Asia Pacific
| Articles
Australia: Pension Review
Background Paper (August 2008)
This lenghty report examines the financial situation
of Australia's elders and the social security and
pension systems which serve them. Around 4.7 million
Australians receive pensions or allowances from the
government; the government spent $71 billion dollars
in 2006-7, 6.8% of GDP. Most pensioners have low
private incomes, with over half earning less than $20
a week. The Australian government is currently
considering changing its pension system, whose guiding
principles are taking care of those unable to work,
making proper incentives for those able to work to do
so, and making the whole system self-sufficient.
India: Understanding Poverty
Among the Elderly in India: Implications for Social
Pension Policy (April, 2008)
The authors argue that the circumstances of poor
elderly in India demands a careful look. First,
households with elder relatives do not have higher
poverty rates than non-elderly households. However,
the poor elders have high mortality rates. This has
implications for the Government of India’s new policy
to increase social pension funding to the poor older
people. It suggests that programs reducing elderly
mortality may increase the relative poverty levels of
the elderly.
China: Mending China's
Buckling Social Security (March 7, 2008)
Chinese officials are working hard to ensure that
the entire society is covered by some form of social
security, an issue that directly affects social
stability. The report uses five cases to
illustrative the current conditions of aging in China
. The cases include a new
experiment with rural elders in some regions, i.e.,
offering them social security payments in exchange
for their land.
China: The
Latin American Experience in Pension System Reform:
Coverage, Fiscal Issues and Possible Implications
for China (2008)
In the past two decades, Latin American countries
changed their pension systems, focusing on problems in
the contributory schemes - fiscal unsustainability,
low coverage levels and a high degree of segmentation-
and barely addressed the non-contributory element. The
Latin experience shows that the intended changes did
not resolve the problems. The Latin American
experience shares similarities with that of China with
respect to coverage and labor market informality. Both
cases attest to the importance of combining
contributory and non-contributory elements in pension
China: The Increase of
Social Security Level Will Increase Consumer
Confidence (December 19, 2008)
(Article in Chinese)
The increase of the social security level will provide
safety nets for Chinese people and increase consumer
confidence. Hence, the investment in social security
will not only provide protection, it will directly
stimulate consumption and economic growth.
India: Bill on Social
Security for Unorganized Workers Passed (December
18, 2008)
India passed a national bill to provide welfare
measures for unorganized workers. Ninety-four percent
of the working class employed in the unorganized
sector will receive benefit of health, life and
disability insurance, old-age pension, and the group
accident scheme. The government also seeks to provide
a minimum of 100 days of employment to those in the
unorganized sector and raise their wages.
Japan: Looming Threat on
Pensions (December 8, 2008)
(Article in French)
40 per cent of the population of Japan are expected be
over 65 by 2050. Despite a reform of the pension
system in 2004 the Japanese government remains
concerned about providing adequate income for older
persons. A scandal involving the loss of about 50
million pension records and the global financial
crisis do not make it any easier for the Japanese
Government to meet this challenge.
Japan: Pension Funding
Expansion Faces Delay (December 5, 2008)
Japan’s newly elected Prime Minister, Taro Aso, said
when he took office that he would carry out the
increase in the state's funding of the basic pension
system to half from one-third in April 2009. But when
he was asked recently about the timing, Aso said he
was not particular about staying on schedule. Many
politicians were thinking of raising the consumption
tax to fund the jump in the government's pension
burden, but Aso has said he won't raise taxes until
the economy has fully recovered. It seems like the
increase in funding will be put on hold until the
economic crisis has subsided.
India: HIV Infected To Get
Pensions with Physically Challenged (December 2,
Minister for Health & Family Welfare, Sambhani
Chandrasekhar, announced at the World Aids Day program
held at Ravindra Bharathi, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh,
that he would inform the government of a pending
proposal to give pensions to the HIV-infected
population undergoing Anti Retroviral Therapy
treatment. These pension payments would be on a par
with those given to the physically challenged.
According to National Aids Control Organization
estimates, Andhra Pradesh accounts for 22% of the
infected population in India.
India: Government Is Liberal
In Granting Pensions to Deserved: Rajya Lakshmi
(November 22, 2008)
Women and Child Welfare Minister N. Rajya Lakshmi
declared that the State government is liberal in
granting pensions to aged persons, widows, handloom
weavers and physically handicapped persons in the
district of Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India. The old age
pension, weavers pension to those weavers who are 55
years and above, and widows pension is Rs 200 ($4) per
month. The minimum pension for the physically
handicapped is Rs 500 ($10) per month. The pension may
increase to Rs 700 ($14) per month depending upon the
degree of disability.
China: Pension for the Aged
(November 21, 2008)
The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security in
China will raise the pension for retirees nationwide
by 10% beginning in January. After six consecutive
years of raising pension payments, the average monthly
pension for retirees from the State-owned enterprises
will be 1,200 yuan ($176) by the year 2010. It is not
difficult to figure out how meager their pensions were
just a few years ago. These retirees lived through
some of the most difficult times in China’s recent
history and laid the foundation for the country’s
current economic prosperity.
Japan: Panel: High Earners
Should Pay More toward Pensions (November 21, 2008)
Premiums for the government-managed pension program
for Japanese corporate employees are calculated at
15.35% of a worker's standard monthly pay. Employees
and employers share premiums equally. Interim
recommendations on pension system reform drawn up by
the pension sub-panel of the Social Security Council
include a proposal that high-income earners shoulder
more of the burden for their pensions.
China: How to Cope with
the Financial Crisis: the New Strategy for
Investment of China Social Security Fund (November
12, 2008)
(Article in Chinese)
To cope with the challenge of a rapidly aging
population and a deep global financial crisis, China’s
Social Security fund is challenged to seek new
strategies for stable and profitable investments. The
fund should consider selectively investing in China’s
stimulus package for basic infrastructure development.
In the meantime, the state needs to cut industry costs
to promote employment and add value to social security
China: Discussions on
Possible Postponement of Retirement Age and
Improvement of Social Security (November 12, 2008)
(Article in Chinese)
China is considering postponing retirement age for men
and women to 65. Starting with female workers from
2010 and male workers from 2015, the State may
postpone retirement age by one year every three years
until the retirement age reaches 65. In this article,
Zheng Gongchen, Professor on labor and social security
from Renming University and the head of China Social
Security Development Strategy Team, offers his
insights on these potential measures.
India: Decision to Curb
Benefits under EPF Pension Scheme Put On Hold
(November 11, 2008)
Bowing to pressure from all major labor unions, the
Indian government decided to put on hold the decision
to curb benefits under the Employee Provident Fund
(EPF) pension scheme. The government had earlier made
a decision to reduce selected benefits in the scheme
to enable it to meet a contingent liability deficit.
All employee unions had unanimously sought a reversal
of the government notification and expressed dismay
that the government would take such a decision without
consulting the ten-member representatives of the
employees at the Central Board of Trustees of the
Japan: 'Buried Treasure' Eyed
For Pensions (November 9, 2008)
To comply with the pension reform law set forth in
2004, the Japanese government and the ruling coalition
parties have decided to raise the government's burden
of paying pension benefits from one-third to a half
beginning in April 2009. To support this increase in
the government’s responsibility for financing
pensions, the original intention was to raise the
national consumption (sales) tax, but this is now
deemed undesirable due to the current global economic
crisis. Instead, the government has decided to create
a Special Account to provide funds for pensions.
Delaying Retirement: Pushing the Retirement Age for
Men and Women to 65? (November 6, 2008)
(Article in Chinese)
Recently, at the third Forum on China labor, experts
gathered in Beijing to discuss the shortfall in funds
needed to cover pension payments and related benefits.
Related departments are proposing to extend the
statutory retirement age of workers to age 65 by 2015.
China: Chinese Savers Fear
Pension Won’t Be Enough: Survey (November 5, 2008)
China’s pension system covers 215 million people in
cities and 51.7 million in rural areas. The rest of
the population of 1.3 billion either have no pension
coverage at all or receive a reduced salary after
retirement from their employers, which are mostly
state-owned enterprises. In a recent online survey
covering 6,919 people, eight out of ten of the Chinese
respondents said that they save money and reduce
spending because they do not trust the government to
help out when they retire or if they fall sick.
India: Government Tightens
Pension Rules (November 3, 2008)
Employees desiring to withdraw part of their pension
fund at the time of retirement will not get to do so
anymore because the Indian Government has tightened
withdrawal rules. At the same time, if a subscriber
desires to draw a monthly pension from a date earlier
than 58 years of age, the Government has increased the
rate of reduction of the pension payment to 4% from 3%
per year. Although unions supported the implementation
of the original Employees Pension Scheme, there are
now claims that the government has withdrawn some of
those benefits without giving heed to central trade
Australia: Emergency Funds
Unfrozen for Retirees (October 30, 2008)
Retirees in Australia will be able to tap money in
frozen mortgage funds for emergencies, under proposals
being finalised by regulators and the industry. The
Australian Securities and Investments Commission and
Treasury are working on a plan that would allow
retirees to access their savings in emergency cases,
such as paying a nursing-home bond, settling a house
purchase or for medical purposes. "It's about giving
people some comfort that if they do have a serious
issue they can access these funds," said National
Seniors Australia chief executive Michael O'Neill.
Hong Kong: HK to Raise Pension
Payouts (October 24, 2008)
With Hong Kong officials and economists warning of an
impending recession as soon as this quarter, the
city's leader Donald Tsang bowed to public pressure on
Friday and said he would provide more support to the
needy by raising the Old Age Allowance by around 30%
to HK$1,000 (S$193) a month for those over 65 years of
age. Tsang said he would also shelve means testing for
this payout because of an 'overwhelmingly negative'
outcry that saw hundreds of angry pensioners hit the
streets this week.
China: China Raises Pensions
for Veterans, Bereaved Families, Disabled Servicemen
(October 22, 2008)
China currently has 890,000 disabled servicemen,
500,000 family members of fallen soldiers and about
55,000 veterans of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants'
Red Army. Pensions for the disabled and family members
of fallen soldiers will be raised by 20% and 15%
respectively. Veterans' pensions will be raised to
15,720 yuan (about $2,200) annually, 14% more than the
average amount of the annual disposable income for the
country's urban residents. As of 2009, all pensions
will be paid directly to recipients rather than via
local authorities.
Sri Lanka: Farmers’ and
Fishermen’s Pensions: Do they Realize their
Objectives? (October 21, 2008)
In Sri Lanka, about 70% of the working age population
does not have a pension scheme. Even for pension plans
that are in place, such as the Farmers and Fisherman
Schemes, only about half of the 1.2 million farmers
and 115,000 fishermen who are eligible have enrolled
in their respective plans. In addition, approximately
30-40% of members in both schemes have defaulted,
often because incomes for farmers and fishermen are
low and irregular, and they find it difficult to
contribute regularly. To obtain income, many farmers
and fishermen work well past the retirement age of
Philippines: Unpaid Pension
Premiums Piling Up (October 15, 2008)
The Majority Leader of the House of Representatives in
the Philippines, Arthur Defensor, has cited documents
from the Congressional Planning and Budget Department
which indicate that as of December 2006, a total of
P4.2 billion (almost $100 million) in Government
Service Insurance System (GSIS) premiums of government
employees remained unpaid. Defensor claims that many
public servants cannot make use of loans from the GSIS
or enjoy pension benefits because their offices failed
to remit their contributions.
Australia: Pensioners on the
Bread Line (October 6, 2008)
Although the Australian government recently unlocked
A$20 billion to fast-track infrastructure spending,
they consistently refuse to grant an A$30-a-week rise
for single pensions, at a cost of A$1.4 billion. At
the same time, the findings of an exit poll taken at
last November's election demonstrated that 62.6% of
Australians thought aged pensioners deserve more
India: Pension Scheme for All
Individuals by 2009 (October 6, 2008)
The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority
(PFRDA) of India is finalizing its plan to incorporate
individuals who are neither employed with central or
state governments into the new pension scheme through
which they can plan and invest for retirement. “It
will be opened nationwide for anyone on a low cost
basis and we have fixed our final date as April 1,
2009 for implementation,” said D Swarup, chairman,
Japan: Pension Data in Over 1
mil. Cases in Doubt (October 4, 2008)
Like the crisis gripping the world’s financial
markets, the scandal concerning the falsifying of
pension data in Japan seems to becoming worse and
worse. The Social Insurance Agency has been charged
with tampering with a number of corporate employee
pension records. This number has grown from 69,000 to
over one million. Reductions made to the monthly base
income data of employees and the withdrawal of those
employees from the social insurance scheme mean that
many people are not receiving the pensions to which
they are entitled.
Taiwan: National Pension
System to Take Effect on Oct. 1 (September 30, 2008)
Taiwan has introduced a national pension system which
makes it possible for people aged 25 to 65 who are not
covered by military, civil service, teacher or labor
insurance programs, as well as farmers under the age
of 65, to join the program. The new system will cover
an estimated 3.53 million people, including the
jobless, street vendors, housekeepers, naturalized
foreign spouses and students older than 25.
Japan: Govt May Ease Pension
Criteria/Exemptions for Families, Automatic Premium
Reductions Proposed (September 28, 2008)
To strengthen the public pension system and to secure
minimum living standards for older persons, the
Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry in Japan is
proposing significant revisions which include:
reducing premiums for low-income earners without
requiring them to fill out applications; shortening
the minimum premium payment period for receipt of
pension payouts from its current 25-year level to only
10 years and changing the age range for compulsory
participation from 20-60 to 25-65 years of age.
