Pension: World
Add Labor Unrest to List of Schröder's
Woes (December 19, 2002)
Mr. Schroeder, the
German chancellor, faces a potential
strike by three million public-service workers in
Germany by mid-January. Negotiations between the
government and Germany's largest union, Verdi, broke
down. The union’s leader, Mr. Bsirske, is demanding a
pay increase of slightly more than three percent. The
coalition government is torn between the pressure of
elections next February and the German budget deficit
for 2003, exceeding the European Union ceiling.
CSFB Gets Record UK Fine for Japan
Breach (December 19, 2002)
Credit Suisse First Boston
(CSFB) must pay an unprecedented size UK fine ($6.4
million) for trying to mislead Japanese regulatory and
tax authorities. These are extremely expensive actions
for any company. Will this lead to more lawsuits? In the
United States for example, CSFB is one of the investment
banks facing fines totaling $1 billion.
Credit Suisse
Chief Waives Severance Pay (December 19, 2002)
Investors in
Switzerland and around the world are outraged over
accounts of corporate greed in severance pay, pension
plans and bonuses to executives who companies have run
into serious trouble. But in Switzerland few companies
disclose the pay of their top managers. This year,
Marcel Ospel, chairman of UBS, Credit Suiss's bigger
rival, set the pace for change by disclosing his $7.3
million pay packet. Au contraire, Lukas Mühlemann,
the departing chairman of the Credit
Suisse Group, has given up his right to a
severance package: a first!
of the Pension Fund: our goal for 2003 is to improve
medical services for veterans (December 15, 2003) (in
The head of the Pension
Fund of Russia has revised its program for the year
2003. The key element is improvement of the health
care for older veterans, through additional medical
insurance and investing in health facilities.
Experten fordern Rente erst ab 67
(December 12, 2002)(in German)
Germany, pensions beginning at 65 years is too
expensive in the long term, believes employer's
president Hundt. To save money and to save on
pensions, he believes all employees should work up
to the age of 67 years. The SPD, the
socialist party in the Government Coalition, says
this nonsense.
Abgeordnete gegen höhere Rentenbeiträge (December
12, 2002)( in German)
Several Green
representatives threaten their party orders to
reject the law increasing the pension contribution rates
to 19.5 percent. The Berlin Green representative Werner
Schulz said to the news magazine " Der Spiegel" that he
estimates the number of the possible deviationists at "
three to four times as large " as the group who had
rejected sending armed forces to Afghanistan a year ago.
At that time four Green members of parliament didn’t
pensioners do not hold out up to a living wage (December
10, 2002) (in Russian)
In Ukraine only 233 thousand
pensioners out of 14 millions receives pension that equals
or exceeds a living minimum. A seminar organized by the
Ukrainian Federation of Employers and a technical
assistance project sponsored by the US Agency for
International Development revealed this sad situation.
Rentenbeitrag steigt auf 19,5 Prozent
(November 5, 2002) (in German)
Within the red-green
coalition, the SPD (the Socialist German party) has
asserted itself against the Green. The contribution to
the pension scheme will rise on 19.5 per cent. The
Greens didn’t dissuade in the chancellor's office the
social democrats from their plan.
It Will Be A Tragedy If The
Firefighters Are Crushed (November 2002)
The Fire Brigade Union
strike in England is likely to end in “humiliation”
for firefighters, who will be “forced to trail back to
work defeated.” This Guardian opinion article
warns that the firefighters’ defeat will represent a
blow to the labor movement in England.
Means-testing hits
pensioners (November 20, 2002)
leading pension charity has warned the government it
risks increasing pensioner poverty amid reports of poor
take-up of means-tested benefits.
Allianz der
Jungpolitiker fordert Rentenreformen (November 12,
2002)(in German)
Some young German
politicians have engaged in power politics that may
hurt the German chancellor. The quarrel revolves
around the straight increase in pension contributions
making it a generation question. The young SPD’s
demand is clear: a voluntary privatized feature in
pensions and to lower employer taxes in this electoral
110 Jahre deutsches
Sozialversicherungssystem (in German)
Here is the
110-year-old history of the German Health System. Otto
von Bismarck, the German chancellor in 1891 drew up a
law about the old-age pension and insurance for sick
and disabled. It became the basis for the pension
scheme. In 2002, in parallel to the pension sinking,
the government is considering an additional private
pension fund covered with capital. The government
provides for it about 10 billion Euros in the final
The Role of Social Security
Privatization in Argentina Economic's Crisis
Argentina privatized partially its Social Security
system in 1994. The economic collapse that resulted from
Argentina's inability to continue its deficit ultimately
affected Argentina's Social Security program.
ING launches first foreign Non-State
Pension Fund in Russia (Octpber 24, 2002)
In Russia, a foreign
private pension fund, ING, started recently. The company
believes that both substantial legal and tax reforms
will create considerable demand for its novel products.
Future pensioners
should become investors (October 24, 2002) (in Russian)
Starting in 2003, tens of
millions of Russian workers will be encouraged to invest
in private pension funds. But some experts fear that
they will refuse to choose private pension funds. Russians
have seen their pension monies disappear as the
government left the Soviet model. Rogue capitalists have stolen much
from the public resources so building trust may prove
difficult, especially in view of
the worldwide downturn in stock market indices.
2006: how will Russia deal with $20 billion pension
pyramid (October 23, 2002) (in Russian)
The money of current
and future pensioners in Russia is used to finance
current budget expenditures, mainly external debt
payments. If the Pension Fund continues investing into
state equities, as is planned, the Ministry of Finance
will owe pensioners more than $20 billion, or more
than a fourth of the yearly budget in three years.
Social funds
in Russia (October 23, 2002)(in Russian)
Social funds in Russia comprise about one half of the
federal budget. So, they are often targeted for government expenditures
reduction. The article suggests increasing retirement
age in Russia to decrease both the rate of pensioners to
workers and social taxes Russia has one of the
lowest retirement ages in the world: 60 for men and 55
for women. And Russia has unfavorable rate of
pensioners: 69.2 per 100 working persons (comparing to
Germany - 55.3, and France - 51.3). But are these jobs
for older workers?
Government Increases Pensions
for Former Military and Police Servants (October 23, 2002) (in Russian)
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine will increase pensions
by 10% starting January 1, 2003 for former military
and police servants. ‘The next task is to reduce
disproportion in pension size among those retired in
different time periods’, says Vladimir Seminozhenko,
Vice-Prime-Minister of Ukraine.
Grande-Bretagne, les fonds de pension militent pour
la retraite à 70 ans (October 12, 2002) (in
As in most of the other
countries of Europe, the British pension scheme is in
crisis. The slightest profitability of the capital of
pensions due to the fall on the stock market puts in
danger the incomes of the future pensioners. The
national Association of the capital of pension British
(NAPF), who includes the administrators of private
pensions and manages 750 billion pounds (1 200 billion
euros), has just proposed a radical revision of the
'failed to regulate' Lloyd's (October 7, 2002)
European Parliament has condemned the UK Government
for its failure to regulate the Lloyd's insurance
market: will it become a future case in the
European court of Justice ?
We Have to Renew Merit
Based Pensions (October 7, 2002) (in Russian) Interview with the
Minister of Labor and Social Policy of Ukraine Ivan
Sahan regarding the new legislative proposal on
mandatory pension insurance submitted to the
Parliament for approval on September. The new proposal
provides three-level pensions: (1) pay as you go
system, (2) mandatory accumulative funds, and (3)
private pension funds. One of the main challenge is
the new proposal is introducing a merit based
milliards d'euros de déficit en 2002, 4,6 milliards en
2003 (September 24, 2002)
Every year, it is the same
news : a deficit in the French Health System. The
good news is that the World Health Organization has
named the French Health Program as the best in the
meet to discuss right to a basic income (September 10,
Do global citizens have a right to a Basic Income in a
world where services and goods have become
monetized? The International Labour
Organization hosted a conference on this important topic
that contained a number of interesting discussions about
reducing world poverty.
Pension 'crisis' looming
(September 8, 2002)
Pensioners face retirement in poverty as
final salary schemes are being phased out, the TUC has
pension row reaches Downing street (September 8,
Caparo is the latest in a long line of
companies to announce the closure of its employee final
salary pension scheme.
threatens pensions strike (September 5, 2002)
There is a fear that rail companies may try to
close their final salary pension schemes to new workers.
