levels of alcohol dehydrogenase than men, all factors that result in a higher blood alcohol levels than men experience. In fact, at any age women reach higher levels of intoxication than men do per dose of alcohol.

All told, blood alcohol levels in older people typically are 30 percent to 40 percent higher than in younger people who consume the same amount of alcohol. But even at equivalent blood alcohol levels, older people are more likely than the middle aged to experience intoxication, cognitive difficulties and problems with balance and coordination. In other words, tolerance for alcohol declines, and the risks of excessive drinking rise with age.

Add to this the interactions between alcohol and some 150 prescription and over-the-counter medications, and you have the potential for disaster resulting from immoderate alcohol intake by older people, most of whom take drugs for conditions like arthritis, depression, hypertension and heart disease. Among the common drugs that can interact badly with alcohol are acetaminophen, antidepressants, aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, digoxin, heparin, hypoglycemics and sleep aids.

Certain ailments common among older people can be worsened by alcohol, among them gastrointestinal bleeding, depression and anxiety, cognitive impairment, cirrhosis and other liver diseases, hypertension and cardiac arrhythmias, osteoporosis and impaired immunity.

And while many people believe that alcohol before bed aids their sleep, in fact, alcohol interferes with normal deep sleep and commonly results in middle-of-the-night insomnia.

Be aware, too, that reflexes slow with advancing age, a problem greatly worsened by alcohol for anyone who tries to drive soon after drinking even a small amount.

Many people who live into their 90's and beyond attribute their longevity in part to their daily cocktail or glass of wine.

Though this may sound like an attempt to justify a bad habit, in fact studies of tens of thousands of people here and abroad have found that regular moderate alcohol intake diminishes the risk of heart disease and possibly stroke, probably by raising blood levels of protective H.D.L. cholesterol and estrogenic substances.

Moderate alcohol consumption has also been linked to a reduced risk of dementia in people over 55. The key word here is moderate. For younger adults, moderate is defined as no more than two drinks a day for men and no more than one drink a day for women.

But for healthy men and women over 65, the new definition of moderate offered by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism is no more than one drink a day, and some experts suggest that older women would be wise to cut that amount in half.

Defining a Drink

A study in the mid-1990's revealed that 15 percent of men and 12 percent of women 60 and older visiting a primary care clinic regularly drank more than one drink a day. Depending on the group studied, 2 percent to 10 percent of older adults have been found to abuse alcohol.

What is "a drink"? It is 12 grams of pure alcohol, the amount found in a 12-ounce beer, a 5-ounce glass of wine or a shot of 80-proof distilled liquor.

In ordering a drink, the amount of alcohol served may be considerably more than "one drink." You would be wise to measure out the specified amount of your favored beverage at home so you can recognize when you are served far more than the recommended amount.

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