South Korea: Risky Gamble on
National Pension (September 26, 2008)
South Korea’s National Pension Service (NPS) President
Park Hae-choon apologized to the public for
mismanaging public funds. The fund recorded a return
of minus 1% by investing in equities, fixed-income
securities and alternative assets both at home and
abroad between January and August this year. Despite
the apology, the NPA has performed much better than
Japan's Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) and
the California Public Employees Retirement System
(CalPERS), which recorded returns of minus 4.1% and
5.2% respectively in the first six months of this
India: Regulator Makes
Case for ‘Defined Contribution’ Pension Scheme
(September 26, 2008)
India is proposing to increase the exposure of a
government pension scheme to equity markets.
Twenty-one states in India have opted for this plan
where pensioners’ money is managed by PSU fund
mangers. Currently, only 15% of the fund corpus may be
invested in equity markets. Under the new proposal, a
pensioner can take 10-50% exposure in equities,
40-100% in government bonds and 25-40% in corporate
bonds depending on his/her risk appetite.
Philippines: Pension Funds
Hit For Silence on Lehman Investment Exposure
(September 22, 2008)
The Government
Service Insurance System (GSIS), which includes
almost half a million teachers and non-teaching
staff nationwide, and the Social Security System
SSS, the biggest government-operated pension fund
for private-sector employees and workers, have both
been criticized for not publicizing their exposure
to the financial crisis in the United States. The
Trade Union Congress of the Philippines (TUCP)
slammed the GSIS for its “absolute lack of
transparency with respect to its investments
Vietnam: 1.8 million
People to Get Higher Pensions, Allowance (September
15, 2008)
As inflation increases, the government in Vietnam is
raising pension payments by 15% on October 1. In
addition to retirees, state employees who are
physically incapacitated and receive allowances will
benefit from the increase. The government is also
proposing a second increase within twelve months for
people who contributed to wars of resistance. An
increase of 20% in January 2008 was granted, with
plans for a further increase of 15% in October for
these people.
Australia: Govt's Claim on
Pensions Undermined (September 13, 2008)
The attacks on the Prime Minister of Australia and his
government over their refusal to grant an immediate
raise of about 10% in pension payments continue.
Documents released under the Freedom of Information
Act reveal that the federal government's claim that it
must wait for a review before raising the age pension
has been undermined by the revelation that it
considered a detailed submission on the question
before the May budget. "It is now clear Mr
Rudd's committee on pensions is just a cynical
smokescreen hiding his deliberate refusal to help
Australia's pensioners," Fairfax newspapers quoted
Opposition Leader Brendan Nelson as saying.
Japan: Japan Faces Pension
Crisis as Number of People Over 100 Passes 36,000
(September 12, 2008)
(Article also available in Russian)
Almost 4,000 people in Japan have passed the age of
100 in the last twelve months, which is more than 10%
of the total population of centenarians currently
living in the United States. Japan, whose population
is about one-third the size of the United States,
already has more centenarians than all 50 states
combined. The figures are a testament to Japan's
traditional low-fat diet and high standards of living
and medical care, However, Japan's rapidly ageing
population is expected to place unprecedented strain
on the country's pension system.
China: China May Launch New
Social Pension System for Farmers (September 12,
A new pension system for farmers will be launched by
the end of the year, according to a Beijing-based
magazine. Details will be submitted to officials
within the year and the pilot program launched
nationwide. The plan combines personal accounts and
the basic government pension. Farmers under the old
personal accounts system received pensions lower than
the minimum standard, many less than 10 Yuan per
Japan: Pension Revelation
Tip of Iceberg / SIA Survey Suggests Falsification
of Pension Premium Records Rampant (September 11,
The falsification of pension records by state
officials in Japan is a warning to all workers
everywhere to check routinely and verify that their
pension contributions are based on their correct
current salary or wage. All workers should also ensure
that if they are approaching retirement or changing
employers they should confirm their pension payments
and keep a record themselves before they retire or
leave the company. These actions may also avoid
problems if the state computer system fails or records
are lost (which recently happened in the United
Japan: 'Missing Pensions'
Scandal Engulfs Japan's PM Candidates (September 10,
Following the abrupt resignation of the prime minister
of Japan, five candidates from the ruling Liberal
Democratic Party are standing for election. One of the
candidates, Minister of Economic and Fiscal Policy
Kaoru Yosano, has put pension reform at the top of his
manifesto. A key component of the reform is to rename
the consumption tax (sales tax) as the "social
security tax" so that all the revenues can be ploughed
back into covering the nation's ballooning medical,
pension and nursing care costs.
Australia: Gillard ‘Couldn’t
Survive’ on Aged Pension (September 8, 2008)
The Deputy Prime Minister of Australia, Julia Gillard,
and the Treasurer of Australia, Wayne Swan, have both
admitted that neither of them could survive on the age
pension of A$280 (US$225) per week. Even with an
increase later this month, Gillard acknowledged that
pensioners face difficulties and cost pressures.
"Pensioners, particularly single pensioners, have been
doing it tough for a long period of time,” she
India: Rational
Expectations (September 8, 2008)
Of the 450 million workers in India, less than 5% have
some provision for life after work. Although there is
a government pension scheme and government-backed
savings plans, they attract less than 15 million
workers. The main two reasons for the lack of
participation in saving for retirement are the poor
marketing of the government’s schemes and legislation
that prohibits private pension funds. Conversely,
almost 25% of workers in India have made provision for
their dependents, with over 105 million life insurance
Australia: Pensioners Take Aim
at Rudd (September 6, 2008)
Following last week’s announcement of an increase in
pension payments of 2.8%, an individual pensioner
managed to secure a one-on-one interview with
Australia’s Prime Minister to present a petition
asking for an increase of 10% in pension payments.
Margot Wall, a pensioner from Tasmania, managed to
gain access to Prime Minister Kevin Rudd when he
visited Launceston. A 10% increase in pension payments
is also the current demand from the Australian Green
Pensions, Support Payments Rise with CPI
(September 2, 2008)
Pensions in Australia, indexed to the consumer
price index (CPI), will rise by 2.8% on September
20, at the same time as the scheduled CPI
increase. The single pension will rise to A$280
(US$235) per week, but opposition politicians are
claiming that the cost of living for pensioners is
in excess of the CPI .
Japan: Pension Funding
Deadline (September 2, 2008)
Promises of higher funding for national pensions are
under threat in Japan. In 2004, the government
promised to use additional tax income to cover half of
the basic portion of the national pension by 2009.
With the realization that an increase in consumption
tax will be needed to raise the necessary taxes, the
current government is weighing the unpopularity of
such a step against their political survival. The
result is rumors of a delay in fulfilling the 2004
Australia: Ageing
Population 'May Bankrupt Budget' (August 26, 2008)
National Seniors Australia, the country’s largest
independent organization for people 50 and over, has
claimed Australia's ageing population is a more
serious issue than climate change. By 2030 the
population of Australia will consist of more people
over 50 than those under 50. National Seniors is
calling for the government to take action to ensure
that the national pension fund does not dry up.
Taiwan: Unemployment
Pension Payment Age Hiked to 65 (August 22,
The Taiwanese government has increased the age at
which people can claim jobless insurance. The age
has been raised from 60 to 65. Raising the age
means that people can work into later life with a
safety net, in case of unemployment. This is in
line with the official retirement age of 65. There
are around 5 million people covered by the
Employment Insurance Law. Expenses for employment
insurance will increase by NT$8 billion per year.
India: Social
Security to Become a Right (August 22, 2008)
The Union Cabinet has approved the Unorganized
Sector Workers’ Social Security Bill. People working
in the unorganized sector will gain increased
rights. The bill will provide pension rights for the
aged and insurance for accidental death.
India: Haryana
Introduces New Pension Scheme (August 19, 2008)
The government of India has introduced a new pension
scheme for government workers. The plan requires
workers to contribute 10% of their monthly salary to
the new pension. In turn, the government will put in
an equal amount for each worker's contribution.
China: Revision to
Pension Plan Benefits Elders in Changzhou City
(August 14, 2008)
(Article in Chinese)
Changzhou City has revised its pension plan. After
amendments, men and women who have reached 60 years
and 55 years respectively, and have lived in the
city for 10 years without regular financial support,
can now enroll in a new pension scheme. This will
enable people over 75 years to receive payouts of
between 200 to 400 Yuan (about 30 to 60 US dollars)
monthly. Such payouts will ensure a regular source
of income for seniors and see to their everyday
Australia: Single Retirees
Worse Off in Oz (August 12, 2008)
Rudd’s government Pension Review has revealed that
single pensioners find difficulty in meeting basic
costs of living. It also estimates that Australian
single pensioners only receive 60 percent of the
combined couple rate, which is lower than the OECD
average of 63 percent. Thirteen percent of
pensioners do not have private income and rely on
government checks for their expenses. It is critical
that the government increase the pension to allow
older single people to live above the poverty
China: New Pension
Insurance Scheme in Rural China Benefits Older
People (August 4, 2008)
Here’s more information about the new Rural Social
Pension Insurance Program that China is putting in
place. The program is one of the government’s first
attempts to decrease poverty among the nation’s
elderly. It provides greater income security to its
beneficiaries and decreases dependency. Although
this insurance pension has helped many older
persons, Help Age International maintains that
improvements still need to be made, including an
increase in the amount of pension distributed.
Hong Kong: Building
Maintenance Grant Scheme for Elders (August 2,
(Article in Chinese)
Hong Kong has launched a building maintenance grant
scheme for elderly owners. Elderly owners and
occupiers can make use of this financial scheme to
repair and make safety improvements to their
self-occupied buildings. Each owner/occupier over 60
years old is eligible for a maximum of HK$40,000
(about 5,500 US Dollars) within a 5-year period.
This plan is expected to benefit some 30,000 seniors
and is expected to cost the government HK$1 billion
(about 135 million US Dollars).
China: Close to 500,000
Elders in Beijing Receive Welfare Pension (August
2, 2008)
(Article in Chinese)
From February 22 to May 5, 2008, a total of 482,600
seniors qualified for the “Welfare pension.” This
includes 125,600 elders in the non-farming trades,
and 357,000 elders in the farming industries. Each
Beijing resident aged 60 years and above will
receive a monthly payout of 200 Yuan. Those who do
not enjoy the benefits of social security pension
can apply for this welfare pension plan.
China: Elders over 80 years
in San Shui District to get Monthly Allowance
(July 8, 2008)
(Article in Chinese)
San Shui district in Fo Shan City has been nicknamed
“China’s longevity village.” It has over 10,500
elders above 80 years old and 83 seniors above 100
years old. The city has decided that as of October
2008, older persons between 80-89 years will get 100
Yuan monthly, those between 90-99 years will get 150
Yuan monthly and those over 100 years old will get
300 Yuan monthly. This payout is expected to cost
the government 13,000,000 Yuan annually.
China: Government Invests
in Pension Scheme (June 27, 2008)
(Article in Chinese)
Dong Chang district of the Tong Hua administrative
division has come up with a basic health and pension
plan. Each older person aged 60 years and above will
be given no less than 60 Yuan monthly in pension
subsidy. A total of 3,600 recipients are expected to
benefit, and the government is expected to disburse
2,700,000 Yuan yearly.
China: Ju Rong City
Seniors to Receive 30 Yuan Monthly Allowance (June
7, 2008)
(Article in Chinese)
Ju Rong City has stipulated that seniors over 65
years of age and without a fixed income will receive
a monthly allowance of 30Yuan. This will go into
effect on July 1, 2008. There are close to 60,000
older persons who will receive this allowance. The
payout is expected to cost an estimated 20,000,000
Yuan annually. Other districts such as Dan Tu
District are expected to follow suit in the near
future, although final details have not been worked
China: More Effort Needed
to Sustain Pension System (May 14, 2008)
(Article in Chinese)
China’s pension system faces several shortcomings.
First, the basic pension coverage rate is low with
not enough money invested. Second, variations exist
in standards of pension across districts. Third, the
pension system has not reached a satisfactory
standard. Although the pension rate was raised from
500 hundred million Yuan in 2003 to 1300 hundred
million Yuan in 2007, the rate of subscribers
remained low compared to that of developed
countries. At present, subscribers to enterprise-led
pension schemes total about 1.5%.
China: Beijing Seniors
Without Social Security to Receive Welfare Pension
(May 12, 2008)
(Article in Chinese)
Beijing has 2,360,000 seniors over 60 years old and
close to 700,000 of them do not have any social
security. Among these, 510,000 are rural elders.
Beginning this year, 2008, elders without social
security can receive 200 Yuan monthly from a Welfare
Pension scheme. In the three months of February to
May 2008, 125,600 urban elders and 357,000 rural
seniors have registered for the Welfare Pension. The
government has invested 16.8 hundred million Yuan
into this scheme. Revisions to the scheme are
expected based on the financial costs and the
prosperity of Beijing’s economy.
Zealand: Labour Force Growth Set to Slow as
Boomers Age (May 7, 2008)
According to recent projections by Statistics New
Zealand, and for the first time in history, the
labor force in New Zealand will decrease by 2011.
Fifteen thousand fewer people are expected if both
the birth and immigration rates keep decreasing. The
birth rate will decrease to reach 1.9 children per
woman by 2020, from about 2.1 today. In 2006, the
median age for workers was 40; by 2011 it will be
42. This decrease raises questions about pensions:
Who will pay for them and how can intergenerational
solidarity be maintained?
