Elder Rights in Asia Pacific
Reports & Articles
India: Report
on Elder Abuse in India (2012)
HelpAge India completed the
following report about elder abuse in India
in honor of the first annual International
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. Here
are only a few of their salient findings:
More than
two out of every five older persons studied
are financially dependent on others; more
than one half are financially dependent on
the oldest son. Some 35% of the older
adults studied report elder abuse.
Another 51% feel neglected sometimes, while
yet others (40%) feel neglected every
day. Fifty-three percent of the older
individuals studied did not take any actions
to respond to the abuse; Nearly all (92%) of
those older adults who were abused did not
file a complaint against the abuser.
Report: Older
Women in India
In India,
the elderly population sex ratio leans
towards females. Socio-economic changes and
urbanization have eroded the relationship
between the elderly and the younger
generation. These older women face
marginalization, social insecurity,
financial uncertainty, healthcare concerns
and emotional isolation. The lack of
awareness, support and cultural biases make
older women more vulnerable to human rights
violations. With increasing life
expectancies and a higher percentage of
elderly women in the Indian elderly
population, specific issues surrounding this
group need special attention and action.
Special Report: Attitudes to Older Workers
(January 2012)
A report
prepared for the Financial Services Council
of Australia states that the population of
people over 60 years of age is growing at
approximately four times the rate of other
demographic groups and over 1 million
Australians aged 50 or over today have
insufficient pension or superannuation
coverage. In response to this policy
challenge, the government is seeking to
increase labor force participation by older
people. This report points out barriers
related to attitudes of employers. For
example, age discrimination is most acute
for those in the middle-income bracket and
the cost of retaining older workers is
In view of a
rapidly aging population, Australia has set
increasing workforce participation of mature
age people (aged 50 and above) as a policy
priority. This report presents 14 barriers
to aging workforce participation ranked in
order of importance. The top barriers are
physical illness, injury and disability, age
discrimination and issues around private
recruitment practices. The report provides
evidence and policy responses for each
Plight of China's Elderly in Rural Areas
(June 8, 2012)
Due to the heavy migration of young adults
to urban areas, older persons must fend
for themselves in rural areas of China.
The greatest problems for these Chinese
elders is that they have little income and
are prone to depression. In some villages,
nearby college students visit every two
weeks to help seniors with chores and
housework and keep them company.
China, too, Faces Challenge of an Aging
Society (May 28, 2012)
China is facing the challenge of an aging
population. Simultaneously, urbanization
and industrialization is weakening
traditional family support networks,
specifically for senior citizens. Many
retired older workers have low pensions
and often cannot meet some of their most
basic needs. As China’s population ages,
the younger workforce available to work is
decreasing. This may not only affect the
country’s economy but also the quality of
life for elders since there will be less
support. How will China manage this
Aging Populace Gives Birth to Growing
Market (May 21, 2012)
With over 185 million Chinese 60 and
older, China has the world's largest aged
population. Because the government is not
meeting the demands of its rapidly aging
population there has been an increase in
new business opportunities, local and
global, to satisfy the old-age market. In
fact, Lu Ying, Director of the Social
Welfare and Charities Division of the
Ministry of Civil Affairs estimate that
the market value of such services is over
450 billion yuan. But will those elders
who cannot pay be served?
Inaugural “Filial Piety” Mini-Movie
Competition Kicks Off in Beijing (April
23, 2012)
in Chinese)
China Aging
Development Foundation and other
partners are co-organizing the first
international movie-making competition
featuring filial piety in action. At the
press conference, a short Malaysian
video of the same theme was featured and
the director comments that the tradition
of filial piety is very much alive in
other parts of the world where Chinese
live. Shortlisted entries would be aired
on TV and the internet for public
voting. Tune in!
China: Wu
Yushao: Rural Children Cold Towards
Parents (April 17, 2012)
in Chinese)
By 2050,
one in three people will be above the
age of 60 years. Wu Yushao, Vice-Chair
of China National Committee on Aging,
commented that 52 percent of rural young
people are indifferent towards their
parents; 96 percent of older people in
China live at home. China could consult
the experiences of other countries such
as Singapore to encourage children to
live with their parents or live near
their parents by implanting measures
such as subsidies and tax rebates.