Pension delays to urge
elderly to work (August 30, 2002)
To encourage work beyond
retirement age, the Ministry of Health, Labor and
Welfare plans to allow employed elderly people to
postpone their pension benefits so they can receive
more when they do retire.
2003 Pensions Will Be Increasing Three Times (August
27, 2002) (in Russian)
The Russian Government
plans to increase pensions three times during the year
2003: February 1, April 1 by 11.2 percent, and August
1 by 6 percents, says Mihail Zubarov, Head of the
Pension Fund of Russia. Now the minimum pension in
Russia is 766 roubles, mean – 1417, maximum – 1734.
Mr. Zubarov also admitted that more than one million
pensioners receive two state pensions, with the
maximum pension exceeding 3.5 thousand roubles. (1 US
dollar equals approximately 31 Russian roubles.)
Companies Move to Adopt 401(k)-Type Plans (August 26,
Increased number of Japanese companies are embracing a
defined-contribution pension system. By March 2003 over
700 firms will have 401(k) plans.
'Need Pension Safety Net' (August 25, 2002)
More than 12 million UK employees have no occupational
pension. Women in low-paid, part-time jobs seem to fair
the worst.
Lose Out on Pensions (August 25, 2002)
Workers in Wales are less likely to be paying into a
company pension than those many other areas of the
United Kingdom.
Pension Plans in the Red, Study says (August 22, 2002)
Pension plans at two-thirds of Canada's blue-chip firms
are deep in the red following a dismal year that
shattered the return expectations of most actuaries,
according to a Bay Street report.
Votes on Pension Strategy (August 20, 2002)
Unions in UK want government to apply legal safeguards
that ensure money saved and promised through pension and
other benefits will actually be paid once a worker
retires. Union members voted unanimously in favor of
using industrial action to protect workers.
Reluctant Opponent (August 17, 2002)
Firms like steel company, Caparo, struggle to keep
current pension levels afloat through poor economy and
decreasing profits. Workers of Caparo strike for their
pension rights.
Employers are Flexible Friends (August 17, 2002)
Companies are beginning to recognize that they need to
address aging employees' changing needs, but most have
yet to take action.
Government Seeks $4 Billion in Financing for 2003
(August 16, 2002)
Colombia needs $4 billion for 2003 to honor the debt and
interest payments on foreign debts. These loans
will also help to put new reform pension bills into
over Pensions (August 16, 2002)
As Aeorspace and defense companies falter, huge pension
liabilities build. Further unveiling of poor
accounting methods for businesses across the U.S. and
England lead to more and more pension worried investors.
Life Calls for Cut in Pension Rate Ahead of Debate
(August 16, 2002)
Swiss government tackles issue over cutting guaranteed
rate of return on corporate pensions. Pension
businesses beg for rate to be lowered from 4% to 3%
given the falling stock prices and low return on
government bonds.
O'Neill Shows Support for
Argentina, but No New Aid (August 7,
While people in Argentina have demonstration against IMF
“help”, treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill is going to help
to make the next loan for the country.
Merrill Settles Pension
Dispute (August 6, 2002)
The transfer of an undisclosed sum of money six years
ago, without admitting any liability, is the reason for
the dispute between Merrill Lynch, who manages a pension
fund, and a retailer, J Sainsbury PLC. Merrill Lynch
claims that J Sainsbury PLC’s pension fund had
underperfomed the market.
The Brazilian pension
system: recent reforms and challenges ahead (August
23, 2002)
public pension expenditure is about 9 per cent of GDP,
above the OECD average.
Beyond its fiscal impact, the Brazilian pension
system is also unjust. About half of total pension
expenditure is paid to former civil servants, which
account for only 5 per cent of total retirees. The general regime
available to private sector workers underwent major
changes in 1999, which will help ensure its long-term
actuarial and financial balance. This paper argues that
the main challenge is to reform the special pension
regimes for civil servants.
A story of "hardship and
decline" (July, 2002)
A new ILO study of industrial enterprises in
Ukraine says the first decade since the break-up of the
Soviet Union has meant a shrinking economy and plunging
living standards. Some workers work on paper, others are
on unpaid leave. And some aren't paid at all.
Welfare Minister Proposes
Pension Break for Disabled (July 28, 2002)
Welfare Minister Chikara Sakaguchi has proposed a plan
to pay half the amount of a special pension benefit for
disabled people to some of those who are not legally
eligible. About 120,000 people who had not joined the
national pension program by the time they become
disabled and who were students before April 1991 would
be eligible for benefits to be paid as an exceptional
South America Offers a
Lesson In Privatizing Pension Systems
(July 30, 2002)
The article examines Argentina and Chile’s experience
with Social Security privatization in comparison with
possible privatization in the U.S. The reform of Social
Security in the U.S. is not likely to occur until the
2004 presidential elections.
Outlook for Pensioners at Mercy of Volatile Markets
(July 23, 2002)
UK state pension is no longer acting as a shield
against volatility of stock market.
Vote Themselves Pension Rise (July 23, 2002)
Members of Parliament have voted to better their own
pensions. They will now serve less time before receiving
an increased sum. Taxpayers of the UK will help fund
parliament’s increased wages. Many feel new law is a
Pension Warning (July 23, 2002)
UK’s FTSE 100 Index of Leading Shares fell to a six year
low on July 22nd, indicating that pensioners of the
baby-boom generation may not enjoy similar high returns
of the past two decades. Research suggests private
pensions are a higher risk than government related
Warns on Pension Uncertainty (July 22, 2002)
Bank of England warns aging population may have less
retirement money than previously perceived. With people
living longer, Financial Services sends the message to
start thinking earlier about retirement.
Cuts may weaken domestic
demand (July 20, 2002)
Attempts by Japanese Prime Minister to slash
administrative and policy-related spending could
backfire and smother domestic demand, depriving the
economy of its ability to revitalize, experts warn.
Slashing spending on such areas as the pension system,
unemployment benefits and support for small businesses
will dampen the recovery of domestic demand.
Settle for Anything Less (July 20, 2002)
Divorced women in the UK are missing out on pension
sharing. The law allows for only one spouse to share in
the pension of his/her spouse. After years of marriage
and monetary dependence, divorce leaves many on income
Arithmetic of Poverty (July 20,
2002) (in Russian)
oblast has the highest proportion of people whose income
is below the officially stated minimum monthly wage:
about 36% of the population receives less than 342
grivnas a month (1 USD equals approximately 5.4
grivnnas). The vast majority of these people are
in rethink on pensions investments (July 16, 2002)
A government-appointed panel tackles two current
economic problems in Singapore: the inflexibility of the
pension system and unemployment.
pensions (July 11, 2002)
The aftermath of the Public Finance Initiatives on
the pensions of millions Britain people has to be
panel to advise on Argentine economy (July 11, 2002)
A panel composed of the heads of large banks is
researching the economic situation in Argentina to
advise the IMF’s direction with Argentina.
has 'dashed' retirement hopes (July 10, 2002)
With falling stock markets,
new Labour taxes will leave millions more UK people
dependent on State.
Argentina Devaluation
Makes Dollarization Look Far Better (July 10, 2002)
During six month of devaluation, peso lost 70% of its
value. The Argentine economy is collapsing with no real
remedy in sight.
Outline Sweeping Changes to Farm Policy (July 10,
In response to the increasing US farm bill subsidies,
the European Commission is going to reduce its farm
subsidies. The European parliament will use farm
subsidies in rural development and meeting
environmental, animal welfare, and food safety
Review of British Savings
Industry Recommends a Major Shake-Up (July 9, 2002)
Former Lloyds of London Chief Executive, Ron Sandler,
presents his outlook on the future of the British
Savings Industry. In a governmental-sponsored review,
Sandler points out that the industry has to be reformed.
South Africa Weighs a
Welfare State System of Payment for All Would Be
Continent's (July 9, 2002)
There is no welfare in any African country. South Africa
debates the possible dole of $10 per month regardless of
the 40percent of unemployment. There is doubt that South
Africa can afford the welfare program.
China's Powerful Police
(July 9, 2002)
China tolerates vast worker’s layoffs and lack of
welfare benefits. The Chinese Communist Party increases
number of police in response to workers’ protests. This
is a story about a Canadian journalist who has been
arrested and interrogated by Chinese police.
Pensions shake-up proposals
to be unveiled (July 8, 2002)
Alan Pickering, former chairman of the British National
Association of Pension Funds, publishes his report in
response to the recent report by Ron Sandler. In the
report, he highlights that the variety of UK pension
products has to be simplified.