China: Henan Province to
Increase Pension Payout (May 5, 2008)
(Article in Chinese)
From 2010, pensioners will see their pensions
increase 14% to 1200 Yuan per month from 1050 Yuan a
month. The Henan pension system covers over 9.2
million people and in 2007 it took in 302 hundred
million Yuan and paid out 237 hundred million Yuan.
Total fund accumulation increased to 287 hundred
million Yuan. Henan’s basic pension scheme has
undergone five adjustments in the last eight years,
increasing from 546Yuan per person monthly in 2003
to 1050Yuan in 2008.
China: Pension Fund
to Double to 1 Trillion Yuan (April 15, 2008)
The National Social Security Fund (NSSF) is the
national pension fund in China created in 2000. The
government funds NSSF through state-owned shares.
Economists expect this fund to double its income by
2010. Authorities plan to invest in various sectors,
such as finance, energy and transportation.
India: Tips to
Plan Early Retirement (April 15, 2008)
In this article, Amar Pandit gives tips to Indian
workers who want to retire early. He explains how
important it is to invest your money without taking
too many risks and emphasizes the need to have a
roof over your head before you retire. Also, a major
priority is to save money for the younger
generations, even in the case of an early
India: Pension Push to
Widen Reach (April 14, 2008)
Many people accuse the Indian government of delaying
the adoption of a good and affordable pension plan.
Indeed, parliament just adopted a law that will
extend the pension scheme for only 37 Indian people.
There is increasing demand for a national pension
plan. Representatives seem now to be considering
private pension funds that workers would fund with
their own salaries.
Japan: The
Archipelago of Lost Pensions (March 28, 2008)
(Article in French)
The Japanese administration must face a major issue:
find the owners of massive amounts of pension funds.
From 1961 to 1997, workers got a notebook where the
administration recorded their pension contributions.
If they changed jobs, they got new notebooks, with
new accounts. But in 1997, authorities wanted to
merge all the accounts, a mistake that brought about
a huge loss of data. Besides this problem,
orthographic issues linked to the system
computerization in the 80’s added to the mess. This
loss of data has thrown the Japanese into panic.
They wonder if the government has lost their
India: Now, Work Just 20
Years for Full Pension (March 25, 2008)
The Indian Government has proposed to raise the
pension benefit for government workers. If the
proposition is accepted, civil servants will have to
work only 20 years, instead of the current 33 years
to get a full pension. It is a very expensive
measure that will lean on the taxpayers and will
cost the government an additional Rs 1,365 crore per
annum. Does the government want shorter careers for
civil servants in order to open jobs to younger
persons sooner?
Pakistan: OPF
Reactivates Pension Scheme for Overseas Pakistanis
(March 16, 2008)
In 2001, the Overseas Pakistanis Foundation (OPF)
launched a pension plan for Pakistani citizens
abroad. This measure was supposed to bring financial
protection and rights for many Pakistani people who
often send home resources for the development of
their country but don’t have social security. The
plan began in February 2008. Now, Pakistani's abroad
can contribute to a social insurance plan.
China: China’s New Empty Nest
(March 10, 2008)
Economic development and social changes are
threatening China’s multi-generation family pattern.
There are discussions about phasing out the policy
of allowing only one child per family. Many lonely
elderly people are finding ways to have someone to
talk to or take care of them. Despite several
policies to build an elderly care and pension system
as well as to educate young people about caring for
and respecting seniors, the government recognizes
that its efforts cannot sufficiently support its
aging population.
China: JiangSu
Province: DongHai District Brought New Initiatives
to Rural Pension (February 26, 2008)
(Article in Chinese)
DongHai District in JiangSu province has 960,000
rural residents, of which only 480,000 participate
in the rural pension scheme. Nevertheless, its
pension premium payment has far exceeded the
assigned amount. The participation rate here is tops
among in the northern region of the province, and
the government describes it as a “miracle.” This is
due to several initiatives such as the “811 policy”,
the “433 policy,” the 10-year guarantee policy, etc.
South Korea: Three Aims of
South Korea’s Pro-Aging Policies (February 19,
(Article in Chinese)
The first policy aim is to ensure that seniors are
financially stable. Each employee contributes a
proportion of his or her monthly salary into a
pension scheme. At 60 years, a sum equivalent to
approximately 50% of the monthly salary can be drawn
monthly. Needy elders over 70 years old will be
given a maximum of 84,000 Korean Won monthly. The
second aim is to provide good healthcare through
specialized seniors’ hospitals and other long term
care facilities. The third aim is to create
opportunities for societal involvement such as 12
hour weekly jobs and working 7 months a year.
China: Research Paper
Points Out Shortcomings in China’s Pension System
(February 17, 2008)
(Article in Chinese)
After January 1, 2008, Beijing raised the average
monthly pension payments per person from 1380 RMB to
1580 RMB. This is the highest increase since the
establishment of the pension system began. However,
a recently published paper from the University of
Leicester pointed out two main shortcomings of the
system: the gap between supply and demand, and a
weakness in the management plan. The paper used UK
policies as its system model.
China: New Application
Procedures for Welfare Pension Payment (February
15, 2008)
(Article in Chinese)
The Beijing Municipal Labor and Social Security
Department has announced a “Procedure for Pension
Payment in Beijing Town/Village.” According to the
new procedure, non-social security holders must
apply for payment at local social security offices.
Applications must pass eligibility verification at a
higher-level office before any approvals are made.
Processing time may take up to 20 days; after that,
payments will be issued through bank accounts.
China: Beijing: 730,500
Elderly Residents To Receive Pension beginning May
2008 (January 30, 2008)
(Article in Chinese)
According to the Beijing Labor and Social Security
Department, the city will implement new pension and
rural insurance policies beginning in May 2008.
Under the new policies, 700,000 elderly will receive
pension payments and 30,500 others will get rural
insurance. After completing this step, Beijing will
become the first city in China to achieve full
pension and insurance coverage.
China: Details
About Beijing Pension and Insurance Schemes
Implementation (January 29, 2008)
(Article in Chinese)
Beijing has organized an insurance and rural pension
mobilization convention to introduce details of
elderly insurance and rural pension plans. Under the
two schemes, non-insured registered seniors over 60
years old will receive 200 Yuan per person monthly.
The schemes also specify 5 types of seniors who do
not qualify for the welfare pension grant. Those who
are eligible have to apply for payment and will be
paid through bank accounts.
China: Henan: Retirement
Pension to Increase by 105 Yuan/Person/Month
(January 25, 2008)
(Article in Chinese)
As of 2008, Henan province started pension
adjustments for retirees from more than 190
enterprises. According to this plan, monthly pension
payments will increase by 105 Yuan per person. Since
2005, the average pension has been raised by
approximately 290 Yuan, reaching a total of 1,025
Yuan. The Henan Labor and Social Security Office
confirmed that after three years pensions will reach
1,200 Yuan.
Japan: Half of Japan's
Elderly Poor Won't Get Pensions, Nikkei Says
(January 22, 2008)
As the total social welfare spending reaches 2.6
trillion Yen this year, Japan has realized its huge
financial obligation for elder care. The number of
older people relying on welfare has doubled in the
last seven years. While the country tries to help
its aging population, more than half of the 556,000
over-65 seniors will not have pension payments since
they did not pay premiums for the required 25
China: Number of Pensioners
and Insurance-holders Exceed 200 Million (January
22, 2008)
(Article in Chinese)
According to the Chinese Ministry of Labor and
Social Security, by the end of 2007, China had more
than 200 million pensioners and over 220 million
social insurance holders. Also, China basically
completed its three-year pension adjustment
objectives. Average pensions increased, reaching
monthly payments of 963 Yuan per person.
China: Ministry of Labor
and Social Security: Pension and Insurance Scheme
To Be Reformed (January 21, 2008)
(Article in Chinese)
On January 21, the Chinese Ministry of Labor and
Social Security conducted a press conference to
discuss the achievements in 2007 and to introduce
the plan for 2008. In 2008, the Ministry will focus
on several items, namely pension scheme reform,
rural pension policy, improvement of insurance
coverage and health insurance for retirees and the
poor. During the conference, the Ministry’s
spokespersons also answered several questions on
various topics.
China Earmarks $2 Bln for Raising Retirement
Pension This Year (January 16, 2008)
In contrast to the information contained in 'Lives
of Poverty, Untouched by China’s Boom', the
Chinese Ministry of Finance announced January 15,
2007 that the government had raised money (14.92)
billion Yuan for the nation’s rural areas, to enable
the retirees to have a pension. This news may be
good for poor older persons in rural areas. Let’s
just hope that the older people will receive this
needed pension.
Korea: Social Consensus Crucial for Pension
Reform (January 9, 2008)
The South Korean government is about to reform its
pension system. A new task force designated by the
presidential transition team is currently preparing
the legislation. It seems that they plan will
combine the National Pension and the Basic Elderly
Pension. However, according to the authors, this is
a very delicate matter. They urge the Korean
government to consult widely in the society about
how to create and fund a pension that will serve
older Koreans well, both now and in the future.
China: Beijing Pension to
Increase by 200 Yuan/Person – The Largest Increase
Ever (January 8, 2008)
(Article in Chinese)
This year, Beijing city will introduce comprehensive
pension adjustments. According to the plan, pensions
for 1.67 million retirees will increase by 200 Yuan
per person. Those who have lower pensions compared
to the average level will receive 20 to 35 Yuan more
per month. Senior technical staff, over-65 elderly
persons and those who took part in the Revolution
will also enjoy preferable policies. This is the
largest increase since the initiation of the pension
Return to Top of Page
Europe and
Central Asia
Reports | Articles
United Kingdom: Population
Ageing: Crisis or Opportunity? (November 2008)
The authors of this paper discuss the economics of
supporting an aging population in the United Kingdom
and in particular how pensioners’ incomes might best
be supported without significantly reducing the income
and capital of the remainder of the population. The
increase in life expectancy, changes in family
formation and dissolution, projected changes in
mortality, fertility and migration, and the crucial
United Kingdom housing market are all critical
elements of the discussion.
United Kingdom: Employer
Attitudes to Risk Sharing in Pension Schemes: A
Qualitative Study (August 2008)
As part of the British governments efforts to make the
private pension sector simpler and less burdensome for
employers and employees alike, the Department of Work
and Pensions is looking at increasing risk sharing in
Defined Benefit pension schemes. This study looks at
employer perceptions of DB pension schemes with
increased risk sharing and finds that they are turned
off by the increased complexity of the plans and are
unwilling to switch. It also looks at employers with
Defined Contribution schemes and finds they too are
skeptical of the proposed new plan.
United Kingdom:
Information Needs at Retirement: Qualitative
Research Focusing on Annuitisation Decisions (2008)
Do ordinary people understand how annuities work? What
does a “defined contribution” mean? This report
explores policy-holders’ understanding of the choices
available to them when they become eligible to convert
their pension fund into income. Individual members’
benefits are determined by reference to contributions
paid into a pension scheme in respect of that member,
usually increased by an amount based on the investment
return on those contributions. Consumers need to have
high-quality information about their retirement
payments and how to make sound choices about
United Kingdom: Life Course
Events and Later Life Employment (July 2008)
How do early life
events affect the decision to remain in the
workforce? People often exit the labor market
between the ages 50 and 70 years old.
Unfortunately, many employees are forced to retire
or remain because of their circumstances. Using
British Household Panel Survey data, Blekesaune
and his partners studied how the family,
education, health and pension influence the
decision to leave work. Not surprisingly, those
who have good health and greater education want to
stay in the workforce.
United Kingdom: The Scottish
Widows UK Pension Report (June 2008)
This annual report provides an overview of the UK
pension savings. The pension index and savings ratio
reveal Britons' attitudes towards retirement savings
and the discrepancies based on gender and age groups.
Due to the credit crunch, many Britons aren't saving
as much as they should. The authors also discuss the
challenges Australia faces as it attempts to change
its current pension system. Ideas on the table include
how to integrate citizens' personal accounts into its
current pension legislation.
Life of Pension Recipients according to
Statisticians (May 18, 2008)
In Latvia the birthrate increased last year while the
rate of pension disbursements decreased.
Unfortunately, the Latvian pension is so insignificant
that it does not cover pensioners’ daily needs,
forcing them to seek paid jobs. One in five persons,
aged 62-74 years old, and about one seventh of working
pensioners, are self-employed. One in twenty
pensioners work but get no salary. They volunteer to
help their families, in the home or on farms.
France: ‘Rendezvous 2008’ with
Pensions (April 2008)
After the presidential campaign Nicolas Sarkozy
committed himself to balance the national pension fund
in France, while maintaining the households’
purchasing power. The government will soon take
measures to meet this ‘rendezvous 2008’ with pensions.
Representatives predict an approach in four
directions: to encourage workers to stay longer in the
workforce, to mobilize for greater employment of older
persons, to increase purchasing power of citizens and
to plan for next steps in the post- 2020 period.
United Kingdom: Life
Expectancy Gap at State Pension Age Set to Narrow
(January 2008)
This report focuses on life expectancy at the State
Pension Age, showing that life expectancy between men
and women is narrowing and may stabilize between 2021
and 2051. The study takes into consideration that the
State Pension Age may go up to 68 years old by 2046.
It also explains that life expectancy depends on
individuals’ social backgrounds as men and women in
the so-called ‘professional’ class live longer.
Workers in other job categories face greater health
risks and less income and die earlier.