China: “Old
Before Rich” Constrains Economic Growth;
Expert Recommends Increasing Retirement
Age (April 9, 2012)
in Chinese)
population is aging before it has fully
modernized and developed; elder care
services are lagging behind demand.
Xiong Bijun of the Chinese Academy of
Social Sciences recommends increasing
retirement age by one every five years.
By 2035, retirement age would reach 64
and labor force participation would be
71.5 percent instead of 58.1 percent if
China keeps the current retirement age.
This would allow China to continue
reaping its ‘population dividend’ (labor
force participation greater than 66.6
percent and dependency ratio below 50
percent beyond 2030).
Population on the Rise (April 5, 2012)
Health and Family Welfare Minister AFM
Ruhal Haque believes that raising
awareness of aging issues require a
concerted mutual effort between the
media and civil society. People above 60
years comprise 6.8 percent of
Bangladesh's total population. By way of
timely initiatives, diseases can be
Commentary: “Thickly Cared for and
Thinly Buried” Shows Virtue (April 5,
in Chinese)
Every year
during Qingming Festival, or Tomb
Sweeping Day, families tend to ancestral
graves. In recent years, to exhibit
filial piety, children buy expensive
paper ‘mansions,’ or items such as cell
phones, to be burnt as offerings, or pay
for expensive services like performances
and rites. The writer reminds us that
not only is spending such money on elder
care when their parents are still alive
more virtuous, simpler burial services
and ancestral offerings, such as writing
a poem, are also more environmentally
friendly. Government legislation
should regulate the building of opulent
graves to encourage green burials.
Ageing India May See a Rise in Number of
Widows (April 3, 2012)
According to the World Health
Organization, the number of widows will
increase rapidly in India because of their
longer life-spans compared to men.
Because of the male-dominated culture,
this will in turn reflect the large
percentage of older women who are at risk
of dependency, isolation and poverty.
Recommendations to help this transition
include a state sponsored insurance and a
separate geriatric department.
China: More
Than Half Unwilling to Go to Elder Care
Homes; Elder Care Crisis Increases
Public Anxiety (April 3, 2012)
in Chinese)
Of almost
2,000 people surveyed, 69.6 percent
indicated that they are ‘very anxious’
about their own retirement with only 6.2
percent agreeing that “as long as one
works hard to accumulate wealth, elder
care is no issue.” Only 15.84 percent are
willing to experience institutional elder
care; 57.84 percent indicated money as the
biggest obstacle in caring for their
parents; 20.71 percent indicated gaps in
the elder care market and lack of supply
to meet demand; 42.58 percent of
respondents plan to rely on pensions in
old age; 65.82 percent think that the
solution to the current crisis is for the
government to invest more in hardware and
software in areas such as social security,
medical insurance and elder care.
ensures basic care for older persons who
are not insured. In the future, older
persons may also get reimbursed for
medical treatments in homes instead of
having to visit community-based clinics to
qualify. To encourage setting up more
elder care facilities, Beijing will
increase subsidies on a per-bed basis,
reduce the cost of utilities and provide
land for both private and public
China may not
be the most rapidly aging society but it
is aging on the largest scale. Unlike the
US, there are very few retirement
communities in China. In the US,
development has already shifted from
large-scale to smaller communities and
there are units for both high and
low-income older persons. Some major
cities in China have started to prioritize
the development of the ‘grey economy’ and
the scale will continue to expand with
government support.
China: China
Faces Daunting Elderly Care Challenge
(March 27, 2012)
At a Ministry
of Health symposium exploring the
possibility of establishing a long-term
elderly care system in China, Wu Yushao,
vice-director of the China National
Committee on Aging, said that “at least tens
of millions of households are having
difficulties with elderly care” due to the
rise of “empty nest” families and an aging
Elderly Queuing to Stay in Beijing’s
‘First Social Benefits Home’ to Wait 10
Years (March 26, 2012)
in Chinese)
By the end of
2011, there were 3.15 million beds in elder
care facilities nationwide, which cater to
only 1.77 percent of the elderly population
in China. In Beijing, there are neighborhood
daycare centers but no one uses these
ill-equipped and understaffed centers.