New talks planned on pension
reform (July 8, 2002)
The Italian government makes a second attempt to
privatize its pension system. The present governmental
expenditures for the state pension system is 15 percent
of its GDP, but the population of older people is
Brazil leftwing party may
give its backing to IMF plan (July 8, 2002)
The $1.6 billion Brazilian loan agreement with IMF
expires in December, 2002. In the upcoming October’s
presidential elections, Brazil’s leftwing Worker’s party
could win elections supporting a new deal with IMF.
Making Germany fit for the
future (July 7, 2002)
Germany will run the presidential elections in
September, 2002. Regardless of the reelection heat, the
country needs urgent changes. Social Security, health
care, and basic social insurance coverage has to be
Nonpartisan panel to study
reforms for pension system (July 6, 2002)
As the national pension program creaks ever nearer
collapse in a society with an increasing number of old
people, lawmakers from the Liberal Democratic Party and
opposition Minshuto (Democratic Party of Japan) are
mounting a study group that aims to draft reforms before
the 2004 mandate. The bipartisan effort is a radical
departure from the usual pattern of letting bureaucrats
lead the reform process.
on final salary pensions (July 4,2002)
Opas offers help to people
who have a dispute over or complaint about an
occupational or personal pension. It also provides
general information and advice about entitlements and
Lavoro Degli Anziani E I Connessi Profili
Previdenziali E Sanitari (July 3, 2002) (in
Here is a prime example
of prejudice toward older workers! Due to
the aging of the population, Europe will
increasingly face challenges connected to the
provision of long-term health care services and the
sustainability of the pension systems. Italy is
particularly weak due to the lack of adequate
eldercare structures and of the enormous deficit of
its pension system. Confindustria, the organization
of Italian entrepreneurs, believes that, among the
various policies that must be implemented, it is
particularly important to increase the older working
population through benefits and incentives.
Nevertheless it is essential to respect the
enterprises’ priority to favor a turnover that
privileges young workers who are believed to be
“keener to adapt to production and technological
Wall St Has Its Doubts
Over Brazil's Intervention Plan (July 3,
Wall Street worries as Brazil's central bank announced
it would spend up to $1.5 billion intervening in the
currency market every day in July.
for new pensions error (July 2, 2002)
Contributions to UK pensions may have been significantly
overestimated because of a statistical error.
Brazil's Win to Aid Economy,
But Only in the Short Term (July 1, 2002)
Can Brazil’s success on the soccer field provide
anything more than a fleeting boost to Brazil's
beleaguered markets? In recent weeks, Brazil's currency
and stock markets have tumbled into a free fall amid
concerns that Brazilians could elect a leftist, Luiz
Inacio da Silva of the Workers Party, in October.
Respect for the elderly to
be put to the test (July 1, 2002)
2000, Tung Chee-hwa, Hong Kong’s chief executive
presented the countries first compulsory pension scheme
to advance the current inefficient welfare program.
However, growing unemployment, shrinking government
revenue, and a second economic downturn in five years
challenges the pension scheme.
for life? The rise of pensions as a development issue
(June 2002)
This excellent summary
overview of pensions and provident funds on economic
growth in developing countries shows what’s happened
during nations’ forced march to
challenge for India: Do new initiatives go far enough?
(June 2002)
Robert Palacios article on
Indian pensions gives a classic example of the World
Bank’s orthodoxy that it has imposed with such
pain on many developing countries in the past two
decades. While the injustices of the current
system in India are clear—very few persons have
pension coverage—the World Bank formula succeeds in
making poverty more pervasive.
spread of benefits: Alleviating poverty in Brazil
(June 2002)
Social security coverage of the Brazilian elderly has
never been better than at the end of the 1990s.
According to a household survey by Pesquisa Nacional
por Amostra de Domicilios (PNAD), 77.3% of people aged
60 or over were receiving a regular benefit from a
social security scheme . In the early 1970s, social
security coverage in the country was close to
30%. Brazil’s universal social rights position
undergirds this healthy and humane development.
the reform? Towards recovery in Latin America (June
This close—but summary—look at the results of
Argentine pension reform reveals the terrible
difficulties facing impoverished elderly. And
the story is far from over.
Asia - success or failure?
Provident funds governance (June 2002)
Many Asian countries rely on provident funds to finance
retirement. Globalisation, rapid ageing, a need for
fiscal consolidation and more individualistic
preferences have increased the significance of provident
funds, but substantive reforms in their governance
processes are needed to realise their full potential.
Pensions in Development
(June 2002)
There is now a substantial accumulation of evidence
about the resuots of World Bank-imposed pension
reform experiences in middle income countries over the
past two decades. Author Roger Charltone
challenges the orthodoxy with a proposal for an
international advisory regime that could design ways to
provide income for all the elderly in developing
uncertain: Social pensions in Southern Africa (June
In South
Africa there are over 1.6 million social pensioners,
each receiving R600 (about £39) per month. This
impressive achievement in poor countries may be
Elderly's Quality of Life to Improve (June 28, 2002)
The Beijing China Daily
reports that the Ministry of Civil Affairs is making
reforms which will insure that all retired people will
receive their pensions on time. China now is
home to 130 million elderly citizens, many more than
found in any other country.
The richest Ukrainian pensioners
are former people’s deputies (june 27, 2002) (in
The former people’s deputies receive the
highest pension in Ukraine, 1126 grivnas in average. The
next highest paid pensioners are prosecutors with about
700 grivnas. The next are public servants and people with
disabilities. The rest of the pensioners receive about 120
grivnas. (1 USD = approximately 5.4 grivnas). Looks like a class
What kind of social
welfare system does China need? (June 26, 2002 )
In his article “What kind of
social welfare system does China need” (Economic
Information Daily, 2002), Shusheng Gao pointed out four
problems of current social welfare system in China, and
suggested two ways to reform current system to meet
people’s expectations.
He recognized that the social welfare system is
essential to China’s state-owned-enterprise (SOE)
reform, structural change, and social stability. (The
text is available in both English and Chinese.)
investing: a slow road to German pension reform
(June 26, 2002)
After five
decades of dominance of Social Security in Germany,
the first step to move to the privatization of pension
has failed. According to the recent poll more
than 70 per cent of Germans
are not interested in private pension plans.
Contagion (June 25, 2002)
At first Argentina’s economic collapse six months
ago was believed to become bankrupt without causing
any impact beyond its borders. But Financial markets
in Brazil, Chile and elsewhere are starting to show
signs of weakness attributable in part to Argentina's
ongoing agony.
Brazil's Roller Coaster
Market (June 25, 2002)
At one point in today’s trading, June 25, the real
briefly hit a record low in value against the dollar.
The real has fallen by more than 10 percent since the
beginning of June. But investors main concerns is the
alarming popularity of Luiz Inacio da Silva, candidate
of the left-wing Workers' Party who called for Brazil to
reject its foreign debt.
Pension Reform Could Be
Godsend For Weak Latin Markets (June 25, 2002)
Proponents of private pension plans argue that
privatization of Social Security in Latin America should
attract more foreign and domestic investors. The
plan would boost local economies and cut the
governmental debts. The article discusses the pension
reforms in Chile, Colombia, Peru, Mexico, Brazil and
a Pending Trade Scrap, Brazil May Fight U.S. Farm Bill
in WTO (June 24, 2002)
Brazil is going to challenge the U.S. farm bill,
which is inconsistent with the rules of WTO. The
subsidies would considerably benefit the local farmers;
however, it would affect the farmers in developing
countries. The U.S. subsidies would deprive Brazilian
farmers of extra exports, and it would increase the
pressure between the countries under the WTO rules.
Brazil Scrambles to
Demonstrate That It Can Avoid a Debt Default (June 24,
The International Monetary Fund failed to bring economic
stability to Brazil. Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill
claims that the monetary aid to Brazil is a waste of the
U.S. taxpayer’s money.
Brazil Tries to Fight 'Wave
of Anxiety' on Economy (June 14, 2002)
Brazilian government tries to calm financial markets and
strengthen its falling economy by announcing package of
measures meant to restore re-establish confidence
in Development Stimulating Dialogue? (June 2002)
The World Bank pushes privatization of Social Security,
while alternative reform tries to strike a balance
between market-based and contributory social security
plans. Who loses?