France: A Vast Majority of
Employees are Opposed to an Extension of Retirement
Age (December 8, 2008)
(Article in French)
A recent study shows that 79% of interrogated
employees are against the measure recently approved by
the government to allow employees to retire from the
age of 70. The few differences observed across the
population concern the youth and the wealthier part of
the population that are slightly more in favor. The
remaining 14% argue in favor of this extension out of
a desire to stay active and to sustain in retirement
the lifestyle they had while working.
United Kingdom: Pensions "Leap"
Back Into Surplus with Record Turnaround (December
3, 2008)
The 200 biggest privately sponsored pension schemes in
the United Kingdom wiped out accounting deficits in
November with a £38 billion improvement in their
funding position—the biggest monthly increase in
history. As a result of the upswing, the schemes have
"leapt back" to a surplus of £23 billion,
according to figures from Aon Consulting. The company
said the main factor behind the "dramatic" turnaround
is falling projections for future inflation, which
have declined from a record high of 4.2% in July to
2.6% last month.
Ireland: New Approach to
Pensions Sought (December 3, 2008)
Mary Habafin, Minister for Social and Family Affairs,
recently stated that persons at retirement age who
deferred the purchase of an annuity until the markets
improved can rely on the state pension in the
meantime. Paula Clancy, director of the independent
think tank Tasc, commented that this statement
"represents a tacit acknowledgment that the private
pension system has failed, and that the social welfare
pension is the only reliable component of our pension
system. This acknowledgment should inform a new
approach to pension provision, which should be
State-led rather than market-led.”
Spain: Mothers of the “Baby
Boomers” Now Live on 549 Euros a Month in Catalunya
(November 30, 2008)
(Article in Spanish)
Older women of the “baby boomer” generation who once
dedicated themselves to taking care of the home
instead of having a job are suffering now because they
do not receive pensions every month. Widows are
suffering the most and some are even living in
impoverished conditions. This past June, Congress
approved a proposition that will increase pensions of
widows, thus helping improve their living conditions.
This generation will continue to live on for some time
so there has to be a change now in order for them to
live in dignity.
United Kingdom: Muslims to Be
Offered Sharia-Compliant Pensions by Government
(November 21, 2008)
When the Personal Accounts Delivery Authority is
launched in the United Kingdom in 2012, as many as 10
million people who do not have a decent occupational
pension will become automatically enrolled and
required to save a minimum of 4% of their earnings a
year, matched by a 3% contribution from their employer
and 1% tax relief from the Government. The scheme is
likely to include a special option that would not
invest in companies considered sinful under Islam.
United Kingdom: ABI Calls for
Immediate Automatic Pensions Enrolment (November 18,
In order to encourage people to save for retirement,
the director general of the Association of British
Insurers (ABI), Stephen Haddrill, has urged the United
Kingdom government to immediately implement
regulations that will allow automatic enrollment of
employees into good workplace pension schemes now
rather than in 2012. The ABI is also acting to boost
confidence in pensions and savings by supporting the
elimination of commissions for sales intermediaries,
including agents or independent advisers.
United Kingdom: BT Cuts
Final Salary Pension Link (November 11, 2008)
A company in the United Kingdom, British Telecom (BT),
is proposing drastic changes to its pension scheme in
order to control the rising cost of running the scheme
and to reduce the deficit of six hundred million
pounds. Circumstances driving up the long-term cost of
the plan include people living longer in retirement
and lower future investment returns. BT wants to cut
the traditional link with final salaries, raise the
retirement age to 65 and build up pension entitlement
at a slower rate.
France: Air France Pilots’
Strike on Pensions Should Be Massive (November 14,
(Article in French)
The strike against raising the retirement age may
cancel every other flight on November 14, 2008. Air
France’s CEO judges the strike ‘useless’ and
‘dangerous’ and estimates the potential costs in
millions of euros. The amendment that would allow
pilots to retire at the age of 65 instead of 60 was
passed on November 1, 2008, but will be re-examined on
November 17, 2008, as pilots complain they were not
consulted before the decision was made.
Russia: Russian
Government to Raise Pensions (November 13, 2008)
(Article in Russian)
Despite the deep financial crisis Russia currently
faces, the government decided to raise pensions in
2009 by almost 37%. The base part of labor pensions
will grow 8.7% starting March 1, 2009 and by another
26.15% beginning December 1, 2009. The increase will
make the size of social pensions at least equal to the
pensioners' minimum subsistence level – a highly
anticipated goal set by the Russian government a long
time ago.
Bulgaria: Pension Insurers
Switch Strategies as Assets Fall (November 4, 2008)
Bulgarian Pension Funds have been switching their
investments from equities to short-term debt
instruments and maintaining high liquidity in
settlement accounts and short-term deposits during the
last nine months. All funds have lowered their risk
exposure and are only buying stocks with good
fundamentals already present in their portfolios.
Despite this conservative strategy, some schemes have
still lost over 15% of their value.
France: The French Parliament Votes on the 2009
Health Insurance Budget and Discusses Pensions
(November 4, 2008)
(Article in French)
The French Parliament has voted on the 2009 budget for
health insurance. In an attempt to contain the 8.6
billion euros deficit, Parliament has passed a bill
that authorizes employees to work until they are 70
years old on a voluntary basis, a bill rejected by the
opposition and trade unions. The left alluded to the
idea that the French president was trying to take
advantage of the economic crisis to reduce workers’
rights. Denouncing the amendment, the Left Party also
refused to vote for the budget.
France: French Parliament
Votes To Allow Retirement At 70 (November 1,
French workers may be allowed to continue working past
the age of 65 under a measure approved by the lower
house of parliament. The measure needs Senate approval
to become law and has been criticized by the
opposition as opening the way to pushing back the
official retirement age. Like other industrialized
countries, France faces growing pressure on its
pension system and has been forced to increase the
pension’s contribution period to 41 years despite
strong opposition from unions.
Denmark: ATP Raises Pensions Despite Losses (October
31, 2008)
To demonstrate that not all pension funds have been
decimated by the current financial crisis, the Danish
pension fund giant ATP has confirmed its commitment to
raise all current and future pensions by 2%, despite
reporting a 1.4% loss on its investment return for the
first nine months of 2008. ATP estimated the payment
increase would be DKK5.9bn (US$1.03bn) for its more
than 690,000 current and future pensioners.
Russia: Pension System as a
Factory of Death (October 30, 2008)
(Article in Russian)
Recent studies show that the concept of aging has
drastically changed around the world. “New” elderly
are now 60 to 70 years old, full of life, willing to
work and make useful contributions to society. How
does this new concept of aging relate to older persons
in Russia? Unfortunately, in Russia, retirement is
still viewed by most people as a “certificate to
isolation,” with no opportunities to stay socially
active. Russia is in urgent need to change its
negative image of aging.
Romania: Pension Funds: We
Have Money, Unlike the Banks (October 27, 2008)
The global economic crisis continues to cut pension
funds around the world. However, the private pension
funds in Romania are in a favorable position due to
millions of euros entering the accounts of mandatory
private pension funds monthly. Due to the crisis,
companies may start considering borrowing money from
the pension funds instead of taking out bank loans.
“We really have money, unlike the banks,” says the
private pension company official.
Poland: Retirement Worries
Grow (October 27, 2008)
A major concern growing out of the global economic
crisis is its effect on pension funds. Poland, for
example, has lost around half of its Open Pension
Funds since the beginning of the year. The toughest
consequences of such dramatic losses will be
experienced by people retiring soon, since there is no
time for the funds to grow again in the near future.
Women may suffer even more because they retire five
years earlier than men and often have less money in
their pension fund.
United Kingdom: Women Get a
Pension Boost (October 26, 2008)
Hundreds of thousands more women will win the right to
receive a full state pension under a proposal
announced by the United Kingdom government. Many
women--such as those who gave up work to raise
children--miss out on the full pension, now at
£90.70 (about $145) per week, because they have
not made enough contributions to the plan. The
proposal will allow women to purchase double the
number of “missed” contributions and thereby increase
their chances of achieving the 30 years of
contributions required to receive the full pension.
Romania: Romanian Pensions
'Remain Stable' (October 23, 2008)
The private pension regulator in Romania, the Comisia
de Supraveghere a Sistemului de Pensii Private
(CSSPP), has claimed that the current financial
crisis does not endanger the funding of the private
pensions market. The private pension’s regulator said
it had taken significant measures to preserve
stability and confidence in the system. As evidence of
this public confidence, Pillar II received voluntary
contributions from an additional three million people
at the end of September.
Ireland: Irish Pensioners
Rebel over Plan to Cut Their Health Care (October
20, 2008)
Political turmoil erupted on a major scale in Ireland
after the government announced an end to the system of
free medical cards for over-70s, triggering anxiety
among the elderly Irish population. Backbenchers in
the Irish parliament say they have been inundated with
calls from the public expressing anger and indignation
at the measure affecting the elderly. One political
leader described the move as a "cruel and heartless
attack" on vulnerable older persons.
Russia: Interview with the
Russian Minister of Health and Social Development
Tatyana Golikova (October 14, 2008)
(Article in Russian)
In this comprehensive interview with Tatyana Golikova,
Russian Minister of Health and Social Development, she
answers pressing questions which currently worry
Russian pensioners. How will the world's economic
crisis affect pension payments? Will the pension be
indexed according to inflation? What is the essence of
health care reform in Russia?
Netherlands: 'Pension Funds
Must Not Take Hasty Action' (October 12, 2008)
The Dutch central bank has written to about 600
pension funds warning them not to act hastily in
efforts to keep their funds balanced. With the
dramatic fall in equities, half of the Netherlands’
pension funds are thought to have funding ratios under
the recommended 105% level. ‘In the event of an actual
shortfall, pension funds should not take any rash
decisions but should draw up a thorough analysis of
the fund’s situation and its management tools,
culminating in a recovery plan,’ the bank said in a
letter to fund directors.
United Kingdom: People
'Unaware' of Pension Risks (October 11, 2008)
The United Kingdom Pensions Advisory Service has
warned that many people are contributing to a pension
scheme without being fully aware of the investment
profile and the associated risks of the pension fund.
Pensions can be invested in a mixture of shares,
property, cash and bonds, but more than 90% of people
opt for the default fund, where 75%-100% of their
investment is in shares. Each individual should decide
the investment risk/return profile that suits her or
his individual needs.
Russia: Social Pensions in
Russia to Grow By Rbl 4, 176 by End of 2009 –
Minister (October 8, 2008)
Russia pays a labor pension based on a worker’s
payroll contributions, and a social pension paid to
individuals who have worked for less than the five
years needed to qualify for a labor pension. Both of
these pensions are being substantially increased
during the next two years, partially due to inflation,
but mainly to raise the income of pensioners above the
subsistence level. In the future, citizens who join
the pension system after 2010 will have their
retirement benefit amount to at least 40% of their
current salary if they have a 30-year work
United Kingdom: Elderly People
Forced To Spend £1.6bn on Nursing Home Fees
and Home Help (October 7, 2008)
Pensioners in the United Kingdom paid over 20% of the
cost of nursing home care, home help and equipment
provided by local authorities. Anyone with more than
£22,500 ($40,000) in assets receives no state
assistance for nursing home care and has to pay up to
£700 ($1300) a week for accommodation and meals.
This means that many ill and vulnerable people who
have worked all their lives are forced to drain their
savings, sell their homes or give away their planned
inheritances just to fund basic living costs.
Russia: Putin's Pension Talk
Scares Businesses (October 2, 2008)
One good outcome of the global financial crisis has
been to force countries to look into ways of producing
long-term capital domestically so that problems of
liquidity are minimized when global markets squeeze
credit. In Russia, one way to produce more domestic
capital is to reform and improve the pension system.
The average pension per month in Russia is 4,188
rubles ($163.60), expected to increase by 37% percent
next year.
Slovakia: Govt Lets Slovaks
Exit Private Pensions Amid Crisis (October 1, 2008)
The Slovak government has approved a motion to allow
citizens to exit private pension funds and return to
the state-run scheme because it fears the global
financial crisis will reduce future pensions. This is
the second government intervention in the private
pension system. Around 100,000 Slovaks out of 1.5
million pension fund clients cancelled their accounts
when the cabinet let them do so in the first six
months of 2008. Western-style pension funds were
introduced by the previous administration, which had
said savings in personal accounts were the only way to
prevent a collapse of the state-run pay-as-you-go
scheme due to the ageing population
Turkey: New Era Begins In Social
Security System (September 30, 2008)
Turkey has finally introduced a social security reform
package that has been on the government's agenda for
the last five years. The reform package focuses on two
areas: it provides for general health insurance that
covers the entire population and a set of provisions
introducing stricter conditions and requirements for
retirement. The retirement age will be gradually
increased to 65 for both men and women by 2048.
United Kingdom: Playing a
Dangerous Game with Our Pensions (September 30, 2008
In addition to investing in equities whose prices have
declined significantly in the past year, many pension
funds are involved in “credit default swaps.” These,
in essence, allow financial institutions to lay bets
on whether a particular company will go bust. The
income from these bets has boosted the returns of the
pension funds as long as the firms they were betting
on did not go under. However, if more companies
continue to default on their loans, older persons may
find that their pension fund cannot support the
pensions they expected.
Russia: Russian Pensioners
Live Beyond the Poverty Line (September 30, 2008)
(Article in Russian)
The number of pensioners in Russia has increased
dramatically since 2000. However, the increase did not
have any effect on their economic welfare. Many old
people live below the poverty line, receiving on
average about $200 per month. The gap in living age
between women and men continues to increase as well.