Aging-in-community cannot be depended on but
homes are also not an option. Often, they
refuse to take in dependent older persons
and less than one-third of homes in Beijing
have medical staff. Beijing’s best-run
public eldercare home has 1,100 beds and
7,000 people on the waiting list.
Old People Have No Obligations to Prove
Themselves ‘Still Alive’ (March 26, 2012)
(Article in
To prevent fraud, many local
government offices require retirees to prove
that they are still alive to receive a
pension. Methods include making them pay for
a ‘still alive’ card and having pictures
taken of the retiree holding newspapers of
the current date. The writer thinks that the
state is responsible for pensions; pension
is not a privilege. The more economically
developed and civilized a society is, the
more it should provide security and respect
for the elderly. A service-oriented state
should be responsible for ascertaining if
pensioners are still alive; obliging
pensioners to do it is lazy governance.
Korean Government Increases Jobs
Opportunities for its Older Citizens (March
21, 2012)
(Article in
The Ministry of
Health and Social Care will increase job
opportunities for Korean senior citizens,
which is going to augment by 10 percent this
China: Older
People Rarely Go to the Movies; Elder
Consumers Forgotten by Cultural Industries
(March 20, 2012)
in Chinese)
The Hong Kong
movie, “A Simple Life,” is doing very well
and has sparked discussions about elder life
issues. Ironically, it did not attract older
people to the movies. They tend to be
frugal, focused on living healthily and
helping out at home. Their leisure
activities are free or low-cost. Unlike in
Japan, cultural products in China often
neglect the elderly. One reason is that in
Japan, children are independent at an
earlier age, leaving their parents free to
pursue their own interests. An official from
the Ministry of Culture admits that China
has inadequate publicly funded cultural
spaces and activities, and these often are
not attractive to the elderly.
China: Eldercare Plan Must Be Foreseeable
(March 20, 2012)
in Chinese)
China is
rapidly aging as a country--because of the
one-child policy and increased longevity.
Ensuring quality of life for the elderly is
a requirement for a people-oriented
political system. In China, parents raise
children to ensure their own elder care.
Children see providing for their parents as
their responsibility and payback for their
own upbringing. However, a rapidly aging
China cannot totally depend on the family
model of care. The current model is
insufficient and has to be improved before
the full-blown actualization of an aged
Japan’s Elderly Drive Demand for
Care-Giving Robots (March 19, 2012)
The number of
Japanese aged 100 and above has risen for
the 41st consecutive year. This
article introduces some of the new robots
that will soon be released. These include:
an improved hair-washing robot and a robotic
suit that is worn by the user for assistance
in walking. The article also features a
video of a robot that looks like a teddy
bear designed to lift patients in and out of
wheelchairs and beds.
Elderly Population Reaches 143 Million; 2
Trillion Yuan Consumer Market Attracts
Japanese and Korean Corporations (March
19, 2012)
in Chinese)
The 2012
Zhejiang Expo on businesses targeting aging
consumers attracted experienced Japanese and
Korean firms that bring in more
sophisticated ideas and specialized products
and services, because Chinese firms are new
to this industry. These include clothing,
food, health, entertainment, travel
offerings and elder care services. By 2020,
older persons will make up 17 percent of
China’s population and the market for elder
products will a 2 trillion Yuan attraction.
Population Ages Faster; ‘Old Before
Becoming Rich’ Tests Development of Elder
Care Industry (March 12, 2012)
in Chinese)
of the National People’s Congress and
People’s Political Consultative Congress now
say that in China people age before
acquiring the wealth needed to sustain them
in old age. Families are getting smaller and
the elder care industry is not well
established. Thus, the government has to
take the lead. The traditional Chinese
model—low wages, high benefits—that places
the whole burden of care on employers is no
longer suitable. The author argues that
China has to actively seek societal support
and develop a diversified, integrated
approach to aging. Some argue for a “market”
approach which could reduce services for
poor elders. Experts point out that the
elder care industry remains unregulated.
China: National
People’s Congress Deputy: Budget Spending on
Developing Services for Aging (March 7,
in Chinese)
Aging is a hot
topic at this year’s National People’s
Congress and the Chinese People’s Political
Conference. Deputy Cao Lili from Shaanxi
suggests that the government budget for the
development of social services and social
insurance for the elderly. She also suggests
that the government take a leading role in a
pilot project located in Western China to
develop elder care services and facilities,
for example, by encouraging and aiding
investments in elder care services.