Pension Limit Ignores
Inflation Impact (June 2002)
The Canadian government has set out to change its
federal pension plan so that it takes into account
inflation. Inflation eroded the multiplier used to
calculate individual pensions by over $3500. Plan
scheduled to take affect in 2005.
of Reform: The Spread of Radical Change (June 2002)
Post-socialist old-age security turns Chili’s pension
program around from a Bismarkian model to a privatized
one. Reform heavily relies on consensus building
and making all sectors, including unions, satisfied with
new developments.
The Spread of Benefits
Alleviating poverty in Brazil (June 2002)
Brazil’s elderly receive top-notch social security
coverage. Over 75% of people over 60 are under the
new plan.
could miss out on full pension credit (May 30, 2002)
Once again women come out on
the short end in British pensions. The requirements
are so rigid that it leads to a daze.
Fair Deal for the World (May 23, 2002)
Joseph Stiglitz gives a complete review of Mr. George
Soros book on Globalization, saying it is a brilliant
and powerful book, which goes beyond describing the
failures of current international arrangements.
leader faces first strike (May 22, 2002)
The Argentine President, Eduardo Duhalde faces his first
protest since he took office in January. Workers
demanded a pay raise and protested against the IMF’s
severe measures required before it agrees to negotiate a
Year Delay in Argentina Loan (May 21, 2002)
The head of the IMF said they are willing to give
Argentina an additional year to repay a $136 million
loan, which was due this week. Argentina is still hoping
to negotiate $9 billion in new loans to help improve
their economy. But the IMF has not yet mentioned new
Bush turns his back on the
world's poor (May 21, 2002)
A new bill passed by the Democratic- controlled Senate
and signed by President Bush on Monday, 20 is believed
to give 80% increase in subsidies to US producers of
cotton, peanuts and wheat, benefiting the richest
agro-business enterprises while abandoning the roughly
$10bn a year the US offers in foreign aid to the World’s
Says Bank Takeover Temporary (May 20, 2002)
The State owned Banco de la Nacion takeover of the three
small banks was just a temporary move to help the banks
survive the country’s financial crisis, Prime minister
Roberto Lavagna said, Monday, May 20.
Venezuela Economy Shrinks
(May 20, 2002)
Venezuela’s economy is shrinking. Venezuela’s economy is
in search of external financing to meet half of a
projected $ 7 billion fiscal deficit, this financing
will come from institutions such as the World Bank, the
inter-American Development Bank and the Andean
Development Corp.
Push Argentine Peso Down (May 20, 2002)
Worried investors in Argentina purchased dollars as
safeguard, because of the rising concerns over the
Argentine banking system, pushing the Argentine peso to
a two-month low on Monday, May 20.
More Financial Upheaval
in Argentina (May 20, 2002)
Argentina’s Banco de la Nacion will take over three
provincial banks that were close to collapse on, May 20,
2002. These include, Banco Bisel, Banco del Suquia and
Banco de Entre Rios.
Asia's Aging Population May Be Squeezed Financially
(May15, 2002)
A study conducted by the U.N.’s ESCAP said many Asian
countries are likely to experience greater social
turmoil than more developed nations because they offer
fewer social programs for the elderly.
Argentine Foundation
Keeps Crumbling (May 14, 2002)
The Argentine government is facing a desperate cash
squeeze and is asking the World Bank to let it postpone
the $ 800 million in loans that is due this week.
April Tax Receipts BRR19.83B, Up 8.5% On Yr (May 13,
The tax department said Monday, May 13, that Brazil's
tax receipts rose 8.54% in real terms in April from year
earlier results on back tax collection from pension
funds and additional revenues from the fuel tax, known
as Cide.
Urges UK To Scrap Compulsory Retirement Age –
(May 13, 2002)
The Observer newspaper reported that the European Union
is advising the UK to remove the compulsory retirement
age of 65 so that people can work longer to fund their
old age. Is fear of immigration from Africa and Asia
fueling this policy?
Argentina Says Banks Won't
Close ( May 12, 2002)
On Friday, May 10, reports said that several Argentine
banks were on the verge of being closed because of lack
of operating capital and reserves. But Roberto Lavagna
told reporters late Sunday, May 12, that banks would
operate normally on Monday, May 13, 2002.
Chavez: U.S. Must Explain
Reaction (May 9, 2002)
The Venezuelan President said the United States must
explain its reaction to last month’s failed coup in
Venezuela. Washington has been accused of somehow being
involved in or supporting Chavez's overthrow.
Everywhere but in the Mirror (May 8, 2002)
A first hand account of an Argentina expatriate who sees
politics as corruption continued.
Argentina Shakes, Uruguay
Rattles (May 8, 2002)
After Argentina’s devastating economic crisis, Uruguay
appears to be the only nation in South America that has
been affected by its neighbor’s problems. Moody’s
Investors Service said the country was "increasingly
vulnerable to macroeconomic shocks emanating from
Venezuelan Democracy
Investigated (May 7, 2002)
A weeklong investigation into the state of Venezuelan
democracy has started Monday May/05 by The Organization
of American States Rights commission. President Chavez
has denied accusations that he has been undemocratic.
Backlog Delays Social Security (May
2, 2002)
Jo Anne Barnhart, a Social Security Commissioner said
that disabled Americans who apply for benefits must
usually wait up to three years to stat receiving them.
``I think the length of time the disability claims
process can take is unacceptable,'' said Mrs. Barnhart.
Retirement in Chile is a
private – and heated – matter (May 1, 2002)
Some Chileans say the US should dump Social Security in
Favor of the Chilean model of employee-financed
contributions-However over 42% of Chileans have no
pension at all.
April Tax Receipts BRR19.83B, Up 8.5% On Yr
(May 13,2002)
The tax department said Monday, May 13th that Brazil's
tax receipts rose 8.54% in real terms in April from year
earlier results on back tax collection from pension
funds and additional revenues from the fuel tax, known
as Cide.
Argentina Shakes, Uruguay
Rattles (May 8, 2002)
After Argentina’s devastating economic crisis, Uruguay
appears to be the only nation in South America that has
been affected by its neighbor’s problems. Moody’s
Investors Service said the country was "increasingly
vulnerable to macroeconomic shocks emanating from
mode d'emploi (May 7, 2002) (in French)
In this article from a French newspaper, Le Figaro
Economie, you will find an explanation of the French
pension system. As the French population is aging,
politicians and citizens are considering reforms …
warned over pensions scheme (May 3, 2002)
A warning has been issued
about the risk in participating in « pension
liberation » schemes. Britain people could lose a
lot of money.
Backlog Delays Social Security (May
2, 2002)
Jo Anne Barnhart, a Social Security Commissioner said
that disabled Americans who apply for benefits must
usually wait up to three years to stat receiving them.
``I think the length of time the disability claims
process can take is unacceptable,'' said Mrs. Barnhart.
Venezuelans March
Against Chavez (May 1, 2002)
Thousands of Venezuelan demonstrators took the streets
today, May 1st, to protest against President Hugo
Chavez, three weeks after Mr. Chavez was ousted and
replaced with a business leader for three days and then
swept back into power. There is continuing suspicion
that the US CIA is helping stage his overthrow. Chavez
was elected in a democratic vote.
IMF Hopes Argentina Will Move
Quickly (April 30, 2002)
The IMF said they were encouraged by a new economic plan
Argentina has developed, but says that Argentina will have
act fast and decisively if they want to get control
of the country’s economic crisis.
Back in Business, Argentina
Calms Down and the Peso Perks Up
(April 30, 2002)
The Argentine economy for the first time today, 29th of
April, after four months of turmoil, resembled a normal
country. Banks reopened, the stock market was trading
and pesos were being exchanged into dollars.
President Chavez
Warns Of Conspiracy (April 30, 2002)
President Hugo Chavez elected a commission to try an
smooth relations with his opponents who tried to ousted
him on April 12, but was back into power two days later.
Retirees Almost Force a Change in Pay (April; 28,
Retired workers of the phone giant company Verizon
Communications Inc. came close to demanding a change in
pay. They wanted the company to stop including income
generated by its pension plan in its formula for setting
executive pay.
Argentine Economy Head
Leaves Void (April 24, 2002)
Argentine President struggled to set up a new rescue
plan for Argentina’s worst economic crisis. He also is
expected to name the new economic minister late
Wednesday 24th, to fill the place left empty by Mr.
Jorge Remes Lenicov’s resignation.
Carmona Dismisses
Pinochet Comparison (April 19, 2002)
Pedro Carmona dismissed comparisons to Augusto Pinochet
after his one –day rule in Venezuela, he said, "I want
to emphasize that I have a proven commitment to
democracy, and that this image of a 'Pinochet Light'
they're trying to put on me is totally false."