Now women live 13 years longer than men. Because of
this, out of the 29 million seniors currently living
in Russia, around 7 million live alone.
Russia: Half of Russians are
Unfamiliar with a New Pension Law (September 30,
(Article in Russian)
Starting October 1, a new law about co-financing
pension savings takes effect in Russia. According to
the law, those pensioners who enrolled in the program
will have the government co-finance their retirement
savings for a period of 10 years. However, the results
of a national survey showed that only 13% of Russians
are “well informed” about the new law.
Greece: Rallies on Social
Security System (September 29, 2008)
Trade Unions in Greece reacted strongly to the news
that 133 separate pension funds will be merged to a
total of just 13. Employment Minister Fani
Palli-Petralia stressed that significant savings would
be made and that policyholders would benefit by the
merger. However, trade unions decided to stage a
series of rallies against the move by Ms. Petralia.
The General Confederation of Greek Workers President
Giannis Panagopoulos stated, “We will not stop
fighting for the Social Security System."
United Kingdom: Call to Reform
Pension Credit (September 25, 2008)
Research carried out for Age Concern showed that more
than half of older people in the United Kingdom were
cutting back on essentials such as heating and food in
a bid to make ends meet. In the meantime, pensioner
groups have found that nearly one-third of people who
were eligible for the UK Pension Credit were not
receiving it, with up to £2.8 billion going
unclaimed. Age Concern said that if the benefit had
been paid automatically, those missing out would be,
on average, £1,477 ($2,500) a year better off.
Norway: More Bad News for
Norway's Huge Pension Fund (September 24, 2008)
Just last year, Norway’s oil fund was being praised
for its strategic and ethical investment moves. The
fund, a sovereign wealth fund fueled by revenues from
Norway's offshore oil reserves, is meant to finance
pensions for future generations. Instead of spending
the oil money, Norway has set aside most of the
revenues to secure the future of the nation’s
inhabitants. Unfortunately, the fund's stake in Lehman
Brothers rose from 1.7 million shares to 17.5 million
shares during the second quarter of this year, which
is raising doubts about the management of the fund.
France: Pensions – What
You Should Save (September 24, 2008)
(Article in French)
Pensions are on a steady decrease. Inflation will add
to the difficulties of the generation of baby boomers.
The pension plans offered by companies may also
provide negligible benefits. The article recommends
purchasing real estate and early pension
contributions. Effective financial management, in this
case, requires another solution: how to choose the
best interest rates to compensate for inflation.
United Kingdom: Lehman
Brothers Reveal £100m Pensions Hole (September
23, 2008)
Lehman Brothers in Britain collapsed with a mammoth
£100 million black hole in its staff pension
fund. The deficit means that many former staff in
Britain may not have their retirement promises met in
full. The size of the shortfall surprised experts.
John Ralfe, a pensions consultant, said: “One way or
another, the members of Lehman’s UK pension scheme
will lose out.”
France: Funding
Pensions: How About a Referendum? (September 22,
(Article in French)
Very few French companies have implemented a vision or
a long-term project concerning the employment of older
workers. Most of the time, the latter are subject to
the ups and downs of the economic situation. According
to the journalist, this is a drawback for the whole of
the active population: the income of those in
employment and of those who have retired decrease
alike. The solution would consist of organizing a
referendum to expose these issues—that have a social
as well as an economic dimension--to the public eye.
Finland: Finland Keeps its
Retirees Active (22 September 2008)
(Article in French)
For 10 years, Finland has been trying to keep senior
citizens in employment. Facing both the rapid aging of
its population and a scarcity in human resources, some
initiatives were necessary. Among these: the
improvement of the quality of the work environment as
well as that of the working conditions are a priority.
Despite these multiple initiatives, success is far
from complete: the country still has not managed to
get unemployed older people back in employment.
United Kingdom: Teresa Hunter
Tells Investors How To Salvage Their Battered
Retirement Plans (September 21, 2008)
Although many consumers are withdrawing cash from
their pensions, this may not be the best way to
preserve their pension assets over the long term.
Stock market volatility hits different kinds of savers
in different ways depending on whether they have a
final salary scheme, money purchase arrangements or
personal pension savings. It is vital for future
retirees to understand fully their pension scheme and
to plan, save and even consider working a year or two
United Kingdom: Union Anger
over Two Per Cent Pensions Cap (September 20, 2008)
Due to the concerns about their ability to fund the
company’s pension plan, Legal and General, a UK
company, placed a 2% cap on future pay raises for the
purposes of pension calculations. That means that if
staff gets a 4% wage increase, only half of that will
boost their pension. Deputy general secretary Graham
Goddard says the union is considering a legal
challenge and possible industrial action.
Netherlands: Credit Crisis
Set to Hit Pensions (September 19, 2008)
Hundreds of thousands of pensioners in the Netherlands
will feel the effects of the worldwide credit crisis
next year as pension funds decide not to increase
payouts in line with inflation. Falling share prices
mean many funds may not have enough cash to increase
payouts, the report says. Pension funds have
increasingly moved their investments into shares in
recent years. Trade Unions will be pressured to agree
to wage moderation in order to keep inflation under
Ireland: Hanafin Warns
Social Groups Economy Will Hit Budget (September 19,
The Minister for Social and Family Affairs, Mary
Hanafin, has warned that economic conditions will have
an impact on proposals from social advocacy groups.
One of these groups, Age Action, has called on the
Government to protect the most vulnerable of
pensioners from the effects of rising food and fuel
prices when formulating the Budget. "For pensioners
struggling to survive on fixed incomes, and especially
those living alone on low incomes, a 55 per cent rise
in the price of home heating oil or 27 per cent in the
price of milk pose a major challenge," said Age
Action's head of advocacy and communications, Eamon
Getting Active After Retirement (September 17,
(Article in French)
The French government plans to change the laws
regulating employment of retirees. Under the new
regulations, retirees will be allowed to work as soon
as they reach 65 or once they have contributed long
enough to be entitled to a full pension. The 6 months
notice that was necessary to take a job with the same
employer will also be abolished. This heralds a
complete liberalization of employment in retirement.
The new regulations will come into force on January 1,
Romania: Romania PM Says
Approves Pension Hike from October (September 16,
Due to good national economic performance, the Prime
Minister of Romania, Calin Tariceanu, has increased
state pensions one month earlier than expected.
Romania decided to double pensions via two hikes in
2008 and 2009, and recently announced plans to speed
up the implementation of the increases, starting some
from November 2008 rather than January 2009. Average
monthly pensions in Romania are just over 100 euros
($130), which even after doubling will still be well
below pension levels in developed countries.
Netherlands: The Right To a Comfortable Retirement
(September 12, 2008)
A 74-year-old widow from New York and a 55-year-old
retired teacher from Kenya are both struggling to
survive on the income from their respective pensions.
After her husband died, the loss of his social
security income required Lestra Vertucci of New York
to return to work in order to maintain her modest
lifestyle. In the case of Bilha Ndoko Azenga, of
Kenya, her €70 (100 US $) per month pension is
insufficient to support herself and her family. To
make matters worse, Kenyan rules prevent teachers from
working beyond the age of 55.
United Kingdom: IOPS Recognises
the Importance of DC Pensions Internationally
(September 11, 2008)
The International Organisation of Pension Supervisors
(IOPS) has recognized the increasing importance of DC
(defined contribution) pensions in a new series of
working papers. The papers have been drafted by a
number of members - including pension regulators from
Italy, Chile and Hong Kong as well as the UK. The
papers recognize that, for private pensions, there is
a worldwide trend towards DC pensions and away from
final salary pensions. However, the information and
decision-making process required for DC pensions is
significantly more complex.
Hungary: Half-Million
Hungarians May Be Shut Out of Pension System, Paper
Says (September 10, 2008)
While the current pension system totally covers the
retired segment, around half a million Hungarians face
being squeezed out of the pension system by 2030
because they will not have fulfilled the minimum
working period for entitlement. At the same time, the
ratio of pensioners to workers is expected to rise.
Today there are four employed persons for one
pensioner. The ratio is estimated to be two to one by
2050. The rising poverty of pensioners poses a serious
threat to the whole of Hungarian society.
United Kingdom: Fighting for
Decent Pensions (September 10, 2008)
The National Shop Stewards Network conference held a
pension workshop that emphasized the need for trade
union members and their leaders to resist continuous
attempts to erode their pensions. The leaders of the
workshop advocated militant union action as the best
way to improve and retain pensions. Examples of unions
who had successfully defended their pension rights
were contrasted with those unions who had failed in
this regard.
Russia: Moscow Government To
Raise Pensions up to Two Minimum Wages in 2009
(September 9, 2008)
(Article in Russian)
By the end of 2009, the minimum pension in Moscow will
be equal to two times the minimum wage, says the
capital's government. In August 2007, the pension was
raised by 15%. Next year the government plans to add
another RUB 1,000 to minimum pensions. «This
year Moscow pensions have already reached 1.5 of the
minimum wage and we are not going to cut it,»
said a government representative.
Finland: 10,000 Finns Will
Reach Retirement Age in September (September 9,
A record number of Finns will become eligible for the
Finnish state retirement pension this month. Like many
European countries, Finland is at the start of the
period when the number of retired persons in
proportion to the working-age population will start to
accelerate. The peak year for people becoming eligible
foe the state pension will be 2011, when 84,000 Finns
will reach the age of 63. The year before that,
63-year-olds and above will outnumber under-18’s – a
sure sign of an aging country.
France: Space in
Rennes: Fillon wants Pension Rise for Farmers
(September 9, 2008)
(Article in French)
The Prime Minister inaugurated this morning the 22nd
edition of Space, the Breeders’ Salon held in Rennes.
There, he announced the creation of a minimum pension
for all farmers who have contributed at least 17 years
and a half, instead of the previous 22 and a half.
Farmers’ widows will also be entitled to their
husbands’ pensions. Around 350,000 farmers are
expected to benefit from these measures that will come
into effect between 2009 and 2011.
United Kingdom: Public
Sector Staff ‘Should Lose Final Salary Pensions’
(September 5, 2008)
A recent survey in the UK re-emphasizes the growing
disparity between the pension benefits of public
sector and private sector workers. As 80% of private
sector ‘final salary’ pension schemes are now closed,
public sector workers are anticipating pensions that
are more than double their private sector
counterparts. The report suggests, that in the future,
public sector workers pensions should be reduced to
bring them closer to private sector pensions. It
remains to be seen whether any government has the will
to implement such a proposal.
Romania: CNPAS and Citi
Romania to Pay Romanians Pensions Abroad (September
5, 2008)
One of the conditions of Romania’s accession to the
European Union on January 1, 2007 was an agreement to
pay pensions to Romanian citizens who were living
outside the country and were entitled to the benefits.
Prior to joining the EU, Romania did not pay pension
benefits to anyone living outside the country.
Citibank Romania won the contract to set up the system
that began trials in July. About 29,000 pensioners are
expected to benefit from this change.
Netherlands: Anger at
Plans for Extra Tax on Pensions (September 5, 2008)
The article reports on the reaction of pensioners
associations to the announcement made by the Christian
Democrat party. Christian Democrat party plans, which
were leaked last week, will make those over 65 pay
extra tax on pensions that they have saved up
themselves above €18,000. The article also suggests
that future plans could see the retirement age rise
from 65 to 67.
France: Despite the Hand
Given by the Government in 2008, Retirees Lose
Purchasing Power (September 1, 2008)
(Article in French)
The government has enforced a 0.8% increase in
pensions on September 1, 2008 to compensate for
growing rates of inflation. However, this increase
cannot prevent retirees’ purchasing power from eroding
before the 2009 pension increase. Pensions will be
raised again, but on April 1 instead of January 1, so
that the government can align them with private
pension plans. This does not affect the standard of
living of retirees, which is said to be ‘comparable’
to that of working people. Asset revenue, higher rents
and real estate prices–75% people aged 65 and above
are property owners and the smaller size of retiree’s
households are among the factors accounting for this
erosion. Also, the cost of living in residential care
homes is extremely high.
Poland: A Wave of
Protestation against Pension Reform (August 30,
(Article in French)
On August 29, 2008, several thousands of people calmly
assembled in Warsaw to demonstrate against pension
reform. The participants who were gathered by
Solidarity, the National Trade Union, demanded that
the current pension system be upheld. Under the
current system, certain categories of professionals
may retire five years before the legal age: 55 for
women, 60 for men. Over a million early retirements
would be suppressed by the reform, which adds to
disenchantment of pensioners caused by the decrease in
retirement wages since the system was partly
privatized in 1999.
United Kingdom: Carers UK
Response to Work and Pensions Select Committee
Report ‘Valuing and Supporting Carers’ (August 29,
The UK Government’s Department of Work and Pensions
(DWP) has the responsibility for the benefits paid to
caregivers, most of whom assist elder people with
daily living tasks. A committee of UK M.P.’s,
appointed by the DWP, has recommended that significant
improvements in benefits be awarded to care providers.
This recommendation has been welcomed by “CarersUK,”
an organization that campaigns for better recognition
of the contribution care givers make to the welfare of
older people and society as a whole.
United Kingdom: Call for
Pension Design Freedom (August 28, 2008)
The Association of Consulting Actuaries (ACA) and
Watson Wyatt have called on the British Government to
take action over risk sharing pension schemes. ACA
wants separate legislative framework for new types of
pension plans, such as ‘conditionally indexed’ defined
benefit plans, where targeted pension increases are
conditional on the funding level. Actuaries were
prompted by accelerated closing of the existing
defined benefit schemes.