China: Wen
Jiabao: Work Hard to Provide for Urban and
Rural Aging (March 7, 2012)
in Chinese)
In the latest
government working report, Prime Minister
Wen reports that actualizing elder care
for urban and rural elderly is an
important step requiring the support of a
comprehensive social security system.
State initiatives include retirement
insurance and encouraging investments and
NGOs in elder care. Since the standard of
health insurance is closely linked to
elder health, the government will also
improve coverage and health services. The
report also mentions a focus on rural
China: Aging
in Community: Problems that Must be
Tackled (March 6, 2012)
in Chinese)
First, while
every locale is investing in aging, resource
allocation is unreasonable, unfair and
inefficient. Inequalities in quality and
quantity exist between urban and rural
areas, in institutions and at home, in
nursing and non-nursing care-giving models.
Second, the government is not investing
enough. Third, private investment is
limited. Elder care is a potential rising
industry but it is also low-profit. Some
local governments are encouraging private
investment through means like subsidies.
Japanese Elderly Knit a Safety Knit (March
5, 2012)
Tuesday in the tsunami-ravaged fishing
village of Shichigahama, the “Yarn Alive”
knitting club meets. It is a support group
for a handful of the thousands of elderly
Japanese still homeless after last year’s
disaster. Club members knit for hours using
donated yarn from Australia, Scotland, Korea
and a church in Ohio. Many of the thousands
of people in temporary housing are 65 or
older. These seniors have little savings and
few job prospects. Relocating victims to
permanent homes on higher ground is expected
to take years. The government is currently
spending 5.7 trillion yen on support for
displaced people. Earnings made from
knitting projects will go towards rebuilding
the town.
Aging in Community, Could it Feel Like
Home? (March 5, 2012)
in Chinese)
The national
plan for an aging population calls for
improvements in the area of helping the
elderly age at home, in the community and
in homes provided for them. Currently,
institutions lack facilities and are
one-dimensional. The industry also faces
labor shortages as few take up these
low-wage jobs. Caregivers are not well
trained and there is a high turnover.
Caregivers also face risks due to the lack
of law and regulation in the area of elder
care. What are their responsibilities when
something happens to the elderly person?
The national plan calls for improved
facilities, better training, regulations
and enforcement.
“Filial Strategy” Leads Elderly to Be
Cheated (March 5, 2012)
in Chinese)
selling ‘special health products’ often
prey on elderly victims who may be
feeling lonely or who are left alone at
home. Elderly victims become sympathetic
towards friendly young promoters who
seem truly concerned and who may even
offer gifts. In one case, an 81-year-old
man loaned money to a young woman, even
though he has never bought anything from
her. Afterwards, she could not be
Population Above 60 Reaches 185
Million, 13.7% of Total Population
(March 5, 2012)
in Chinese)
Director Li
of China National Committee on Aging
calls for active interagency cooperation
to push forward the implementation of
the national plan for an aging
population. This plan is the first ever
aging-related plan to have been
discussed and passed by the State
Council and is of great significance to
research and innovation in the area as
well as sharing with elder persons the
fruits of China’s reforms. In 2011,
social insurance for the elderly
increased in quantum, and coverage and
facilities continue to improve. Elder
persons are also becoming more socially
integrated, benefitting their mental
health, and cities and communities are
becoming more age-friendly.
“Retirement Paradise” Maybe a Myth (March
1, 2012)
(Article in
Do elderly
migrants who join their children in
developed countries really live well? In
Flushing, New York City, many older people
spend their days bussing to and from the
casino. Elderly parents do not have many
material wants but desire emotional
satisfaction. In Sydney’s suburbs, elderly
Chinese grab anyone who appears to be
Chinese to ask for directions. Some say,
“The U.S. is a children’s paradise, adults’
battlefield, and old people’s grave.” A
survey shows seven difficulties for elderly
migrants in this situation: language,
transportation, difficulty in applying for
public housing, difficulty in applying for
aid, cultural differences leading to family
conflict, loss of independence and a narrow
social circle.