Bush Says Goals for
Chávez Must Be Democracy and Unity
( April 19, 2002)
After Military leaders removed Mr. Chavez from office
last week, but he was able to return. President Bush
said he hoped Mr. Chavez had learned some lessons about
democracy from the attempt to oust him.
OAS Warned
on Venezuela Unrest (April 19, 2002)
Cesar Gaviria, Secretary General of the Organization of
the American States warned that without national dialogue
and other remedial measures, the political upheaval that
shook Venezuela a week ago could be repeated.
Argentina Workers Demand
Back Pay (April 19, 2002)
Angry demonstrators gathered in several Argentine
provinces Thursday 18th, to demand months of pay back.
Bush Officials Defend
Their Actions on Venezuela (April 18, 2002)
The Bush Administration is trying to duck accusations
that the White House actively worked to bring down
Venezuelan President Duhalde.
Argentine President Nixes
Bank Plan (April 17, 2002)
The Argentine Government had a plan intended to slow
thousands of court orders giving Argentines access to
their bank savings, but President Eduardo Duhalde
decided against signing the measure on Tuesday
Brazil to Pass on IMF Money
(April, 17, 2002)
Brazil will pass on IMF's loan this year, since its
economy is doing so well and will also pay back $4.65
billion borrowed from the IMF last year.
Washington's Chavez
dilemma (April 16, 2002)
Washington had welcomed Venezuela’s President Hugo
Chavez fall from power. Now Mr. Chavez’s return is both
an embarrassment and an annoyance to the United States.
Acting Leader Of
Venezuela Steps Down (April 14, 2002)
Pedro Carmona, Venezuelan interim President installed by
the military resigned late night of April 13, saying he
was stepping down with full responsibility before the
nation and the Venezuelan people.
Leader of Venezuela Is Forced
To Resign (April 13, 2002)
Venezuelan President resigned today, April 12 after
military leaders took control of the country. His
resignation followed anti-government protest, which led to
at least 12 people dead.
funds tackling growing pension woes (April 12, 2002)
Private pension funds in Russia will get recognition in
the next 10 years. Even though the average state pension
is $29.40 to $33.78, and private pension funds offer $8
to $60 a month, people do not trust private pension
funds. The private funds are associated with commercial
banks, which swallowed people’s living savings in the
last decade.
Military Says Chavez Is Ousted (April 12, 2002)
The military took control of the Venezuelan country from
the President Hugo Chavez. General Alberto Camacho
Kairuz said, "All of the country is under the control of
the national armed forces. “ the government has
abandoned its functions.
Angry Argentines Burn U.S.
Flags (April 8, 2002)
Dozens of Argentines today April 8, gathered at Buenos
Aires International Airport to demonstrate against the
IMF’s response to the Argentine crisis. American flags
were burned and a major highway was blocked as an IMF
official arrived for another round of discussions.
Les orientations des
seize prétendants à l'Elysée (April 5, 2002)
(in French) Next month, France will have a new President
elected for 5 years. In this article, the 16
candidates present their ideas about the French
retirement system and the future reforms.
Fallen Economic Czar Is Held in Arms Deal (April 4,
Domingo Cavallo, Argentina’s minister of the economy in
the 1990’s was arrested today April 4, in suspicion of
involvement in aggravated contraband, and causing
economic collapse last year.
En Grande-Bretagne, la
"Rolls-Royce des régimes de pensions" vit ses
dernières années (April 3, 2002)
(in French) In Great-Britain, the pension system is in
crisis. A retired person gets a low pension from the
State. Then he can get a pension from a Pension Fund…
But now, the British pension system needs changes.
Retirement age should be lift to 70 before 2030.
L'Europe demande une
accélération de la réforme des retraites
(April 2, 2002)
(in French) Europe asks for an acceleration of the
reform of retirement. At the Barcelona Summit, in March
2002, the European Union made the wish that the age of
retirement will be raised by 5 years before 2010. But
France disagrees… The average age of retirement in
Europe will be 63, instead of 58.
A-t-on le droit de
travailler pendant sa retraite ? (April 2, 2002)
(in French) Do you have the right to work during your
retirement in France? This is the question raised by the
French newspaper Le Monde in this article. According to
your job, you can get your pension and your salary. But
you can get your pension, only if your salary is under a
certain level.
IMF Delegation Back in
Argentina (April 1, 2002)
The International Monetary Fund Delegation has arrived
in Argentina to decide whether to grant the stricken
country aid. President Duhalde is hoping to persuade the
IMF to loan at least $10billion.
Argentines Catch 'Green Fever (April 1, 2002)
Argentines are still mistrustful of the peso therefore
Argentines outside currency exchanges are constantly
whipping out their calculators to keep up with
fast-changing exchange rates. The media has named
this “ La Fiebre Verde”(Green Fever).
Many worried about pensions:
poll (April 1, 2002)
A recent survey which was composed by one Japanese
company shows that 75.8 percent of the respondents have
fears about their pensions, their future. This company
got the highest despondence rate on this survey since
1997. This also shows that many Japanese people are
seriously concerned about their social welfare security.
a Reform is Offensive (April 1, 2002) (in Russian)
The Head of the public
movement “For Worthy Older Age” says that during the
last ten years the Government simply destroyed the
pension system in Russia. She argues that reforms that started January 2002 will
have no results, in the same way that the previous
three pension reforms did not have results. The only
result of these
reforms is complete impoverishment of older people.
Venezuela's President
Versus Military: Is Breach Widening?
(March 26, 2002)
Rear Adm Carlos decided not to overthrow president Hugo
Chavez, and instead told the Venezuelan country to “
Unite to demand the immediate resignation of President
Brazil's Prized Exports Rely
on Slaves and Scorched Land
(March 26, 2002)
Recruiters in Brazil gather at a bus station only
waiting for the tired and desperate to disembark, some
lies and an easy handshake brings thousands of peasants
into slavery. “We were forced to start work at 6 in the
morning and to continue sometimes until 11 at night, but
I was never paid during that entire time because they
always claimed that I owed them money," said Bernardo
Gomes da Silva who was able to escape imprisonment after
twelve year
Escravidão na Amazônia (March 26, 2002)
(Article in Portuguese) Recruiters in Brazil gather at a
bus station only waiting for the tired and desperate to
disembark, some lies and an easy handshake brings
thousands of peasants into slavery. “We were forced to
start work at 6 in the morning and to continue sometimes
until 11 at night, but I was never paid during that
entire time because they always claimed that I owed them
money," said Bernardo Gomes da Silva who was able to
escape imprisonment after twelve year.
pension reform under fire (March 25, 2002)
The new policy in Britan is
meant to encourage those on low and middle incomes to
save for their retirement.
Americans say Bush failed them (March 24, 2002)
Many Latin American nations and businesses believe that
President Bush failed to maintain his promises of a
fundamental commitment to the South. But Bush supporters
say he is still determined to secure a Free Trade Area
of the Americas by the year 2005.
Speech by Dr. Fidel Castro
(March 21, 2002)
“The World economy is today a huge casino. Recent
analyses indicate that for every dollar that goes into
trade, over one hundred end up in speculative operations
completely disconnected from the real economy.” Speech
given by his Excellency Dr. Fidel Castro Ruz, President
of the Republic of Cuba, at the International Conference
on Financing for Development. Monterrey.
Poor Nations Need More Aid (March 21, 2002)
In Monterey Mexico, world leaders called on the rich
Nations to increase their financial help to the poorest
regions of the world. "Global security is closely tied
to the health of the world economy," said Peruvian
President Toledo. Without financial help poor nations
are the breeding ground for violence.
Brazil Leader Lashed Out at
IMF (March 11, 2002)
Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso said that
the IMF should change its accounting rules to help
developing nations deal with financial crises more
Down Steeply, Argentines Strengthen Currency Curbs
(March 26, 2002)
On March 25th, thousands of people stood in bank lines for
hours hoping to get rid of pesos for dollars, after the
Argentine government imposed a strict new control on
foreign exchange market. This was a response to the fall
in the value of the peso despite emergency government
measures to prop it up.
coup Anniversary observed (March 24, 2002)
On Sunday March 24th, in Buenos Aires Central Square,
thousands of Argentine’s gathered to demonstrate against
the country’s last military coup, which took place 26
year ago.