Ireland: Universities
Set to Improve Pensions (August 27, 2008)
Dominic Coyle reports that the Irish government
intends to take the assets of a large number of
independently funded semi-state pension schemes into
the exchequer. Irish universities may use this
opportunity to improve the pension position of some
staff. Any potential bill is still to be finalized
before going to the cabinet.
United Kingdom:
Millions Missing Out on Pension Benefits, Pensioner
Groups Warn (August 27, 2008)
The United Kingdom government and pension groups have
announced that millions of pensioners are missing out
on cash benefits. Pensioners may believe that they are
not entitled to cash benefits due to owning a house or
having savings. Help the Aged, a UK older persons’
group, has estimated that around 5 billion pounds
worth of benefits remain unclaimed each year. The
government said that pensioners had up until October
6, 2008 to claim backdated payments for that year.
Russia: Budget with a Pension
Flavor (August 25, 2008)
(Article in Russian)
Russian ministries approved a draft budget for the
next three years. According to the draft, in 2009-201l
pension expenses will be increased the most. Chief of
the Ministry of Finance called the national 2009-2011
budget “a budget of economics diversification and
creating economics of an innovative type.”
Latvia: Pension Referendum Will
Help to Raise Society’s Awareness about Problems of
the Elderly (August 19, 2008)
(Article in Russian)
Latvia plans to have a referendum on pension law
amendments which may help to raise the minimum pension
level. “The referendum is needed: it is one of the
most democratic ways of raising our society’s
awareness about the problems the elderly face,” says
Solvia Aboltinia, chief of the “New Times” Party.
Russia: Pension Age will be
Raised for the Older, Taxes – for the Young (August
18, 2008)
(Article in Russian)
Raising the pension age in Russia is unavoidable, says
the Ministry of Finance in Russia, and suggests
raising men’s pension age to 62.5 and women’s to 60
years starting in 2015. To finance the reform, an
extra 3% in taxes will be deducted from people’s
salaries. The government will have to approve this
proposed policy.
France: Buying Study
Years Will Soon be a Possibility for People over 60
Years Old (August 13, 2008)
(Article in French)
The French Ministry of Labor announced in
mid-August that it would increase from 60 to 65 years
the age limit by which people can buy back their study
years in order to increase their pension. This
decision comes in response to a lawsuit by a
60-year-old man who could not buy back his study years
and felt discriminated against.
Russia: For the Benefit of the
Rich (August 11, 2008)
(Article in Russian)
The writer of this article explains the work of the
Ministry of Health and Social Development to “reform”
the Russian pension system. The Ministry has cancelled
the Unified Social Tax and increased the pensions for
those who retired during the Soviet period. The amount
of pensions for today's young will depend on their
years of employment, insurance expenses and their
personal savings. What are the advantages and
disadvantages of the reform? The article gives a
comprehensive overview of future changes.
Russia: No Elderly without
Pensions (August 11, 2008)
(Article in Russian)
Russia has organized medical help for the victims of
the armed conflict in South Osettia and care for
Russian pensioners living in the area, says the
Ministry of Health and Social Development. Russia is
giving medical and food supplies. In addition, the
Pension Fund has increased the control over the
pension payments to the Russian pensioners living in
South Osettia.
Russia: A Retired Life (August
6, 2008)
Russia's pensions are no longer regulated by the state
budget. Moreover, there is a dramatic upsurge in the
amount of state pensions being transferred into
private companies in 2008. Nevertheless, the pensions
remain “intolerably low” and the old way of solving
the problem by “just begging for more money from the
state budget wouldn’t work now,” says President
Medvedev. So, will future generations of Russians
continue to see retirement as a dramatic decline in
their living standards?
Belarus: Labor Pensions
Increase in Belarus (August 6, 2008)
(Article in Russian)
Global Action on Aging continues to follow changes in
the level of pensions that older persons receive in
countries of the world. This time, we note that labor
pensions in Belarus are set to increase by 11.2% on
average in August. The President of Belarus signed the
relevant decree on August 4.
Europe: Europe Tries to
Handle Political Fall Out of Pension Cuts (August 6,
Faced with larger pension expenditures, European
governments are trying to implement cost cutting
measures. However, many workers and pensioners find
their current pension insufficient and oppose the
reforms. In Belgium alone, it is estimated that 40% of
retirees live in poverty. The clash between pensioners
and the government over this issue has resulted to
massive demonstrations and strikes. Is there a human
right for income security in old age? At what level?
Are the richest in the countries paying their “fair
share?” Will inter-generational strife break out? Many
Europeans are dealing with these issues now.
United Kingdom: 100 Years
After Reform, Poverty in Old Age is Rife (July 31,
A hundred years have elapsed since David Lloyd George
and his colleagues instituted pension payments,
believing that they would end poverty in old age.
Today, a century later, one-fifth of people over the
age of 65 in the UK still struggle to make ends meet.
Rising energy and food prices have been blamed. Rita
Young, 73, lives outside Peterborough and considers a
bar of chocolate a luxury. “Things are better than a
hundred years ago…But it is a disgrace that we have
got to go and beg for the pension credit to bring us
up to a level still below the poverty line,” she
Estonia: Will Estonia
Raise Pension Age? (July 14, 2008)
(Article in Russian)
The population in
Estonia is aging fast. There are only 1.7 persons of
working age per pensioner in the country. Is Estonia
ready to increase the age when a person can qualify
for a pension? Economists fear this may not solve the
problem of labor shortages. The Estonian government is
also planning on changing its pension system.
Russia: Will Women Retire at 60
in Russia? (July 3, 2008)
(Article in Russian)
According to a report prepared by the World Bank’s
chief economist, Russia's population will decrease by
10% by 2025. Demographic projections suggest that by
2025 the average Slovene will be 47 years old, giving
the country one of the oldest populations in the
world. One of the World Bank's suggestions for dealing
with the issue is to increase women's pension age from
55 to 60 and equalize it with that of men. Is Russia
ready for such a change?
Russia: Pensions in Russia
Increased by 31% in a Year (July 3, 2008)
(Article in Russian)
Russia's pensions increased by 31% in a year, says the
Federal Agency of Federal Statistics. By May 2008
pensions reached the level of RUB 4,004 constituting
23.7% of the country's minimum wage. According to the
government's plan, pensions will almost double by the
year 2011.
Moldova: Pensions in
Moldova and Pensions in Europe (June 24, 2008)
(Article in Russian)
Could you survive on a pension in Moldova? The author
provides bitter facts, comparing pension levels in
Moldova with those in Germany, Great Britain, Sweden
and some other European states. Pensioners in Moldova
get around $68 per month and a yearly pension
indexation does not seem to make any difference due to
high rates of price increases.
France: Miners Pension Fund
Sells its Building (June 11, 2008)
(Article in French)
The Miners Pension Fund has faced a large deficit
since the 90’s when many mines closed, leaving about
200,000 retired miners and their beneficiaries
(especially miners’ widows). Fund managers invested in
real estate after World War II. In December 2006, they
said they were going to sell their buildings to make
up the deficit. This article focuses on the conditions
of the sale.
France: Seniors:
Accumulated Money to Postpone Retirement Age (June
4, 2008)
(Article in French)
The employment rate of seniors over 55 years old is
very low in France. To correct this situation, Laurent
Wauquiez, French Labor Secretary, presented the new
government’s plan. Three steps should be taken :
first, economic sanctions for employers who do not
employ seniors ; then, liberalizing the rules allowing
seniors to accumulate pension money; and, finally,
increasing the rate of senior pensions, meaning that
the longer you work, the higher pension rate you have
when you retire.
Czech Republic: Government
Ups Pensions by 470 Crowns a Month (June 3, 2008)
The Czech Republic government has increased all types
of pensions by 5.1 percent. The pension will reach
9616 crowns in August 2008. The increase was possible
under a new law enabling pension indexation if the
inflation rate exceeds 5 percent. The opposition
claims the increase is not sufficient and proposes a
subsidy of 6,000 crowns to each pensioner.
France: The Retirement
System: Society’s Choice (May 30, 2008)
(Article in French)
France has a repartition pension system, which means
that the younger generations pay for the older
generations’ pensions. It is a social contract, a
choice of society. But, since the 80’s, many in the
French government want to pursue a neo-liberal
approach, claiming that the social contract will ruin
France. To the contrary, according to the authors,
solutions exist to make the social contract carry on
France: French Pension Strike
Sparks Numbers Battle (May 22, 2008)
French people are demonstrating throughout the
country, especially in Paris and Marseille, to protest
the government pension reform. The government wants
French workers to work longer and contribute more to
their pension plans. However, older workers have a
very hard time finding a job or keeping their jobs in
companies after they reach 55 years old. Shouldn’t the
government first encourage senior workers before
taking such measures? And clear away the roadblocks of
age discrimination?
Russia: Real Incomes of War
Veterans, Pensioners Must Be Raised – Putin (May 26,
Russia's Prime Minister Putin emphasized the need to
raise incomes of WW II war veterans and pensioners and
improve the quality of home care and conditions of
medical treatment for veterans and disabled people. In
addition, the government promised to increase pensions
by 15 percent and implement a number of projects to
provide veterans with apartments, cars and one-time
cash compensation this year.
France: Pension,
Unemployment, Employment; What You Should Expect.
More Seniors at Work (May 19, 2008)
(Article in French)
The French government is encouraging seniors to stay
in the labor market, or, if they already retired, to
re-enter the job market. To that end, the government
is enacting the following measures, as summarized by
Notre Temps magazine. First, the government will
reverse the law banning elderly people from working. .
Second, the government will offer financial incentive
to seniors who continue working. Lastly, the
government will tax companies that don’t hire a
“sufficient” number of seniors.
Russia: Russians See
Benefits of Private Pensions (May 14, 2008)
Russian retirees are transferring their personal
savings from state-owned pension companies to private
fund managers. Previously, Russians have been wary of
investing in private companies after a number of
defaults in the 90’s. The situation is rapidly
changing, since in 2008 the number of people investing
in commercial pension funds has tripled compared to
last year.
Russia: State Pensions in
Russia to Grow 20% Annually in 2009-2011 (May 14,
The average Russian pension is expected to reach $179
per month in 2008 and grow 20% annually over the next
three years. However, many retirees continue to
struggle to afford basic goods due to the high
inflation in 2008.
Malta: Government to Continue
Pension Reform – Dalli (May 13, 2008)
Social Policy Minister John Dalli said representatives
of Malta will continue to work on the pension reform
plan begun two years ago. They plan to raise the
retirement age and to introduce new pension funds. Mr
Dalli pointed out that the challenge of aging was not
only a pension issue but also one involving services,
care and a suitable environment for elders.
Netherlands: More Willing to
Work up to Pension Age (May 6, 2008)
The Netherlands Social Affairs Minister claimed in a
new study that workers in his country understood they
had to work longer. Indeed, the study showed that in
2005, only one out of five people was ready to work
until age 65. It is one out of three today. Forty-four
percent of people who are under 20 years of age said
they want to work until 65. In the Netherlands, as in
most European countries, the government is offering
financial compensation as incentives for workers to
continue to work and contribute to the pension
France: Nicolas
Sarkozy Announced a Raise of 0.8% Pension Rate (May
6, 2008)
(Article in French)
Nicolas Sarkozy said he was aware of the consumer
price increases and the drop in French retired
persons’ purchasing power. That is why he announced a
general increase in pension rates for September 1. He
added that this is a ‘social justice’ issue. Consumer
prices in France rose by 3.2% during the last twelve
France: Francois Fillon
and Xavier Bertrand are Inflexible About the Pension
Issue (May 5, 2008)
(Article in French)
François Fillon, French prime minister,
announced May 5 that the government is going to make
French people work and contribute to the pension funds
longer, according to a plan of action decided in 2003.
Xavier Bertrand, the labor minister, declared that it
was “the only solution.” Trade unions blame the
government for doing a last-minute fix.
Russia: No Pension Reform (April
28, 2008)
(Article in Russian)
“We cannot launch another reform like in 2002, but we
should essentially correct our pension system,” said
Finance Minister Alexey Kudrin. So, the promised
government changes will not be radical but rather
involve minor corrections to the existing system. The
main goal of the changes is “to ensure pension growth
and better quality of pension service to citizens,“
assured Kudrin.
Russia: Ministry of Health
and Social Development Plans to Eliminate Poverty
among Pensioners (April 25, 2008)
(Article in Russian)
The Ministry of Health and Social Development plans to
increase pensions and eliminate poverty among
pensioners. Starting October 1, 2008, citizens will be
able to start depositing their volunteer pension
savings to the Pension Fund. This and other government
planned measures will hopefully allow a gradual
pension increase over the next few years.
Russia: The Biggest
Pensioners' Revolt in Chelyabinsk (April 24, 2008)
(Article in Russian)
Hundreds of pensioners took to the streets of
Chelyabinsk to protest against “monetization” of their
entitlements – the law replacing their in-kind
benefits with cash payments. Observers called it one
of the largest social protests in the region with
1,200 pensioners blocking city traffic and the
entrance to the regional Senate.
Russia: Russian Pensioners
Protest against Low Pensions (April 23, 2008)
(Article in Russian)
Hundreds of pensioners are marching through Russian
cities protesting against their low pensions. The
majority of Russian pensioners continue to live below
the poverty line. Protesting pensioners are demanding
that the government improve their miserable living
standards. This countrywide protest is the first of
three planned by the Independent Unions' Federation
for this spring.