Hard for Elders Who Stay Alone to Rent
Homes due to Financial and Health
Reasons (February 29, 2012)
(Article in
Even if
higher rents are offered, owners do not
want to risk renting to older people who
may be sickly or unable to maintain upkeep
on the house. Estates that rent
exclusively to the elderly usually have
few facilities, for example no elevators.
Lu Bing Yi, executive director of a
Foundation for Housing and Community
Service, calls for government intervention
to meet the needs of renters who face age
Survey Shows Nearly 30% of Elder
Persons Help Children Purchase Homes
(February 27, 2012)
persons only start to enjoy life after
70. Those younger than 70 are more
likely to spend more on their children.
As indicated in a survey of 1,125
elderly persons living in big cities,
59.9 percent of those between 60 and 65
indicated that they spend more on their
children than vice versa. Parents spend
most when “children have urgent needs.”
A researcher from Liaoning Academy of
Social Sciences commented that while
children find it hard to afford real
estate due to inflation, parents helping
their children too much may cause a
wrong mentality in children favoring
asking for parental help over working
hard to finance their own lives.
Families to be Required to Report Missing
Elderly (February 27, 2012)
The health
ministry in Japan intends to require family
members living with elderly people to report
to the Japan Pension Service if the elderly
person goes missing. This is part of an
ongoing effort to reduce financial abuse.
China: Rural
Elderly: Poverty’s “Lonely Sunset” (February
22, 2012)
(Article in
A 70-year-old
man with an ailing wife toils in his three
vegetable fields and rears domesticated
animals. He has not seen his son and
daughter for years, as they are too poor to
visit. He is not an isolated case in rural
China. He is most afraid of falling ill and
becoming a burden to his children.
Currently, close to 20 million above 65
years of age are left in rural areas. A
study in Anhui province shows that the
depression rate among the rural elderly is
37.6 percent. Nationwide, 36 percent of
suicides are above 55. The suicide rate for
rural elderly in China is 4 to 5 times
higher than the global average.
Tolerance Most Important When Elderly Build
New Families (February 22, 2012)
(Article in
Many older
people are breaking away from tradition and
seek second marriages. As couples spend less
time getting to know each other and as older
people are more set in their ways, second
marriages in old age are susceptible to
conflict and divorce. Before marriage,
couples should discuss sensitive issues with
each other and the children. Married, they
should be actively involved in each other’s
social lives and not be cloistered at home.
Lastly, they should trust each other and not
let their habitual thinking lead to undue
China: Alliance
of Cultural Services for Older People
Officially Established (February 21, 2012)
(Article in
Those above 65
make up 14.5 percent of China’s population.
China has the world’s largest elderly
population and is the most rapidly aging
country. Along with the material welfare of
the elderly, their mental health also
requires attention. The new alliance
provides platforms for the elderly,
including oral history, photography
exhibitions, and learning to age healthily.
Pilots are being run in three cities:
Beijing, Huangshan and Shenchuan.
China: Disabled
Elderly Face Difficulties as Children Move
Out (February 13, 2012)
(Article in
As parents of
the single-child generation grow older,
families find it harder to care for the
elderly, especially those who are disabled.
In 2010, 6.4 percent of the elderly who live
at home, or 10.8 million, were totally
disabled. Due to weak social support
networks, care-giving responsibilities fall
mainly on children and spouses. Elder care
facilities reject taking in the disabled to
avoid greater manpower needs and greater
risks. Caregivers and experts call for the
government to take responsibility for caring
for the disabled elderly, including
regulating the elder care industry.
China: Elderly
Living Alone Susceptible to Fraud; Experts
Urge Intensification of Investigative
Efforts (February 13, 2012)
(Article in
Elderly people
living alone are susceptible to fraud as
they often are unaware of new fraud methods,
have retirement savings, do not have people
with whom to interact, and want the best for
their health and children. Police face
obstacles such as difficulty in verifying
crimes against the elderly (for example, in
the case of health supplements). Experts
urge that more resources be invested in
interagency efforts to deal with the
problem, including better investigation and
public outreach.
