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  Some of the Many Views of Mammography

By: New York Times
February 5, 2002


The news that some researchers were challenging the benefits of yearly screening mammograms has provoked widespread confusion and debate. Science Times asked a number of those involved in the debate about their views. Following are excerpts from their replies.

professor of radiology at the University of California at San Francisco.

"From my vantage point as a radiologist I think the evidence indicating the benefits of mammography is overwhelming, so I'm not troubled by these revisionist thinkers who are claiming that hundreds of trials were done incorrectly."

private practice, New Haven.

"It has created a lot of confusion. I think doctors are very insecure about telling women to stop getting mammography or telling them it's not worthwhile."

"I've shared with them the information that I know from the Lancet article and I've told them I feel it's best to go with whatever they feel most comfortable with. I'm not advising them one way or the other. I'm trying to make them understand the limitations of the test and letting them make their own decision."

family practitioner in Swansea, Mass.

"I do still recommend mammography in the same protocol that has been traditional, mostly because I've seen articles in the newspaper like everyone else, but I haven't actually seen the criticisms of the previous studies. I haven't gotten enough information to change the recommendations. Mammography has been the traditional recommendations for so long, and this is just one voice that's saying maybe you should rethink this."

director, Betty Lou Ourisman Breast Health Center, Washington.

"Mammography has never been safer or more accurate than its present state. The current reconfiguration of old data wrongly understates the benefits of screening mammography."

obstetrician-gynecologist, director of the Prime Time Clinic for menopausal women, Lyndon B. Johnson General Hospital, Houston.

"What I'm telling my patients right now is that I still advise them to get mammography.

"There's no such thing as the perfect study and you don't normally change what you do on the basis of one study.

"For the last 25 years we've been screaming at you to get your mammograms, now suddenly you're getting a completely different message. Before we all stop midstream and backpedal let's look at the evidence, let's duplicate it and make sure this is telling us what we think it's telling us.

"I don't think women want to go back to the days of thinking that there's absolutely nothing they can do to detect breast cancer early. I think most of us physicians are more willing to be cautious; it's a test that doesn't cause any harm."

member, P.D.Q. (Physician Data Query) advisory board, which issued report on mammography for the National Cancer Institute; co- director, program on prevention at the University of North Carolina Medical School.

"I do think that the message from all this is that the decision to have or not to have a mammogram shouldn't be quite so knee-jerk. Physicians and patients just need to stop and think about this a little bit. It's not quite so simple as we first thought. It's not that mammograms are a bad thing and nobody should get them and it's not that they are so wonderful that everybody should get them. It's something in between, and that's a harder public health message."

breast cancer specialist at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center; president, American Society of Clinical Oncology.

"The downside of continuing with mammograms is very small. The consequences of stopping screening prematurely could be disastrous. You can't go back and fix it if you miss a cancer that could have been helped. It's better to err on the side of caution at this point, pending scholarly review of all the information."

oncologist, 55, Hematology Oncology Consultants, Columbus, Ohio; member, two panels that have reviewed mammography data for the National Cancer Institute.

"I just think that mammography's usefulness is overrated, and there is no data supporting annual versus less frequent mammograms. It's been a couple of years since my last one and I have no plans to have another one now. I don't know what to do. I'm no longer just marching along doing them annually without thinking about it."

Democrat of Iowa, who will hold hearings on mammography.

"There is considerable controversy surrounding the Danish study and women deserve a clear answer. I am personally convinced that had my two sisters had access to mammography that they would not have died so young because of this terrible disease."


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