France: Pensions: The
Unemployment Fund Can Mend the Hole (April 22, 2008)
(Article in French)
The UNEDIC (the National Inter-Professional Union for
industrial and trade workers) holds the French
Government’s insurance fund account for unemployed
workers. In 2007 the account had a surplus, amounting
to about 3.5 billions euros. The Government wants to
use the funds to pay off the deficit in social
security accounts. However, the French trade unions
would prefer that the government redistribute the
benefits to protect jobless persons and other
vulnerable workers better.
Greece: ‘Special Regimes’ Have Been Removed (April
16, 2008)
(Article in French)
Despite three general strikes that paralyzed the
country affecting millions of people, the Greek
Parliament voted in favor of a law that will remove
pension ‘special regimes’ and make the period for
worker contributions longer. We are reminded that
Greece is one European country where the percentage of
the aging population is among the highest.
Germany: Employers Protest
Increases in the German Pension (April 8,2008)
Germany's cabinet supported a plan to raise state
pensions by 1.1% this year and by as much as 2% in
2009. Employers reacted in anger, saying the decision
will cost jobs. The pension rise translates to 2.5
billion more euros by 2011. Some say that the federal
budget cannot handle the increase. Germany has one of
the lowest birth rates in the world. The population
will fall from currently 82.5 million to 69 million by
Czech Republic: Pension
Fund Yields in 2007 Lowest in Memory (April 4, 2008)
In 2007, the Czech Republic recorded the lowest yield
in its pension fund in history. The international
financial crisis, as well as the poor results of the
Czech economy, makes economists contemplate a yield of
around zero at the end of 2008. Still, experts are
advising workers to invest their pension money into
these long-term funds. The law forbids pension funds
from posting losses, requiring parent banks to
cover them.
Latvia: Pension
Increase in April (April 4, 2008)
(Article in Russian)
Some 490,000 retired Latvians will get a pension
increase in April this year. “Latvian pensioners
deserve decent treatment as they age so our main goal
is to gradually raise retirees’ level of living,” says
the Minister of Welfare Iveta Purne.
Russia: Monetization
of Transport Benefits Negatively Effects Pensioners
in Chelyabinsk (April 4, 2008)
(Article in Russian)
The government of Chelyabinsk region plans to replace
pensioners' in-kind transportation benefits with cash
payments. However, the change may negatively affect
pensioners in the region who are frequent users of
public transportation. During the summer, seniors
regularly ride trains and buses to get to their garden
plots located outside of the cities.
Ireland: Irish
Pensions Lose €10bn in Value (April 3, 2008)
The Irish Pension Fund Market dropped dramatically by
3.6% according to the agency Hewitt Associates. It is
a total drop of 11.4% for the first quarter of 2008.
The month of March was bad for the economy in general,
with the rise in oil and the recession in the US
housing market.
Bosnia: Bosnia ‘Greedy’
Pension Plan Slammed (April 2, 2008)
A number of NGO’s are accusing Bosnian government
representatives of being ‘greedy.’ On March 27,
deputies of the Parliament signed a proposal raising
pensions and lowering retirement ages for the
legislators. It happened at the same time as studies
from the Center Civil Initiatives showed that few of
Bosnia’s state and government institutions have
fulfilled their action plans for 2007.
Russia: Ministry of Health
and Social Development Plans to Eliminate Poverty
among Pensioners (April, 2008)
(Article in Russian)
The Ministry of Health and Social Development plans to
increase pensions and eliminate poverty among
pensioners. Starting October 1, 2008, citizens will be
able to start depositing their volunteer pension
savings to the Pension Fund. This and other government
planned measures will hopefully allow a gradual
pension increase over the next few years.
Romania: Romania May
Speed up Pension Hikes (March 31, 2008)
The Romanian administration is considering raising or
even doubling state pensions until 2009. Economists
are afraid of the economic consequences. Such a
measure would trigger a huge increase in internal
demand too quickly, bringing on inflation. Many accuse
the government of “crowd pleasing.”
United Kingdom: Are Older
People Risking Their Futures? (March 28, 2008)
Help the Aged reveals the facts about how elderly fall
into the trap of getting easy credit and don't have
enough money to pay it back. This trend may represent
a debt crisis for persons entering retirement age. As
a result, Help the Aged has called for the government
to track pension poverty.
France: Pensions:
Trade Unions and the Government are Negotiating
(March 26, 2008)
(Article in French)
The second negotiation period between the French trade
unions and the government is about to begin. Raising
the retirement age seems problematic. Pensioners would
have to work 41 years instead of the 40 years required
today. Unions have denounced this measure as ‘unfair,’
especially for workers who have harsh working
conditions. They have already called for a strike to
protest such a measure.
Russia: Pensions to be
Delivered to Seniors' Homes in Chechnya (March 20,
(Article in Russian)
Chechen Republic's government created a service to
deliver pensions to pensioners' homes. Previously, the
government received a large number of complaints from
seniors about poor service at the pension centers. The
new delivery service is successfully functioning in 16
regions in Chechnya.
Russia: Russian Pension
Fund Accused of Embezzlement (March 20, 2008)
(Article in Russian)
Managers of Russia's pension fund are involved in a
corruption scandal. The fund's former top-managers are
accused of embezzling 43.5 million rubles from the
pension budgets. The managers drew down extra –
budgetary funds aimed for social development and
construction to buy elite real estate in Moscow.
Russia: Moscow Region
Increases Pensions up to Minimum Wage Level (March
20, 2008)
(Article in Russian)
The Moscow Region government increased pensions up to
3,254 rubles per month, reaching the region's minimum
wage level. Some 500,000 senior citizens will receive
a bonus starting March 1, 2008. It is estimated that
more than 4 billion rubles will be invested for this
important increase in benefits.
Russia: Life Expectancy
Increases in Stavropol Region (March 18, 2008)
(Article in Russian).
Life expectancy continues to increase in Stavropol
region, Russia. More than 4,500 invalids and senior
citizens live up to 72 years of age while the average
life expectancy in Russia has dropped to the low of 65
years. Why is Stavropol better off? The Stavropol
government has increased funding for senior citizens
and provides additional medical services for them.
Congratulations, Savropol!
Russia: Electronic Document Control System for
Pension Payments (March 15, 2008)
(Article in Russian)
An electronic system for pension payments proved to be
successful during the testing process. It will now be
gradually implemented in the Samar region of Russia. A
new system will provide pensioners with all data
regarding their pension payments and other
Germany: Berlin to Raise
State Pensions (March 15, 2008)
The German government plans to raise pension payments
by 1.1% in July for 20 million pensioners. It will
help older persons who have been endangered by price
increases and inflation since the beginning of the
year. Reserves accumulated in state pension funds will
finance these increases. The government said the
consequences on the budget will be small.
Russia: Pension Fund Invests
19 million Rubles for Pensioners (March 13, 2008)
(Article in Russian)
An additional 19 million rubles will be invested for
war veterans and low-income pensioners living in the
Sverdlovsk region. The investment will help pay for
seniors' basic necessities, including medicine and
food. The money will also help the elderly to improve
their general health and receive dental care.
Russia: President Putin Calls
for Pension System Reforms (March 11, 2008)
(Article in Russian)
President Vladimir Putin has called for urgent pension
system reforms. The President suggested the
introduction of subsidies to complement pension
savings and adoption of the law on co-financing
voluntary pension savings. The system changes are to
be made as soon as this year, noted the
United Kingdom: Workers
Win Pension Compensation (March 11, 2008)
The United Kingdom adopted a new law to compensate
workers who have lost at least half of their savings
when their companies closed out pension schemes but
remained in business, affecting 10,000 people. Union
workers warily welcomed the bill that enables people
who lost funds to be compensated. This is indeed a
good initiative, preventing companies from defaulting
on their promise to provide pensions to their workers.
Greece: Greece Hit by
Strikes, Power Cuts over Pension Bill (March 11,
National electrical utility unions as well as garbage
collector employees decided to extend their strike in
Greece. They are protesting a government pension
reform bill that increases the retirement age and
reduces benefits, especially for women and working
mothers. On the other hand, the government defends the
changes, explaining that the current system is
unsustainable and the social security system will
collapse in 15 years without changes. A compromise
must be found to reach the goal of sustainability
without weakening the security of older persons.
Czech Republic:
Government Approves Amendment to Pension Law (March
11, 2008)
The Czech government agreed on March 9, 2008, to make
pension indexation conditions more flexible to
compensate for inflation in the country. Prices rise
annually by 7.5% in the Czech Republic. The measure
will allow pensions to rise as well. The Parliament
and President still have to agree for the law to
become effective. If accepted, it would be affect more
than 2.7 million people.
France: ‘Live and not
Survive’ with Pensions (March 6, 2008)
French retired persons demonstrated in their capital
city, Paris, to protest against the poor level of
their pensions. Surrounded by the biggest retiree
trade unions, and helped by slogans like ‘pensions to
live and not survive,’ they demanded a revaluation of
their pensions. Some demonstrators have to cope with
living on a monthly 800 euros pension and cannot
afford health care, even for serious conditions.
France: The French Worry
about their Pension (February 26, 2008)
(Article in French)
A new study by the polling institutes TNS
Sofres-Fidelity shows that European people worry about
their pensions. French people worry the most, whereas
inhabitants from Northern Europe are less preoccupied.
Europeans think, on average, that people should take
care of their pension savings by the age of 28.
Sixty-five percent of French people feel they should
get more information about pension savings and
retirement from the government.
North Ossetia Increases
Expenses for Social Programs for Elderly (February
26, 2008)
(Article in Russian)
North Ossetia, Alania, a republic of Russia in the
Caucasias, plans to increase the budget for social
projects and spend RUB 1,697 billion for their
implementation in 2008. Studies show that the
population is aging fast, and half of the senior
citizens are 70 years and older. The republic
implements a number of social projects for invalids
and war veterans as well as politically repressed
Belgium: Belgians Want to
Retire at 62 (February 18, 2008)
(Article in French)
A new study from the General Statistics and Economics
Information Direction in Belgium shows that the
“planned age of retirement” and the “real age of
retirement” are two completely different notions. The
planned age of retirement is the age of a worker who
considers stopping working. The real age arrives when
a retired person receives his or her first pension.
This interesting article clarifies some of the
categories and stereotypes around retirement
Russia: Ryazan Region
Develops a System of Social Services for Pensioners
(February 16, 2008)
(Article in Russian)
The local Government of the Ryazan regions supports
its pensioners in several ways. Six thousand elderly
people receive monthly bonuses to their pensions. Last
year, 37 million rubles were allocated from the
region's budget for Great Patriotic War veterans'
needs. This year the region plans to develop and
finalize a plan for improving the social service
system for pensioners up until the year 2015.
Russia: Pension Reform (January 29, 2008)
(Article in Russian)
The Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development
plans to “re-style” the pension system. Vice-Premier
Dmitry Medvedev said that the government is “targeting
for changing the system” towards its simplified and
transparent version. Last week Vladimir Putin also
announced a pension increase in 2008. The question is,
“How does the government plan to implement these
pension reforms?”
Russia: Russia Launches an
Experiment to Automate Pension Payments (January 22,
(Article in Russian)
Ten regions in Russia launched an experiment to
automate the pension payment system, which should help
to eliminate corruption and make the process of making
payments faster. The electronic control system will
also decrease the time required to process and allow
pensioners to receive payments quickly and without
Russia: Pensions Increase by 12%
in February 2008 (January 21, 2008)
(Article in Russian)
Insured pensions in Russia increase by 12% starting
February 1, 2008. The Russian government estimates it
will allow pension increases for more than 26 million
people. The Pension Fund will allocate RUB 89,61
million from the federal budget for increases in
Russia: Pensioners in Sochi
to Receive a Monthly Bonus of RUB500 (January 18,
(Article in Russian)
All pensioners in Sochi will receive RUB500 as a
monthly bonus. The Sochi government estimates that a
total of RUB600 million will be spent on bonus
payments in 2008. One hundred thousand pensioners will
start receiving bonuses from January 1, 2008.
Russia: Putin: “We Have to
Put an End to Poverty among Pensioners” (January 16,
(Article in Russian)
Vladimir Putin called on the Government “to put an end
to poverty among pensioners” during his meeting with
Parliament members. The President noted that it was
necessary to raise the pension compensation rate in
Russia. Putin also criticized the Government for high
rates of inflation in 2007 which led to significant
price increases in the country. What will happen now?
Norway's Pension Fund May Ban Sex Industry, Tobacco,
Gambling (January 16, 2008)
The Norwegian pension fund may
forbid gambling, sex and tobacco companies from its
investment portfolio. A ban already exists for firms
accused of violating human rights or being
ecologically unfriendly. Minister Kristin Halvorsen
also said a more generous fund could be opened for
companies that invest in renewable-energy companies.
Norway has the largest pension plan in all Europe.
Publication of the General ‘Special Regimes’ in the
French Official Gazette (January 16, 2008)
(Article in French)
The proposed ‘special regimes’ reform of RATP and
SNCF, two French rail companies, has fallen off the
government agenda. Decrees came out in the ‘Journal
Officiel,’ (the official gazette of the French
Republic) on January 15th. The Decrees announced the
increase in the retirement age for the railroad
workers, from 37.5 years old to 40 years old by 2012.
The announcement of this measure brought about strikes
in public transportation throughout October and
November 2007. But the government won this battle and
the retirement age has been extended.