Surveying Issue of Elder Care: Those Born in
80’s Feel Sorry for Parents (February 13,
(Article in
describe attitudes towards elder care. Those
born in the 60’s are caring for aging
parents and worrying about their own
retirement. They feel that they can only
rely on themselves, partly because theirs
are all single-child families. Those born in
the 70’s are stressed out at work and taking
time off for elder care is a luxury. Due to
the high cost of living, many born in the
80’s have borrowed their parents’ retirement
funds to finance their own houses, resulting
in feeling sorry for their parents and
worrying about how they will provide care
for them.
First-of-its-Kind: Subsidies for Older
People (February 13, 2012)
(Article in
In Taipei,
those above 65 make up 8.54 percent of the
city’s population. To show concern over
their living and health conditions, the city
will give out twice-yearly subsidies to
those above 65 years of age. The amount
increases with age. In addition to the Chung
Yeung Festival gift money, older people will
receive money from the city three times a
Aging-at-Home Shows Initial Success; Faces
Problems of Insufficient Funding and Lack
of Facilities (February 13, 2012)
(Article in
More than
90 percent of older people are unwilling to
be admitted to nursing homes. Local
governments provide services such as
emergency telephones and service vouchers to
help them stay in their homes. Some
neighborhoods cater specifically to the
elderly, facilitating social interactions
and access to services. The national
government aims to cover 100 percent of
urban and 50 percent of rural areas by 2015
with community aging services. Experts think
that such aging models will be the main
method China will use to deal with aging.
Industry professionals think that elder care
should be planned and coordinated at the
national level.
for Parents (February 11, 2012)
According to the Australian Bureau of
Statistics employment survey, 30 percent of
employed women looking after a frail or
elderly person say they rarely or never feel
their work and family responsibilities are
in balance. These findings point to a need
for the government to recognize the
difficulty of workers trying to maintain a
job and care for their parent. Sociologist
Barbara Pocock believes the Fair Work Act
should be changed to allow these people to
request flexible working arrangements.
China: Commentary: 525m “Consumption As
Retirement Plan”: A Pioneer in Online
Shopping (February 10, 2012)
(Article in Chinese)
In 2010, 12.8 percent of China’s population
was above 60. In China, there is no
comprehensive policy that helps finance
retirement, leading to disparities between
preparedness of different segments of the
population. Consumption As Retirement is an
innovative new business model that takes
consumer spending as capital and sends
interest payments to consumers after they
have made purchases from the online store.
This creates a supplement to the usual means
of financing retirement: basic insurance,
wages, and savings.
Nursing Home Residents Celebrated the
Chinese New Year (February 7, 2012)
(Article in
The nursing
home in Chwichiwan, Chuccioa province
organized several commemorative activities
which made older people happy on this
special occasion.
Singapore: Commentary:
Religion’s Role In An Aging Society
(February 3, 2012)
(Article in
is the 5th most rapidly aging population in
Asia. This commentator thinks we leave out
religion when discussing measures taken,
even though religious organizations already
share the burden of meeting societal needs
such as psychiatric care and religious
harmony. Religious participation among older
people leads to outcomes such as optimism,
social inclusion and fewer bad habits.
China: The
Elderly Becoming Main Force in Travel
Industry (January 31, 2012)
(Article in
As China
ages and more children leave home, elderly
retirees who have time and money now choose
to travel. Travel agencies are starting to
have specialized itineraries for older
travelers. As older travelers are weaker,
travel agencies avoid planning the usual
exciting, fast-food style vacations.
Instead, they focus on travel that is
healthful such as scenic destinations with
fresh air.
China: Elderly
in Beijing Seek “Second Springs” (January
31, 2012)
(Article in
By 2011,
13.7 percent of China’s population was above
60. In Beijing, older people gather in parks
to seek new partners. However, the success
rate is low. With increasing income
inequality, women demand that men be better
off, with desirable housing, than in the
past. Society is unable to provide for an
aging China. Nationwide, there are 38,000
elder care organizations with 2.6 million
beds, representing a lack of more than 5
million beds.
84-Year-Old Man Spent 3 Nights on Doorsteps
of Daughter; Neighborhood to Sue Children on
His Behalf (January 31, 2012)
(Article in
children had an agreement to take care of
their father on a monthly rotating basis.
However, over the Chinese New Year
celebrations, the youngest daughter was not
at home, forcing him to stay outside on her
doorstep. Other children refused to take him
in. Neighbors sent the old man to the
hospital because he had fallen ill. The
neighborhood is suing the children on behalf
of the man.
