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  In Struggle Against Alzheimer's, Hope May Be Over the Counter

By: Denise Grady
New York Times, January 22, 2002


For people worried about developing Alzheimer's disease, a recent study seemed to offer a rare hint of good news.

Dutch researchers found that people who took anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen or naproxen for at least two years were only one-sixth as likely to get Alzheimer's as people who did not take the drugs. The medicines are widely used: ibuprofen is the main ingredient in Advil and Motrin, and naproxen is found in Aleve.

The study, published in November in The New England Journal of Medicine, was not considered definitive, but several other trials are under way, also testing anti-inflammatory drugs in people with Alzheimer's disease or at high risk of developing it. The newer trials, more rigorously designed than the Dutch one, are expected to provide clearer answers about whether the drugs can ward off Alzheimer's.

The studies reflect scientists' growing interest in the idea that a common condition, inflammation, may underlie many chronic and debilitating diseases — like Alzheimer's, heart disease, osteoporosis and diabetes — and that drugs that fight inflammation may have a role in preventing or delaying those diseases, or at least slowing them down.

The drugs being studied belong to the class known as Nsaids (pronounced EN- seds) — nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition to ibuprofen and naproxen, the class includes aspirin and the prescription drugs known as cox-2 inhibitors, celecoxib (Celebrex) and rofecoxib (Vioxx). Prescription anti-inflammatory drugs also include diclofenac (Voltaren), indomethacin (Indocin) and other less commonly used drugs.

Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is not part of the group; it treats pain and fever, but does not have the same anti-inflammatory properties as the other drugs.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories are among the most popular medicines in America. They ease pain and fever, and millions of people take them for headaches, backaches, arthritis, colds and the flu. Millions with risk factors for cardiovascular disease have also been advised to take an aspirin a day to lower the risk of a heart attack or the most common type of stroke, which occurs when an artery supplying blood to the brain is blocked. Aspirin is the only anti-inflammatory drug that has been proved to have this benefit. Originally, the effect was attributed to aspirin's ability to prevent blood clots, which can cause heart attacks or strokes. But now, researchers think part of the protective effect may come from aspirin's ability to quell inflammation in the arteries, helping to prevent blockages.

But apart from recommending an aspirin a day, or a baby aspirin, to patients at risk for heart disease, doctors are not encouraging people to take other anti-inflammatory drugs to prevent Alzheimer's or any other chronic illnesses. They say it is too soon: there is no definitive evidence that the drugs will work. And regular use is not safe for everyone.

Side effects can include stomachache or nausea in up to 20 percent of patients, and stomach or intestinal ulcers and bleeding in 2 percent to 4 percent of those who take the drugs for a year, especially people over 60. The stomach bleeding can occur with little warning, and it can be fatal. Even low doses of aspirin can cause stomach bleeding in some people. (Cox-2 drugs are thought less likely to cause stomach bleeding.)

Aspirin can also cause a slight increase in the risk of a less common type of stroke, one brought on by bleeding in the brain.

In people with kidney disease, anti-inflammatory drugs may make the problem worse.

A study has suggested — though it is not definitive — that cox-2 drugs may cause a slight increase in heart attack risk.

Finally, researchers say that the anti- inflammatory drugs' interactions with other drugs, including aspirin, need further study.

Recent studies have highlighted some of the uncertainty about the effects of long- term use of Nsaids. Last month, a study suggested that if aspirin users took ibuprofen, too, it might cancel out aspirin's cardiovascular benefit. The researchers, led by Dr. Garret A. FitzGerald at the University of Pennsylvania, did the study because they knew that many people took more than one anti-inflammatory drug at a time.

Aspirin helps prevent heart attacks by acting on blood cells known as platelets, which play a major role in clotting. Aspirin prevents platelets from sticking to each other; it does so by blocking the enzyme cyclooxygenase, or cox, and stopping production of a substance called thromboxane, which makes platelets sticky. Aspirin's effect on platelets is irreversible and lasts for as long as the cells live. But the body is constantly making new platelets.

The researchers found that if people took aspirin first, and took one dose of ibuprofen two hours later, the aspirin still prevented their platelets from clumping. But if for six days they took ibuprofen first, or took several doses a day after taking aspirin, the effect of aspirin was blunted, and the platelets became sticky. Ibuprofen temporarily attaches itself to the same part of the enzyme as aspirin, interfering with its action.

Unlike ibuprofen, other painkillers — acetaminophen, rofecoxib, diclofenac — did not interfere with aspirin because the molecules have a different structure. But indomethacin might act like ibuprofen, the researchers said.

The study, published in The New England Journal of Medicine, was widely reported, and the findings worried many people who take aspirin in hope of preventing a heart attack.

Dr. Leslie J. Crofford, a rheumatologist and associate professor of internal medicine at the University of Michigan, said some of her patients called to ask, "Will I have a heart attack if I take an Advil?"

Dr. Crofford has been telling them that occasional use is of no concern, especially since most people take their aspirin in the morning.

"This idea — that if you take Advil for a headache, it will interfere with aspirin's work — is nonsense," she said. But she and other experts cautioned that the Pennsylvania study did suggest that steady use of ibuprofen — several doses a day for weeks or months at a time — might interfere with aspirin.

For patients who take aspirin to lower the risk of heart attacks but also need regular doses of an anti-inflammatory drug, Dr. Crofford said that she would recommend an anti-inflammatory other than ibuprofen.

For those who like ibuprofen best for chronic pain but also have a risk of heart attack, Dr. David P. Faxon, chief of cardiology at the University of Chicago and president of the American heart association, said: "They need to consult physicians. If they need to be on a blood thinner like aspirin, they may need to switch to another blood thinner like Plavix." Plavix is a prescription drug that makes platelets less sticky, but it is not an anti-inflammatory.

Another article in the same issue of The New England Journal as Dr. FitzGerald's study suggested that in people who already had chronic kidney failure, aspirin and acetaminophen might make the condition worse, with a slightly higher risk from acetaminophen. The drugs may block the production of substances that are needed by the kidney. But the researchers said that they could not be sure whether the patients' use of anti- inflammatory drugs was a cause of kidney disease, or an effect of it. In some of the patients, conditions that caused their kidney problems may also have caused pain, prompting them to use painkillers more often than healthy people.

Despite the uncertainty, though, Dr. Faxon and Dr. Crofford warned that people with kidney failure, which in its early stages often has no symptoms, had to be very careful in using anti-inflammatory drugs.

But, Dr. Faxon said, "A lot of people with kidney disease also have heart disease, and we keep them on aspirin because the heart disease risk is worse. It's always a balancing of risks with medicines."


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