Runs 780M Peso Deficit (March 20, 2002)
The Argentine Government announced on Wednesday 20th,
that it had run a public deficit of 780 million pesos in
the first two months of the year, taking another
dreadful turn for the Argentine’s economy.
Bush Proposes New Aid to
Mexico ( March 20, 2002)
President Bush said he would direct $30 million to Mexico
over the next year as an attempt to discourage illegal
immigration by intensifying Mexican business. But some
Mexican authorities said President Bush’s plan is too
small to reduce immigration.
Clash Over Wage Policy (March 20, 2002)
Street fighting took place in Venezuela when President
Chavez supporters banned the Venezuelan Workers
Confederation from approaching the Lara State government
to protest against government wage policies.
Cuts Interest Rates (March 20, 2002)
Brazil’s interest rates were cut on Wednesday 20th to
18.50 percent from 18.75 percent. Another cut could be
forthcoming next month if positive economic signs
Argentina to Rethink
Economic Plan (March 19, 2002)
If the IMF refuses emergency aid, Argentina will be
forced to draw up yet another new economic plan.
Argentine officials said they would need at least $25
billion to strengthen the banking system and revitalize
the crushed economy.
Pour réformer les
retraites, un nouveau rapport préconise de limiter les
départs anticipés (March 14, 2002)
In France, a new governmental survey examined the issue
of working and ageing. France is still the first
European country with the most numerous preretired
people : at 58,5 for men and 56,5 for women.
Official: IMF Accord Near (March 13, 2002)
Argentina’s Economic Minister Jorge Remes Lenicov is
confident Argentina will soon be in agreement with the
IMF on the much needed financial aid. " In 70 or 80
percent (of things), we are near an agreement. I am not
considering the possibility that there will not be an
accord with the Fund," he said.
Default Reopens 'Dirty War' Wounds (March 12, 2002)
With Argentina’s worst economic crisis, families of the
30,000 people who were killed by military and security
forces during the "dirty war" of the 1970’s are now denied
the agreed payment of up to $256,000 as restitution for
each death.
Latin America Recovery
expected (March 11, 2002)
According to the President of the
Inter-American Development Bank, Latin America’s economy
will only start recovering in 2003. And U.S recovery
will bring better commodity prices, more tourism and
renewed demand for goods made in Latin America and the
Hard Times for Argentine
Politicians (March 11, 2002)
Politicians’ lives in Argentina are nowadays pelted with
eggs, spit on and bombarded with shouts of “ Thieves!”
they are harassed in grocery stores, cafes and airliners.
“ While we tumbled into chaos, our politicians built
personal fortunes. Now they’ve sucked the system dry, “
said lawyer Sergio Falcon.
Argentines Lose
Confidence in Banks (March 8, 2002)
Curbs placed on withdrawals during economic crisis anger
depositors. “ I will never willingly put a cent in a
bank again!” said Alonso, a depositor of BankBoston in
Argentina, the only saving institution she still trusts
is her mattress.
Retraite et épargne : ne
confondons pas ! (March 8, 2002)
The French pension system will be an important issue
during the presidential election held next May in
France. The current President, Jacques Chirac, would
like to create a Pension Fund whereas the French Prime
Minister, Lionel Jospin, has an another point of view on
this issue.
Rich Nations Pressured for Aid
(March 7, 2002)
World Bank President Wolfensohn issued a plea for an
increase aid to poor nations, as a contribution towards
enduring victory over terrorism. But the U.S resists
giving poor countries more anti-poverty money, and has
already blocked an effort by Britain and other nations
to insert specific targets for increased aid into the
Monterrey conference.
Brazil (March 6, 2002)
Brazil is now a calm island in the middle of turbulent
neighbors. For years, Brazil and Argentina competed for
influence on the continent, and its military dictators
viewed each other with suspicion. Now the collapse of
the Argentine peso has given Brazil a rare opportunity
to act as No. 1 power in the South American continent.
Troops Should Fight Poverty (March 2, 2002)
Venezuelan President Chavez
recommended that his troops and troops of neighboring
countries fight poverty in the Caribbean and in Latin
America. This would help to strengthen democracy and
stabilize the region.
IMF, Argentina To Hold
Talks On Loan Package (March 2, 2002)
The International Monetary fund said that it would begin
negotiations with Buenos Aires on a loan package aimed
at relieving the nations economic crisis. But
Argentine’s chance for a loan of more than $20 billion
is small, since IMF officials has said that such a
figure is too high.
Report Sees Aging World (March 1, 2002)
The United Nations said that the world's population is
in fact progressively getting older everywhere.
This trend will be seen accelerating in the 21st century
and it is likely to have profound implications on
economies in all regions.
to spend $2B on Programs (March 1, 2002)
Venezuela’s economy has suffered because of a drop in
the demand for crude oil, which generates 40% of
government income and 80% of export revenue for the
country. Still Venezuelan President will spend $2
billion dollars on job programs, health care and
education to compensate for a 30 % drop in the value of
its currency. Will it be enough?
Protest in Argentina (March 1, 2002)
More protests carried on in Argentina’s Plaza de Mayo
this Friday 01/03, as lawmakers continue debate on
Argentina’s economic recovery. "It's been months
since I've held money in my hands," said one of the
protesters in the city's Plaza de Mayo.
IMF Supports Argentina
on Agreement (February 28, 2002)
On Wednesday 27/02 Argentine President announced what he
called “ the first step to put Argentina back on its
feet” by reaching an agreement with its provinces which
deals with Argentina’s budget deficit, fixes the amount
of money the provinces can receive from the central
government and commits the approval governors to cutting
their deficits by 60 percent this year.
Say Koizumi's Economic Medicine Is a Weak Tea
(February 27, 2002)
The Japanese Government declared an economic reform
package in order to end current economic recession. This
package urges the Central Japan Bank to issue more money
to save financial institutions tat have so many bad loan
profits. As the article title describes, this economic
may not improve the Japanese economy rapidly.
Venezuela Gen. Demands
Chavez Quit (February 26, 2002)
A fourth military officer has demanded that President
Hugo Chavez resign. Air Force Gen. Roman Gomez Ruiz
expressed unhappiness with alleged government corruption
and the president's management of the armed forces.
Chavez was elected in 1998 with overwhelming support
from the poor majority, but his popularity has plummeted
over frustration with crime and unemployment.
Government Says It Can't Pay Its Workers
(February 26, 2002)
The Justice Department announced it has dropped
Argentina from the program which allows Argentines to
travel to the United States without a visa. From now on
Argentines need to obtain a visa before stepping on
American soil. Argentina had participated six-years and
is now the first nation to be removed from the
Pension bomb in Europe
(February 22, 2002) (in Russian)
Under the forecast of demographers, average life
expectancy in Europe for men will be 80, and for women
85 years in the year 2050, and for each person over 65
there will be only two working persons. As possible
solutions to avoid pension crisis the author sees
privatization of pension system, increasing of
immigration of the workforce, decreasing unemployment
and increasing the retirement age.
Dropped From Non-Visa Travel Program (February 21,
The Justice Department announced it has dropped
Argentina from the program which allows Argentines to
travel to the United States without a visa. From now on
Argentines need to obtain a visa before stepping on
American soil. Argentina had participated six-years and
is now the first nation to be removed from the program.
Take a look at the Photos of Argentine's
protests as it stands on the brink of economic
Seeks French Vote as Hands - On President (February
21, 2002)
Prime Minister Lionel Jospin declared his candidature
for the presidential election and promised to reform the
state-sponsored retirement benefits system to cope with
the funding strains of an aging population. He said he
would not allow U.S.-style private pension funds to set
up in France but took a more open tack on other
sensitive economic issues.
Jobless Argentines
Protest (February 21, 2002)
Argentines marched once again on the Buenos Aires’s main
Square of Plaza de Mayo this Wednesday Feb. 20. Several
thousand jobless Argentines protested against the
governments handling of a deep economic crisis.
The International Monetary Fund has demanded payment of
loans and provoked this crisis. Violence came at the end
of an evening of peaceful protest by some 2,500 people –
mainly middle-class families and members of left-wing
political groups. Read
Stiglitz's article.
Urges Argentina on Reforms (February 20, 2002)
With daily street protests and growing misery among its
citizens, U.S treasury says that Argentina is heading in
the right direction, but should still make economic
changes and create a sustainable base before the IMF
supports any loans.