Japan: Japan
Estimates Population to Shrink by One-Third
by 2060, Seniors to Account for 40 Percent
(January 30, 2012)
population of 128 million will decrease by
one-third and seniors will account for
nearly 40 percent of the population by 2060.
This will place greater stress on a smaller
working-age population to support the social
security and tax systems. Prime Minister
Yoshihiko Noda has promised to support
social security and tax reforms this year. A
proposed bill would raise the sales tax to
10 percent by 2015, although there is
criticism of the proposal. Nonetheless, the
government needs to reform the social safety
net to reflect the demographic shift.
China: Beijing
Launches Community Aging Pilot Project:
Public Rental Units for Older People (27
January, 2012)
(Article in
The Beijing
pilot project targets low to middle income
who are living independently. These rental
units occupy a separate space of land away
from ordinary rental units and have
facilities, such as large elevators (for
stretchers), to accommodate the needs
of older singles or couples. If the pilot is
successful, the government will make
such rental projects an important
supplement to community aging.
Elder Care at Home: Care and Concern
Even During the Spring Festival (January 27,
(Article in
Since 2009,
Zhongshan City has offered residents 65 and
older a service called “OKLink,” a 24-hour
call center linking elderly at home with
more than 300 services and 4 emergency
hotlines. Needy elders get this service
free. The call center is efficient because
it has sufficient funds to keep records of
personal details. For example, an ambulance
dispatch through the call center is faster
than through the regular hotline.
China: Zhejiang
Province to Offer Preferential Treatment to
Encourage Development of Non-Profit Homes
for Older People (January 27, 2012)
(Article in
For the
next three years, Zhejiang Province will
offer subsidies to non-profit homes on a
per-bed basis. In addition, the province
will exempt non-profit homes from corporate
and property taxes, offer tax rebates on
charitable donations, and work with
providers to offer discounted rates on
utilities and amenities such as water and
internet services.
Elderly to Get 24 Hour Nursing ‘Patrol’
(January 26, 2012)
Japanese government will launch a 24-hour
patrol service to help the elderly become
more self-sufficient by easing in-home
nursing care. At the start of the new fiscal
year on April 1, public nursing care
insurance will cover the costs of this
program. With this new service, elderly
people will be able to receive unlimited
medical, nursing and general care services
at a monthly cost of up to 30,000 yen.
China: Free
Public Bus Rides for Those Aged 65 and Above
in Wuhan (January 25, 2012)
(Article in
addition, the government of Wuhan will raise
the ceilings on free or subsidized home care
for the elderly, benefitting an additional
1500 elderly residents. Combined with
subsidizing bus travel for the elderly, the
city will be forking out an additional 15
million RMB this year.
China: Bus
Drivers Refuse to Allow Elderly to Board
(January 19, 2012)
(Article in
In Wuhan,
four buses refused to let an 88-year-old
woman board. She walked 3.6km back home from
a hospital visit. Nationwide, this is not an
isolated case. Local governments subsidize
bus companies so that the elderly ride for
free. However, bus companies often cite
reasons such as safety to reject the elderly
or to force them to pay. The writer
condemns such behavior as immoral and a
defiance of government policy.
Australia: Cut
Tax Breaks for Seniors to Keep Surplus, Says
ACOSS (January 12, 2012)
The Australian
Council of Social Service believes the tax
breaks for older Australians should be
discarded to help fund important social and
economic reforms without disrupting the
promised budget surplus. Chief executive of
ACOSS, Tessa Boyd-Caine, considers a
sustained attack on wasteful expenditure and
tax breaks to be essential when attempting
to solve the tension between resources and
Introducing Seniors World Chronicle (January
Ravi Chawla, a 75-year-old former newspaper
reporter, editor and publisher from Mumbai, India,
launched Seniors World Chronicle after he retired
in 2001. Based on inputs provided by international
agencies, websites, newspapers, magazines and
publications of organizations, the website focuses
on Aging and Old Age-related topics and offers
over 11,000 reports from 200 countries on 250
subjects. Along with providing extraordinarily
useful material, Chawla is also the embodiment of
active old age and the proof that one's skills and
knowledge don’t go to waste after the age of
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