Greek Workers to Strike Feb 13 Over Pension Reforms
(January 15, 2008)
Greek workers from the private sectors will go
out on strike on February 13. They are protesting
against the government’s pension changes. These
changes will raise the retirement age in a certain
number of professions that have been considered as
‘dangerous or unhealthy, ’ such as shipyard workers,
builders or hairdressers. Greece currently faces a
very low birth rate and a dramatically increase in the
elder population.
Karabakh: Government Increases Social Payments by
57% in 2008 (January 10, 2008)
in Russian)
Nagorniy Karabakh enjoyed an economically successful
year in 2007 which will allow the regional
government to increase the expenses in the social
sector by 57% in 2008. The government also plans to
improve the pension system as well by developing a
foundation for demographic policies in the
President of Kirgizia: “If the Pension Age Does
not Rise Now, We Will Become a Nation of
Pensioners” (January 10, 2008)
in Russian)
President of Kirgizia Kurmanbek Bakiev has proposed
increasing the pension age which is now equivalent
to 60 years old for men and 55 for women. Mr. Bakiev
believes that both men and women are quite able to
continue working at this age. He also noted that the
current pension age might be retained for people
living in the regions with severe climate
Krasnoyarsk Region Pays Monthly Bonuses for
Pensioners to Buy Public Transport Passes (January
10, 2008)
(Article in Russian)
Pensioners in the Kransoyarsk region will receive
RUB100 on a monthly basis to help them purchase
passes for public transportation.. However,
pensioners are free to spend the bonus payment on
their own personal needs. It is estimated that
756,000 pensioners reside in Krasnoyarsk region now
and all of them will start receiving compensation in
January, 2008.
Yekaterinburg Will Continue to Pay Social Benefits
in 2008 (January 10, 2008)
(Article in Russian)
Pensioners of Yekaterinburg will continue to receive
RUB 2,000 in social benefits as well as RUB 1,200 as
compensation for housing repair works. Only those
having 35 years in previous work experience will be
eligible for payments.
Russia: Pensions
in Moscow Increase Twice (January 3, 2008)
in Russian)
Pensions in Moscow will be increased twice in 2008,
says the Major Yuri Luzhkov. The Moscow government
is allocating RUB 20,1 billion for the increase.
Pensions will go up to RUB 5,310 by February 1,
2008, and a second increase is scheduled for
December, 2008, when the pension level will reach
RUB 6,54.
Return to Top of Page
Middle East & North Africa
Israel: As
Economic Crisis Hits, Israel Moves to Shore Up
Pension Funds (December 15, 2008)
Israel offers to partially offset any further pension
fund losses incurred by eligible workers after
November 30, 2008. Among developed countries hit by
the financial crisis, Israel is believed to be alone
in offering such a direct bailout to retirement
savers. However, the rescue may fall short of what the
workers need.
Herzog: Change the Pension System (November 30,
Isaac Herzog, minister of welfare and social services,
heads the special ministerial committee that deals
with pensions, and is proposing to reform the pension
system in Israel. Herzog is leading efforts to
increase the accountability of pension fund
management. “I have nothing against private pension
funds, but the regulatory framework in which they
operate should be much stricter," said Herzog.
Council U-Turn over Pensions (October 27, 2008)
Plans to introduce a one-off seven per cent increase
for pensioners to help them cope with Bahrain's rising
living costs have been put on hold after a Shura
Council U-turn. The decision to withdraw the initial
go-ahead was taken after officials and pension experts
warned it might harm the Pension Fund Authority, and
many councilors who had previously supported the
increase changed their position.
Pensions Rise Urged By MP (October 26, 2008)
Bahrain Member of Parliament Jalal Fairooz is
championing the cause to increase pensions for
private sector retirees. Fairooz said that while
retired private sector workers have received the same
pension for more than a decade, their counterparts in
the government sector had received a 3% increase every
year. The last time private sector retirees got a
raise in their retirement salary was 13 years ago.
Protecting the Old (October 22, 2008)
A group of activists announced last week that they
would establish a union aimed at defending the rights
of Egypt's eight million pensioners. Tagammu Chairman
Rifaat El-Said stressed that the union, which
anticipates around 250,000 members, will pursue a
social rather than overtly political agenda. As
worries about savings increase, some pensioners have
demanded that their national insurance payments be
returned so that they can decide how to invest the
money themselves.
Egypt: A
Plan to Expand the Delivery of Pensions for Older
Persons at their Homes, Hospitals and Care Homes
(September 17, 2008)
(Article in Arabic)
Ms. Sumhia Mahmoud Al-Shiekh, the President of the
public treasury under the Ministry of Treasury,
approved a plan to expand the delivery of pensions.
According to statistics from July of last year, an
estimated 1,600 persons in Cairo alone will benefit
from this expansion.
Arab Emirates: Pensions Play Key Role In Building
Strong Economy (August 27, 2008)
Richard Dean analyzes why the Middle East lacks secure
and effective pension plans compared to some other
regions of the world. The author explains that in
Middle Eastern countries new laws and economic
planning are required in order to maintain people’s
pensions and a healthy economy. Dean concludes by
assessing the prospects for change.
East and North Africa: Urgent Pension Reforms Needed
in the Middle East and North Africa, (August 23,
(Article in Arabic)
People tend to associate pension problems with the
increasing population of old persons. However, all
countries in the Middle East share a relatively young
population. Many researchers have realized that the
pension problem is structural, not demographic. The
reports prepared by the World Bank confirm the
region’s need for pension reform. According to Robert
Holzmann, Director of the World Bank's Social
Protection Unit, “there's no single recipe for reform,
countries can mix and match different elements of an
effective pension system, based on their own
Patience Iraqi People (July 12, 2008)
(Article in Arabic)
This article describes the “humiliating” experience
Iraqi pensioners must endure to get their pension
checks from the bank. The author, who tried to collect
his pension check, was forced to sit in a hot
overcrowded waiting room for hours. When he finally
was able to receive his pension, he was given a single
bill which was too large to spend easily in the
market. He requested smaller bills and the worker
charged him for it. This article shows the hardships
and dysfunctions that older people face in an
occupied, war-torn country.
Freedom to Switch Pension Savings Tracks Starts in
2008 (June 23, 2008)
In July, local consumers will be able to transfer
their pension funds more freely between various
pension plans. This will permit consumers to choose
their plans for maximum benefit although poor
decisions could hurt their investments. This change
may affect insurance companies, as the government
expects consumers to transfer savings out of insurance
and into better-paying alternatives.
Kipco in Talks to Launch ME Pension Firm (June 2,
Business representatives from the investment
firm, Kuwait Projects Company (Kipco), said that they
are talking with 10 European companies about setting
up a Middle East pensions firm with assets up to $1
billion. Kipco wants to create pension plans for
people in the Middle East, who often have no option
besides relying on their families for financial
support in their old age.
Financial Advisers Hatch Retirement Plans (April
When it came to pensions, the issue was simple for
Egyptians. Contribute to the national pension plan
every month and collect checks when you hit retirement
age. Nowadays it is much harder. Worried about the
national pension fund’s long-term solvency, the
government has permitted private alternatives to
spring up all over Egypt. The American Chamber of
Commerce that promotes privatization has suggested
ways that Egyptians can invest in private plans, with
both general advice and Egypt-specific points.
Pension and Social Security Check the Same Day a
Worker Reaches Retirement Age (May 31, 2008)
(Article in Arabic)
Dr. Yousef Boutros Ghali, Minister of Finance, issued
a decision adjusting pension payment rules in order to
allow workers to receive social security and pension
payments the very day they reach retirement age.
Minister of Solidarity Announces Lowering of
Retirement Age (May 27, 2008)
(Article in Arabic)
Dr. Ali Al Masilhi, Minister of Social Solidarity,
announced Sunday that the Ministry will introduce a
bill into the Parliament’s upcoming session to lower
the age to begin receiving social security from 60 to
58 years.
Jordan: Minimum
Pension Raised to 860 Dinar (May 25, 2008)
(Article in Arabic)
In response to high inflation, Fahd Rajan, general
director of the Public Institution for Social
Security, declared that he will raise the minimum
pension limit from 690 dinars per month to 860.
Bahrain: Row
Over Women's Early retirement (May 13, 2008)
The Shura Council yesterday blocked a law to allow
female civil servants to take their retirement at the
age of 50 years old. The Council offered two
arguments: First, this measure would discriminate
against women because it suggests that women cannot
work after they reach 50 years old and would deprive
them of access to leadership positions. Second, the
measure would be too costly.
As Morocco Faces Ageing Population, Pension Funds
get Renewed Attention (March 30, 2008)
The Government of Morocco is reforming the pension
system. According to the Moroccan Interprofessional
Pension Fund (CIMR), the pension system is
unsustainable and will collapse in 2019 if nothing is
done. The Minister of Finance and Economy said the
government is considering consolidating the pension
fund system, honoring its long-term commitments and
creating a ‘harmonious and coherent system.’
175 000 Pensioners Slip Below Poverty Line in Israel
(March 23, 2008)
(Article in Russian)
There is a significant rise in poverty among
pensioners in Israel. In 2007, almost 25% of senior
citizens slipped below poverty line. The experts
relate the income fall to the government's gradual
reduction of pensions. The Bank of Israel estimates
that the chance for an Israeli pensioner to live below
poverty line is two times higher than for a pensioner
in any other country.
Oman: Oman
Raises State Pension Payments by up to 35% (March
19, 2008)
Oman Representative’s ruler, Sultan Qaboos announced
the Government will raise the State pension between 5
and 35% to compensate for pensioners‘s lack of
resources, due to inflation. The raise will be
effective this month. Unfortunately, no more details
are now available.
Morocco: Pension Reform
is Necessary (March 13, 2008)
(Article in French)
Researchers say that some changes must be made in the
Moroccan pension system. Several studies show that the
current workers cannot support the growing number of
retired persons. That is why scholars are looking for
solutions to keep the commitments given to older
persons. In this article, the authors reaffirm that
receiving a pension is a human right and shouldn’t be
seen as a burden but as an investment.
Turkey: Turkey to End
‘Nightmarish’ Pensions for 48-Year-Olds (February
27, 2008)
A 1990 law in Turkey enables people to retire at the
age of 48. However, the pension system in Turkey is
overburdened and the government is trying to reform
the law. With the country’s largest trade union,
scholars from the government are writing a proposal
that would lift the retirement age to 65 by
to Top of Page
Report: World: Public and
Private Pension Expenditure (2008)
This report comes from Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development (OECD) Factbox. It
displays the public and private pension expenditures
in various countries. Statistics are available from
1990 to 2005, regarding public pension expenditure and
2002 to 2008, regarding private pension expenditure,
as a percentage of GDP. Check out your home country
and identify the nations with the highest number of
elders who are living in poverty. Any surprises?
Plan to Live on a Salary (December 6, 2008)
(Article in Spanish)
Many persons planning to retire in the near future do
not have a plan for how they will live once they do
not have a regular salary. Pensions are offered to
those who qualify, but this may not be enough to
provide for their needs. All retirees should be
encouraged to create a monetary plan that is explicit
about where their money is going. In this plan, older
persons should write down all their expenses and
refrain from buying things that are not budgeted.
Stock Market Crash a Threat to Pensions in Many
Countries (October 29, 2008)
(Article in French)
In the United States, in the last few months, the
pension funds of 51 million Americans have lost value.
Many had invested in 401(k) plans, consisting of
investments in the stock market and acting as a
complement to other types of pensions. According to
Thomas Phillippon, professor at NYU, the crisis
reveals flaws inherent to the pension system. Chile
and Argentina face similar difficulties because they
opted for a similar pension system. In parts of
Europe, especially in Poland, Hungary and the Czech
Republic where pension systems have recently been
privatized, the system will not survive a major
lengthy crisis because they were established only
recently and have not accumulated enough money.
Pension Fund Performance (OECD Working Paper on
Insurance and Private Pensions) (August 20, 2008)
This report provides an analysis of
aggregate investment performance by country on a risk
adjusted basis using relatively standard investment
performance measures. The report also describes
privately managed pension funds around the world and
the regulatory environment they face. It compares
pension funds across countries according to total
assets under management and asset allocation, and
briefly discusses certain issues surrounding the data
reported by pension funds and regulators on investment
World: Population Aging and Economic Growth (April
The Harvard University-based authors of the World
Bank’s Commission on Economic Growth looks at the
impact of population aging on economic growth among
persons 60 years old and over between 2000 and 2050.
Because the study was written before the current
global financial meltdown, it’s unclear whether the
new reality would change the authors’ conclusions. In
general, they predict that rich countries will give
greater support to older generations, shifting the
responsibility from families to states. The authors
cross their fingers that families in poor countries
can continue to cope with elder needs or pressure
their governments for social pensions. Is crossing our
fingers sufficient?
World: Ageways 70: Social
Pensions (February 2008)
More than 70 countries across the world provide a
social pension, including at least 50 low and middle
income countries. Their experience shows that social
pensions are affordable and feasible and that they
contribute to economic growth. HelpAge International
is calling for a universal social pension for all
people over 60 years of age, arguing that a universal
pension (paid to everyone over a certain age) is more
effective at reaching the poorest people than a
means-tested pension (paid only to older people living
below a defined poverty level).
2008 Global Pension Assets Study (January 2008)
This report from Watson Wyatt analyses 11 countries’
(Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong,
Ireland, Japan, Netherlands, Switzerland, United
Kingdom, and United States) pension assets. It seems
that pension assets have risen everywhere, from 1997
to 2007, but the fastest growing markets are in the
US, UK, Japan and Canada. However pension funds
markets are volatile and subject to change. This
report explains how.
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