Venezuela Legislators
Seek Changes (February 20, 2002)
Venezuela's foreign minister outlined the country's
economic policy to foreign diplomats as lawmakers
demanded changes in the Cabinet to help stabilize the
volatile economy. Since the Venezuelan Bolivar float
against the dollar last week, it has depreciated 17
percent since Feb. 13.Analysts fear inflation could rise
from 10 percent to 30 percent annually.
Venezuela's Currency Plunges
as Controls End (February 14, 2002)
Late Tuesday President Mr. Chávez announced the surprise
decision to abandon a controlled devaluation scheme and
let the currency float. He also announced a 7 percent
cut in government spending to help close a projected $8
billion budget deficit. But the Venezuelan bolivar fell
by 19 percent, closing at 980.50 to the dollar, compared
to 792.50 Friday 02/08.
L'Union demande à la France
de réformer ses retraites
(February 13, 2002)
(in French) The EU Council of Finance Ministers highly
recommands that France and Spain make some changes in
their Pension System. The EU seems to be satisfied by
the reforms made by Italy and Great-Britain. But France
faces difficulties to change its system.
Argentine Peso Strengthens
Slightly (February 12, 2002)
During the second test of the float of the Argentine
peso Tuesday 02/12, the Argentine peso strengthened
slightly at mid-afternoon at about 1.9 to the dollar,
slightly higher then on Monday, 2.0.
Lets Peso Float (February 12, 2002)
The lines in the Argentine banks extended half a block
as Argentina lets peso go. The peso was selling at about
2.03 per dollar for large transactions, and the majority
of people who were selling dollars rather than selling
pesos, were doing so not because of any confidence in
the Argentine economy but because they badly needed to
pay their bills.
L'Europe amorce
lentement le virage de la retraite par capitalisation
(February 11, 2002)
(in French) The European Union asks the fifteen member
states to develop rapidly the reform of their Pension
system using pension funds. But each country has its own
system and the European Union might have to develop a
European policy to achieve an equal system.
Second Teubal
letter about Older Women's Plight in Bankrupt
Argentina (February 11, 2002)
A second letter on February 11, 2002, from Ruth Teubal,
a university professor and Argentine resident since
childhood, gives an eyewitness account of what’s been
happening in the streets and neighborhoods since the
Meltdown began. She also describes some history of the
privatization at International Monetary Fund insistence,
of Argentine public services in the early 1990’s and the
rapid and hefty payoffs to politicians and the rich who
benefited. The subsequent impoverization of middle,
working, and poor Argentines followed quickly and set
the stage for today’s social crisis.
Argentines Told to Brace
For Free-Floating Peso (February 11, 2002)
Argentine peso is to be freely floated this Monday
February 11th and to be fully uncoupled from the dollar
for the first time in more than a decade. By allowing
the peso to float freely, the government will obtain
greater control over the economy and eventually hope
that the economy will bounce back as Brazil's did in
1999 following a collapse of its currency.
Argentina Presents
Austere Budget In Hopes of winning More IMF Aid
(February 10, 2002)
Economic Minister Lenicov announced a federal budget
that imposes more restrictions on crisis-racked
Argentina reducing spending to 15%, or 3.6 billion
dollars, in hopes to win more IMF aid. But economists
said the government gross domestic product, inflation
and deficit forecasts are too optimistic. The U.S. and
IMF want to see an “ appropriate” Argentine economic
plan. The successful flotation of the peso is therefore
critical to inspiring confidence. Meanwhile, Argentines
IMF Criticizes Brazil's
Exposure to Instability in Currency Markets (February
8, 2002)
The IMF has warned Brazil that its economy is still
vulnerable to the economic crisis in Argentina. The IMF
said, " Brazil responded swiftly in the face of a
significant deterioration in the external environment,
but since Brazil relies on foreign investment to finance
its account deficit, Brazil still remains in danger."
Memos Show Who Done It ( February 7, 2002)
Police gunned down dozens of Argentines in December
2001, the nation’s currency collapsed, and unemployment
increased tremendously. Argentine’s economy had been
murdered. Now the question is, who did it?
IMF's Stony Silence On
Austerity Plans Worries Argentina
(February 7, 2002)
Argentina is worried since the IMF has kept quiet about
the country’s efforts to obtaining emergency loans.
Argentines economic minister Remes Lenicov said, “ There
should have been a stronger reply”. The IMF has remained
silent concerning most of Argentina’s recent moves.
IMF: Argentina Crisis
Hurts Brazil (February 7, 2002)
The IMF said that the Argentine crisis will cost Brazil
as much as $2 billion in lost revenue this year. The IMF
has loaned Brazil twice in three years, but Brazil has
managed to repay most of its first loan. Will the
Argentine meltdown topple Brazil as well?
of Argentina's plight (February 6, 2002)
Here are three stories, one about a retired couple, an
office worker and a freelancer whose dreams have been
stolen by Argentina’s worst economic crisis.
The Middle Class
Struggles to Find Dollars (February 6, 2002)
After a bank holiday was declared this weekend in
Argentina, to prevent Argentines from cashing out of the
banking system, most desperate middle-class depositors
have been scrambling to stay one step ahead of the
restrictions, trying everything, from boat trips to
Uruguay to buying shares on the Buenos Aires stock
market, to protect their wealth. But the IMF policies
did much to create this crisis. (Read Stiglitz's article.)
Forum Wraps Up in Brazil (February 5, 2002)
Activists closed out the World Social Forum in Porto
Alegre (Brazil), with an anti-globalization march,
protesting against the U.S proposal of Free Trade Area
of the Americas. Some like Joao Pedro Stedile of
Brazil's Landless Workers' Movement called the trade
zone "a U.S. government project to colonize not only the
markets, but also the territory of the Americas and
create better conditions for North American companies to
exploit our labor and our resources."
women in Argentina (February 5, 2002)
Here is an email from Ruth Teubal from Argentina who
gives first-hand account of the terrible situation
facing older women in her country.
(Read Stiglitz's
Argentine Government Buys
Time, Banks Shut Monday
(February 4, 2002)
Argentine banks and the foreign exchange market will be
closed Monday as the government buys time to clear up
confusion over a court ruling, that overturns a freeze
on save. The government intends to make the economy run
just on pesos, some experts say the ruling overturning
the savings freeze has left banks and the currency
facing possible collapse.
Roused by Economic
Crisis, Argentina's Middle Class Finally 'Gets
Involved' (February 4, 2002)
"We have been asleep for far too long, and it's about
time we woke up," said Noemí de Marco,52, owner of a
cookie store. A new and increasingly assertive civic
movement known as the "self-convened neighborhood
assemblies” has emerged in Argentina. Now ordinary
Argentines are meeting after workdays and weekends not
only to discuss their anger and new ways to help their
country deal with its crisis. "Through our own
indifference, we have allowed the country to be stolen
from us by corrupt politicians who have no respect for
the law or their fellow citizens and who see the state
only as a tool to enrich themselves."
Argentina Offers
Economic Plan, Hoping to Sidestep Court
(February, 4, 2002)
The Argentine government said that it would allow the
peso to float freely against the dollar, but not
eliminate and ease freeze on bank accounts. Argentina’s
Economy Minister Jorge Remes Lenico, said that all
financial debts and assets would be converted from
dollars into pesos, "We want our autonomy and our own
currency," he said. The government's decision to abandon
the two-tiered exchange rate is a major concession to
the International Monetary Fund and other lenders, since
such a system is inherently unworkable and vulnerable to
Gold Council Siezing Golden Opportunity In Japan
(February 3, 2002)
Japanese people, who still have higher total saving
amount rate in the world, is facing a point where they
have to reconsider a safe place for keeping their money.
No more banks, no more stocks, then what is next? It is
gold. This is a report from the World Gold Council in
Japan. Are Japanese people comfortable to sleep hiding
the gold under their Futon?
Footsteps of Evita: Argentina's New First Lady
(February 1, 2002)
Hilda Duhalde, Argentina's new first lady, has
established herself as what the local press calls "the
vice president" and "superminister" in charge of
social programs. "I have to concern myself with the
poor…" That is my role here," to "worry about those who
I believe still do not have a voice in Argentina, even
though there are millions of them,” said Mrs. Duhalde.
But questions about Mrs. Duhalde's qualifications and
administrative ability have been raised; some say this
is just one more sign of the government's
Bigger Crowd Urges a Focus on
Social Ills (February 1, 2002)
While many gather at the Waldorf- Astoria in New York
for the World Social Forum, thousands of the most vocal
critics of globalization are also gathering in Porto
Alegre, Brazil’s capital of Rio Grande do Sul, to
discuss how to attack global capitalism. More than
14,000 delegates four times the crowd in New York and
another 25.000 people came to attend parallel
demonstrations. But few delegates expect concrete
proposals to emerge. Instead, many hope to meet
others progressive persons who will make another world
Chomsky elogia genéricos e quebra
de patentes. (January 31, 2002)
(in Portuguese) Mr. Chomsky, an American professor spoke
at the Capital of Rio Grande do Sul. He made
propositions on globalization and made comments about
the terrorist attacks on Sept 11th, “ It was a shock”, I
was the first time in history that arms were pointed at
a different direction”. According to Mr. Chomsky even
worst events may take place. He affirmed he should not
be characterized as “ a Forum antiglobalization”.
And he says that during this moment of crisis the rich
are taking even more advantage of the poor countries.
Economic Crisis May Affect Migration Trends (January
The current economic crisis in Argentina is likely to
affect migration in Latin America. International
organizations on labor have noticed that Argentina and
Venezuela have attracted the largest numbers of migrants
in Latin America, coming mainly from Chile, Bolivia,
Paraguay, Brazil and Uruguay. But with the recent
happenings, Argentina is faced with new unemployment
rates and a further delay in reducing unemployment is
likely to result in additional emigration. Where will
older persons figure in this migration?
Globalization Foes
Converge on Brazil For Protest of World Economic Forum
(January 30, 2002)
Opponents of globalization began to gather on, January
31, in the Brazilian city of Porto Alegre for the World
Social Forum. As many as 60,000 protesters are expected
to attend from numerous countries. Opponents of
globalization feel they've gained ground in their fight
against "neoliberalism" after Sept 11th.
Argentina's Menem Denies
Bribes (January 23, 2002)
Former President Menem of Argentina has denied that he
took bribes to cover up the supposed Iranian involvement
in a 1994 bombing of a Jewish center that killed 86
people. It was also claimed that Menem might have built
up $10 million in Swiss bank account.
in Japan for Savers and Banks (January 23, 2002)
Abnormal economy requires special measures (January
16, 2002)
The Japanese government announced that the guaranteed
payoff time deposit amount from any single bank will be
up to 10 million yen($75,466) as of April 2002. Ordinary
saving accounts will be treated in the same way in April
2003. “Recession is not an appropriate word any more.
“Crises” might be the one unless the Japanese government
finds emergency recovery procedure. Here are two article
which were written from an outsider point of view and an
Japanese economist one.
Banking Troubles, Low Interest Rates, Japanese Still
Move Money to Bank Accounts (January 29, 2002)
Most Japanese bank are forced to the edge because of bad
debt; meanwhile, Japanese people are still keeping their
saving at those banks. Total Japanese household asses is
1,400 trillion yen ($10.36trillion), and half of this
wealth, 716 trillion yen is kept in regular bank
accounts and the post office. Japanese people believe
their savings will be protected whatever financial
crises happen. Can the government and the banks keep up
with people’s expectation? Now the government is
limiting up to 10 million yen per deposition.
International Economy: US
blocks move for big rise in aid to poor countries
(January 28, 2002)
The US blocked an agreement to increase development aid
to poor countries which would have helped meet the UN’s
target of reducing world poverty by 2015.Many NGO's left
the United Nations' Financing for Development
Preparatory Committee meetings disappointed -- and
angry -- at the intransigence of the rich
countries to move toward a more equitable
world. These issues confront all people and
have a particularly heavy effect on older people. The
aged in many developing poor countries work until they
die; years of structural adjustment policies have made
them ever poorer, with little hope for public
social protection.
Appeal to governments from
European NGO's on our minimum expectations for the
outcome of the Monterrey Financing for Development
Conference (January 25, 2002)
Many NGO's left the United Nations' Financing for
Development Preparatory Committee meetings disappointed
-- and angry -- at the intransigence of the rich
countries to move toward a more equitable
world. These issues confront all people and
have a particularly heavy effect on older people.
The aged in many developing poor countries work until
they die; years of structural adjustment policies have
made them ever poorer, with little hope for public
social protection As the relatively "developed"
Argentine government imploded in December,
the desperate government raided private
pension funds to pay the IMF. In January 2002, as
the Japanese government with the world's second largest
economy struggled to prevent a bank
crash, they imposed limits on insured funds in the
small credit unions and local banks where many elderly
keep their retirement savings.
Argentina Caps Politica
Appointee Salaries At ARS3000/Mo
(January 24, 2002)
President Eduardo Duhalde’s administration are set to
have their salaries limited to 3.000 pesos a month.
Government officials have expressed concern since new
protests and riots would take place if it were to be
applied the salary cap to all government officials.
Brazil Keeps Interest
Rates High (January 23, 2002)
Brazil’s Central Bank left its prime interest unchanged
at 19 percent for the sixth month Higher prices of fuel
and food are to pressure inflation in January. Brazil's
inflation target this year is 3.5 percent, with a
ceiling of 5.5 percent. How can working people buy food?
But the policy pleases the IMF.
IMF Endorses Brazil's
Economic Plan (January 23, 2002)
IMF said Brazil has qualified for an additional $448
million loan, since Brazil had achieved its targets in
the area of inflation and government budget deficits,
and has successfully been under control during the
economic troubles in Argentina.
Lessons from
Argentina's debacle (January 10, 2001)
Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Prize for Economics last year,
was Chief economist at the World Bank during the East
Asian financial crisis and the beginnings of Argentina’s
serious troubles. He made an analysis of the
“Argentina’s debacle” and drew seven lessons for
governments and international organizations.
'Our dreams have been stolen'
Here are three stories,one about a Taxi driver, a computer
programmer and a pensioner whose dreams have been stolen
by Argentina’s worst economic crisis.
Argentines Brace
For Devaluation Of Their Currency; Peso's Decline May
Mean Ruin for Many (January 4, 2002)
The collapse of Argentina has increased the pressure to
abolish the dollar peg and devalue the peso. Devaluation
of the peso brings fear to many elderly Argentines who
are threatened to be left in financial ruins in their
twilight years.
Duhalde Names Lenicov
Finance Minister Ahead of Unveiling Economic
Measures (January 4, 2002)
Mr. Eduardo Duhalde named Jorge Remes Lenicov who had
served as economic chief of Buenos Aires province from
1989 to 1997, as the new finance minister. Mr. Duhalde
and Mr. Remes, are expected to announce a package of
economic changes, including an overhaul of Argentina's
decade-old one-to-one peg between the peso and dollar.
But the Argentine people are divided about Mr. Duhalde
capabilities.The province of Buenos Aires budget
deficit swelled from $124 million in 1991, when Mr.
Duhalde took office, to more than $1.57 billion when
his governorship ended in 1999, with heavy investments
in the public sector.
Hasn't Exempted IMF From Moratorium on Paying Debts
(January 4, 2002)
Argentina's failure to pay is posing some questions
about whether one of its biggest creditors, the
International Monetary Fund, is going to get paid.
Eduardo Duhalde Argentina’s fifth President in two
weeks, has not singled out the IMF or multilateral
lenders, but has also not excluded them either, as the
government scrapes together its remaining cash to keep
the economy afloat. People familiar with the IMF say it
will probably make an effort to avoid letting Argentina
fall into debts, possibly by lending more money. But if
Argentina fails to make payments to the IMF for six
months, it could come to join a shortlist of bankrupt
states that includes Afghanistan, the Democratic
Republic of Congo, Iraq, Liberia and Sudan.
Social programs should
erase anxieties of the future (January 4, 2002)
The Japanese economy is far away from recovery; the
recession is getting worse. This brings up a serious
necessity of reforming the social and welfare system in
order to protect both beneficiaries and benefactors.
Retired old people and even young people are anxious
about their insecure life.
Argentine Cabinet Is Sworn
In as Duhalde Continues to Mull Devaluation of the
Peso (January 3, 2002)
President Eduardo Duhalde's took office Wednesday
as Argentina’s fifth president in two weeks, his cabinet
was sworn in, while trying to rescue Argentina's
financial problems. New measures are to be announced
Friday. President Duhalde said he would go around
the free-market economic policies he blames for his
country's ruin. "The very essence of this perverse
[economic] model ended convertibility, threw two million
of our countrymen into poverty, destroyed the Argentine
middle class, bankrupted our industries and pulverized
the jobs of Argentines,” said Mr. Duhalde.